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Trends and Consumerism in Health Care
Important Attributes Of Quality Health Care: Consumer Perspectives.
Introduction The purpose of the study was to survey the consumers perspective of high-quality health care. Participants of the study indicate the importance of nurses being up-to-date and well informed; communication with patients on illnesses, medications, treatments and how to stay healthy live longer, time to review patients needs. The study concludes all patients with any level of income should be taught about health issues that pertain to them (Oermann & Templin, 2000). Speaker Notes: introduction The presentation will be discussing the background, methodology, result, and conclusion of the article, Important attributes of quality health care: Consumer perspectives. The background will be summarizing the article how it applies to consumerism and the research on consumers’ perspectives on healthcare. The methodology will discuss the scope of the article Important attributes of quality health care: Consumer perspectives. The result will show if the article discusses enough to determine the effectiveness of the study. Then to wrap up the presentation the conclusion will summarize the future trends on health care research and consumerism as presented here.
Customer Service or Consumerism in Health Care
There was research done to measure the quality of care Consumers perspective on quality of care Several survey’s were conducted Patient education Patients were able to gain information about health care Google Images, (2011). Consumers in Health Care. Retrieved from Speaker Notes: customer service or consumerism in health care The article pertained information about research and survey’s that was conducted to see what the general public think about the quality of health care that is received when they visit their physician. There was a survey conducted of 1,081 consumers , 50% of the consumers were enrolled in fee-for hire, 23% were in HMO plans, 11% were PPO plans and the remaining 16% were unsure how to characterize their coverage. After speaking with the consumers about their insurance, it was determined that based on the level of insurance, the quality of health care varied. Many believed, their insurance should provide a high level of customer service, high quality of care, low cost, and extended benefits. Consumers are speaking out more about the quality of care they are receiving, high quality care comes from health providers that are highly trained and well informed. There are many health care providers that does not believe in the customer service aspect of their profession and it shows in the quality of service they give their consumers. Nurses, Doctors and other health care professionals have a duty education their patients on health care. Consumers now want information about health care, and the level of quality of service they should be receiving. They are interested in quality of their health care plans, and the level of service. Image citation: Google Images, (2011). Consumers in Health Care. Retrieved from PM:&imgrefurl= risk&docid=HpxtUCUa0LiHbM&w=254&h=193&ei=69NrTsX0NMqusAKNrInFBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=217&vpy=346&dur=387&hovh=148&h ovw=180&tx=62&ty=59&page=3&tbnh=148&tbnw=180&start=36&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:36
Effect on Consumer Perspectives
Speaker Notes: effect of consumer perspectives The effect of research on consumer perspectives on health care allowed the consumers perspective to be taken seriously and identify the importance of the quality of health care that is delivered. In 1996 there was a telephone survey of 2,006 participants and 42% of them rated quality of care as their main concern. Customer service is an important factor when providing quality care. The level of care does not only come from the service provided by the doctors, it is an overall experience. Research has showed consumers ideas of the quality of their physicians, nurses and their knowledge of health care, and the quality of hospitals. Without the proper research, the question of the quality of care may not have been answered from a consumers point of view. Research has given the consumers a voice and a chance to improve on the care they are providing, without research there would be a ton of unanswered question and no solutions. Google Images, (2011). Planned care model. Retrieved from,
Impact on consumer perspective
The impact of the research showed consumers want: More time with nurses, Better communication on health related issues, Education of treatment, Healthier choices and lifestyle advice, and Not feeling rushed while visiting their health care provider. Speaker Notes: impact on consumer perspective The findings of the study concluded patients want high quality of care to include the same service anyone would receive with any other type of service oriented purchase.
Methodology Oermann & Templin, 2000, p, 1 Quality Health Care Questionnaire (QHCQ), and the SF-36 Health Survey. SF-36 is a 36 item survey for measuring health status on eight general areas Speaker Notes: methodology The data collected was from participants that completed the Quality Health Care Questionnaire (QHCQ) and the SF-36 Health Survey on the QHCQ. “They rated the importance of 27 attributes of health care and nursing care quality. The SF-36 is a 36 item instrument for measuring health status in eight general areas” (Oermann, Templin, 2000, p. 1). The study included sample of 239 consumers that were recruited from waiting rooms of clinics and from neighborhoods of large metropolitan areas in the Midwest, with both urban and suburban populations. Those that participated were over the age of 18 and able to speak and write English. None of those that participated had been hospitalized in the past six months. The QHCQ were developed by investigators to include demographics and background information and 27 attributes of health care and nursing care quality. Consumers rated the importance of each attribute in their view of quality health care. “The Likert scale of one (not at all important) to five (very important) was used for this study. The attributes that were used were identified from a literature on health care quality, research, on consumers’ perspectives of quality of care and research on patient satisfaction with nursing care” (Oerman, Templin, 2000, p.1).
