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Bell Ringer!!  Get out your device, and log onto your Edmodo Account!  You will see posted your first assignment, please read and complete the assignment!

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer!!  Get out your device, and log onto your Edmodo Account!  You will see posted your first assignment, please read and complete the assignment!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer!!  Get out your device, and log onto your Edmodo Account!  You will see posted your first assignment, please read and complete the assignment!

2 Edmodo Codes  Physical Science:  2A: 24sd5t  3A: i8vn9c  4A: rwwpg8  1B: 6q77vr  2B: 84i8yr  4B: yxauhj

3 WHAT TO DO!  Use Edmodo Accounts  Introduction to my webpage  Create a folder for my class


5 What’s The Point Poster Project  Create and present a poster for the topics assigned to your group that demonstrates/shows the main ideas of those topics. Your posters can follow any format you would like wrong/right cartoons, advertising signs, class room posters, story boards, ect… Be creative and have fun!  You will Begin by doing research on your assigned topic. For your topic you must take the notes using your notes sheet given by me!  Rules:  Your group’s topic must be stated on the poster  You must include AT LEAST 5 points about this topic  Also include any key vocabulary  You must include at least 1hand created picture, graphic, or cartoon.  Pictures must pertain to your groups’ topic/topics.  The entire group must present their posters to the class.

6 Ticket out the door!  In reference to the concept you were assigned for your presentation; explain how you could apply it to one daily activity?  Ex: Scientific method: How to create a PB and J

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