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September 8, 2014 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 1.

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Presentation on theme: "September 8, 2014 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 8, 2014 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 1

2 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 2

3 Pierce College Accreditation Process Status Report Are we not DONE? The accreditation cycle Have we not just done this? Accreditation Timeline The Standards Institutional Self Evaluation Report (ISER) 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 3

4 Q 1 Pierce College was reaffirmed accreditation in. a)March 2013 b)July 2013 c)March 2014 d)July 2014 Please explain your answer Correct answer: b) 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 4

5 Pierce College Accreditation Status Report 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 5

6 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 6

7 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 7

8 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 8

9 Q 2 The accreditation cycle is completed. a)annually b)every 3 years c)every 6 years d)on an on-going basis Correct answer: c) 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 9

10 Internal EvaluationExternal Evaluation Institutional Self Improvement Commission Evaluation Student Achievement and Institutional Effectiveness 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 10

11 Q 3 The next accreditation cycle for Pierce is 2018-2019. True False Correct answer: False. Our next cycle is 2015-2016 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 11

12 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 12

13 Internal Evaluation External Evaluation Institutional Self Improvement Commission Evaluation Student Achievement and Institutional Effectiveness 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 13

14 Q 4 An internal evaluation consists of a)An Annual Report b)A Midterm Report c)A Self Evaluation Report d)All of the above Correct answer: d) 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 14

15 Accreditation Timeline for the ISER for the March 2016 Visit First Draft Fall 2014 Second Draft Spring 2015 Final Fall 2015 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 15

16 ALO, FAC, and representatives from all campus constituencies Manages the process Accreditation Steering Committee Standards Co-Chairs and Standards Members Compile and organize the drafts Standards Committees Standards Members Collect evidence and address the standards Standards Sub- Committees 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 16

17 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 17

18 Measure the institution’s educational quality and the success of its students Student Achievement (completion of certificates or degrees, successful transfers) Student Learning 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 18

19 New Standards as of June 2014 Standard IStandard IIStandard IIIStandard IV A. MissionA. Instructional Programs A. Human ResourcesA.Decision-Making Roles and Processes B.Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness B.Library and Learning Support Services B. Physical ResourcesB. Chief Executive Officer C. Institutional IntegrityC. Student Support Services C. Technology ResourcesC. Governing Board D. Financial ResourcesD.Multi-College District or Systems 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 19

20 Summary of Changes (ACCJC News, Summer 2014, 4) Standard I The section on Mission has been expanded Academic Quality is now a subsection Outlines expectations for defining and assessing student performance and completion outcomes Institutional Integrity is a separate section Standards previously in other sections and new expectations for integrity and honesty in actions, communications, and policies. 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 20

21 Summary of Changes (ACCJC News, Summer 2014, 5) Standard II Instructional Programs Responsibilities and expectations for assuring academic quality, and sets expectations for degree requirements, including general education. Library and Learning Resources Assures that aspects from the Standards in the two other sections of Standard II will also pertain to library and learning resources and services. Student Support– Defines expectations for Co-curricular programs and athletics Academic advising and student pathways to completion 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 21

22 Summary of Changes (ACCJC News, Summer 2014, 5) Standard III Human Resources Expectations are defined for qualifications of all personnel who have responsibility for academic quality 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 22

23 Summary of Changes (ACCJC News, Summer 2014, 5) Standard IV Decision-Making Roles and Processes, Chief Executive Officer, Governing Board, and Multi- College Districts or Systems Specific delineation and distinction of roles and responsibilities in leadership and governance For multi-college districts, the standard defines specific expectations for the functional relationship between a district or system and a college. 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 23

24 Next Steps What is in the ISER History and Institutional Data Four Standards (Co-Chairs) Fourteen Sections (3, 3, 4, 4) One hundred and twenty eight subsections (!!!!) Eligibility Requirements (21, 5 addressed separately) Policy Requirements 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 24

25 Next Steps 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 25

26 9/8/2014 Margarita Pillado -- Faculty Accreditation Coordinator -- Los Angeles Pierce College 26

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