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Mr. Dhanaraj, Yoga Demonstrator, CYS, AU.  Temporal Values pertain to social customs, attitudes to health, Education, consensual crimes which changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Dhanaraj, Yoga Demonstrator, CYS, AU.  Temporal Values pertain to social customs, attitudes to health, Education, consensual crimes which changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Dhanaraj, Yoga Demonstrator, CYS, AU

2  Temporal Values pertain to social customs, attitudes to health, Education, consensual crimes which changes from generation to generation. It corelate with universal values like Freedom of speech, purity, rights

3  Temporal values are fuzzy values  Material  Actual and Symbolic  Economic  Professional and Corporate Accuracy, Communication, Efficiency, Productivity, Punctuality and Security

4 Accuracy  Height  Weight  BMI  Insulin

5 Communication  Verbal Communication  Non – Verbal Communication

6 Efficency  Efficiency is doing things right  Allocative  Productive  Dynamic  Social

7 Productivity  The amount of output per unitamountoutputunit For example, in a factory productivity might be measured based on the number of hours it takes to produce a good, while in the service sector productivity might be measured based on the revenue generated by an employee divided by his/her salary.

8 Punctuality  Punctuality is the characteristic of being able to complete a required task

9 Security Security as a form of protection are structures and processes that provide or improve security as a condition

10 Thank You  Temporal values are profitable when they occupy a secondary place after universal value in practical of day to day existence

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