Methodology Speaker Notes: methodology
Oermann & Templin 2000, p. 1 Speaker Notes: methodology Factor analysis was done as the principal component analysis. “All factors with eigenvalues greater than one were retained resulting in six factors that accounted for 64% of the variance: medical care, teaching by nurse, provider competence, choice of provider, nurse-patient interaction, and convenience of appointments” (Oerman, Templin, 2000, p. 1). The findings showed that medical care included nine items like getting information on the treatment, being included in the decision of the care, and having access to specialists. The factor teaching by nurse included five items that included the nurse teaching the patient about illnesses, medications and treatments. In the area of provider competence included three items that related to the physicians and nurses being up-to-date and competent of the care they provide. Choice of provider included four items like choosing own physician and having the opportunity to be care for by a nurse practitioner. The factor of nurse-patient interaction had three items on communication with the nurse. The convenience of getting an appointment had two items that related to getting an appointment easily and not having to wait too long after the appointment time. “These factors scores were standardized to a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10”(Oerman, Templin, 2000, p.1).
Evidenced Based Practices
SF-36 Health Survey Quality Health Care Questionnaire Speaker Notes: evidenced based practices Everyone has a different opinion of what the quality of health care with a chronic aliment. The use of SF-36 Health Surveys were used to help with measuring the health status. The SF-36 is a 36-item instrument for measuring health status in eight general areas: “physical functioning, role limitations because of physical health problems, bodily pain, general health, Vitality, social functioning, role limitations because of emotional problems, and mental health” (Oerman, Templin, 2000, p. 1). The other concept measured the health transition on whether or not health standards were reported better or worse than the previous year. “For norm-based scoring of the SF-36 each scale was standardized to a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10 in the general population. In this study the alpha coefficients for the scales from .84 to.90” (Oerman, Templin, 2000, p. 1). The census used for this study were from large metropolitan neighborhoods and the spectrum of consumers included both African Americans and Caucasians and varied socioeconomic level. The surveys were obtained by individual households and door-to-door. While the rest was done by random individuals in clinics waiting rooms within the same neighborhoods. When doing this study they made sure that all areas were covered and that the result could be proven.
results Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the data described in the article in terms of descriptive statistics inferential statistics or both. Google Images, (2011). Statistical results search. Retrieved form, Speaker Notes: results The results of the study differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the data described in the article in terms of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Image citation: Google Images, (2011). Statistical results search. Retrieved from,
Descriptive Statistics
Provides description of the feature of its data. Who? Various people were surveyed Why was the research conducted? To gather data on how people felt about their health care. Google Images, (2011). Descriptive statistics search. Retrieved from, Speaker Notes: descriptive statistics Descriptive data provides a description of the feature and its data. In this article a questionnaire is the descriptive data. The questionnaire is a means of gathering data about how various people feel about health care quality. The quality in this is that the research covers a massive age category. The age ranges from In this case enough people from different age categories were able give their opinion on health care quality. Quantitative responses were accurate also. The research did not study one particular age group but a wide range as a whole. This is good quantitative data.
Inferential Statistics
Descriptive statistics refer to the measurements of data that is presently occurring within all subjects. Inferential statistics refers to (i) assessing the likelihood of something happening at some point in the future, in other words the probability, or (ii) testing a sample of the population in order to generate to the entire population. Google Images, (201)1Inferential Statistics search. Retrieved from, Speaker Notes: inferential statistics Inferential statistics were performed because an extensive research was done to measure high health care quality. The quantitative data is number or variety of people tested in numbers or statistics. The quality in this article was good. It consisted of surveys done on a variety of people both in large metropolitan areas, Midwestern areas, suburbs, and urban areas. There was a questionnaire for a variety of people. With this being said the surveyors would get a good answer from a variety perspective and not just a particular area. The qualitative data is how well the research is conducted. In the article consumers wanted the best quality in health care. The quality of the research was good The surveyors got the opinions of various people’s demographic and background information. The answers gathered in the findings were those married, high school education, employed, race, age, income, and health status. Image citation: Google Images, (2011). Inferential statistics. Retrieved from,
Effectiveness of the Study
The study was effective and concluded: Nurses should always teach consumers about health care. All classes of patients need to be taught. Speaker Notes: effectiveness of the study There is enough information here to make the decision that nurses should always teach consumers about health care and give them the best quality of health care. Regardless of their situation, some maybe low income, not educated or have very little education. These consumers still deserve to be taught about health care. There is enough information to make a decision. A large variety of people were questioned and gave their opinion on the quality of health care. Even though some people are privileged enough to know about health care quality, there are still those that need to be taught.
