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By Shylah Clark.  It’s not all about you!  Talk about subjects that interests others.  Follow trends or comments about others.  Compliments others.

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Presentation on theme: "By Shylah Clark.  It’s not all about you!  Talk about subjects that interests others.  Follow trends or comments about others.  Compliments others."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Shylah Clark

2  It’s not all about you!  Talk about subjects that interests others.  Follow trends or comments about others.  Compliments others. (ie Congratulations on graduations, wedding or new baby!

3  Social media sites allow us to research others but do not let them know!  You can be accused of being a stalker.  What you see is not always what you get.

4  Avoid tagging your friends in unflattering pictures.  We’re not the only ones researching others online, potential and current employers often research employees social media pages.  Unflattering pictures can get your friend (and you!) fired or not hired.

5  If you have a business or product to promote do not flood your friends timeline with advertisement.  If you and your friend have a personal conversation on a social site such as Twitter, send a direct message.  Many people do not like to see their timeline flooded with things that do not pertain to them. It’s the fasted way to become unfriended!

6  Do not overuse acronyms in online conversation.  Avoid them in business correspondance.  Remember: Everybody do not know what they mean!

7  Spira, Julie (2010). The Top 10 Rules of Netiquette for Social Media. Retrieved from top-10-rules-of-netiquette-for-social- media.

8 By Shylah Clark

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