Conclusion Future trends in health care research. The use of information technology. Standardizing collection of data. Future trends in health care consumerism. Health care will become more patient-focused. Increased participation of patients in the management of their health Integration of those trends Speaker Notes: conclusion Some ways exist for integrating future trends of health care research and consumerism. This is critical for the future of the health care. A future trend of health care research is the continuation of the use of information technology (IT) to improve research. This can include the use of the Internet, virtual simulations and more intuitive software and hardware. Another trend is the standardization of the collection of data. This data would include ethnicity, race, and language as well as sub-groups and priority populations. Health care consumerism is facing reform as well. Health care will become more patient-centered focused as the future draws near. This is a trend that is current and will continue to grow. More emphasis will be placed on a patient’s participation in the management of their health care. Patients will have more of a voice. This can be considered an increase in health care consumerism. Individuals are becoming more concerned with their health and quality of life. As a person ages; they have an increased risk of obtaining age-related diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, and arthritis. Some of these disease’s affects can be mitigated with a healthy lifestyle. Individuals are looking to the health care sector for guidance to achieve this. They will be looking for education on how to manage a healthy lifestyle. A future trend of health care consumerism would include an individual’s increased need for health care to support this mission. Integrating these future trends will be focus of the health care industry.
Conclusion Future trend of combining healthcare research with consumerism. The use of research to determine the affects of daily patient care due to drug shortages. The use of surveys to highlight increase and decrease in healthcare consumerism. Speaker Notes: conclusion part II A future trend of integrating health care consumerism with research is the use of surveys to discover how medication shortages have impacted daily patient care. American Hospital Association (n. d.) stated, “With drug shortages becoming increasingly frequent, the American Hospital Association (AHA) surveyed its members to find out how the shortages have impacted day-to-day patient care. The AHA survey of 820 hospitals revealed that almost 100 percent of hospitals reported a shortage in the last six months and nearly half of the hospitals reported 21 or more drug shortages” (para. 4). Surveys will be used to show how the recent economic downturn of the economy has affected the health care industry and consumerism. In contrast research will be used to show how health care organizations can provide economic growth and stability in a volatile economy. They have provided employment to many who have needed jobs. The use of research can be used to forecast the importance of the patient’s perspective of high-quality of health care.
Conclusion Article review The study’s purpose:
Determining the consumer’s opinion of health care quality. Determine the relationship of patient’s opinion of health status and selected demographic variables. Methods of the study included the use of questionnaires and telephone interviews. Findings of the study included patients place high importance on knowledgeable staff. Health care education received from nursing staff is a high priority with educationally and economically challenged individuals. Speaker Notes: conclusion part III In the review of the article for this presentation; the research described in the article attempted to determine the patient’s opinion of high-quality health care. Oermann and Templin (2000) stated, “The purpose of this study were to: identify the importance to consumers of attributes of health care quality and nursing care quality and examine the relationship of consumer perspectives to health status and selected demographic variables” (para. 1). Consumers were recruited from clinic waiting rooms and in various neighborhoods of a large city in the Midwestern United States. These areas included both suburban and urban populations. The study’s researchers used a questionnaire for the study’s participants. It was founded that patients place a high importance on the knowledge of the nursing staff, spending enough quality time with the nursing staff, and having open communication to address their concerns. It was concluded that many economically and educationally-challenged individuals depend on the nursing staff for their information on health care. It was critical for the management of their illness as well as their health. Surveys will be used to show how the recent economic downturn of the economy has affected the health care industry and consumerism. In contrast research will be used to show how health care organizations can provide economic growth and stability in a volatile economy. They have provided employment to many who have needed jobs. The use of research can be used to forecast the importance of the patient’s perspective of high-quality of health care.
References Oermann, M. H., & Templin, T. (2000). Important attributes of quality health care: Consumer perspectives. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), Retrieved from =35812 American Hospital Association. (n. d.) . Research and Trends. Retrieved from Oermann, M. H., & Templin, T. (2000). Important attributes of quality health care: Consumer perspectives. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 32(2), Retrieved from =35812 American Hospital Association. (n. d.). Research and Trends. Retrieved from
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