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Published byKory Hubbard Modified over 10 years ago
Important Points from Last Lecture: The root-mean-squared end-to-end distance, 1/2, of a freely- jointed polymer molecule is N 1/2 a, when there are N repeat units, each of length a. The radius-of-gyration of a polymer, R g, is 1/6 of its root-mean- square end-to-end distance 1/2. Polymer coiling is favoured by entropy. The elastic free energy of a polymer coil is given as Thinner lamellar layers in a diblock copolymer will increase the interfacial energy and are not favourable. Thicker layers require chain stretch and likewise are not favourable! A compromise in the lamellar thickness, d, is reached as:
Last Lecture: Elastic (entropic) effects cause a polymer molecule to coil up. Excluded volume effects cause polymer molecules to swell (in a self-avoiding walk). Polymer-solvent interactions, described by the - parameter, also have an effect, depending on whether polymer/solvent interactions are more favourable than self interactions. Thus there is a competition between three effects! When = 1/2, excluded volume effects are exactly balanced by polymer/solvent interactions. Elastic effects (from an entropic spring) lead to a random coil: 1/2 ~ a N 1/2 When 1/2 ~ a N 3/5 When > 1/2, unfavourable polymer/solvent interactions are dominant over excluded volume effects. They lead to polymer coiling: a globule results.
PH3-SM (PHY3032) HE3 Soft Matter Lecture 10 Polymer Elasticity, Reptation, Viscosity and Diffusion 13 December, 2011 See Jones’ Soft Condensed Matter, Chapt. 5
Rubber Elasticity A rubber (or elastic polymer = elastomer) can be created by linking together linear polymer molecules into a 3-D network. To observe “stretchiness”, the temperature should be > T g for the polymer. Covalent bonds between polymer molecules are called “crosslinks”. Sulphur can crosslink natural rubber (which is liquid-like) to create an elastomer.
Affine Deformation With an affine deformation, the macroscopic change in dimension is mirrored at the molecular level. We define an extension ratio,, as the dimension after a deformation divided by the initial dimension: Bulk: l Strand: lolo
x z y z y x R 2 = x 2 +y 2 +z 2 Transformation with Affine Deformation z y x Bulk: R o = x o + y o + z o R R = x x o + y y o + z z o If non-compressible (volume conserved) : x y z =1 RoRo Single Strand: yoyo xoxo zozo
Entropy Change in Deforming a Strand We recall our expression for the entropy of a polymer coil with end- to-end distance, R: The entropy change when a single strand is deformed, S, can be calculated from the difference between the entropy of the deformed coil and the unperturbed coil: S = S(R) - S(R o ) = S( x x o, y y o, z z o ) - S(x o, y o, z o ) Finding S: Initially:
Entropy Change in Polymer Deformation But, if the conformation of the coil is initially random, then = =, so: For a random coil, =Na 2, and also R 2 = x 2 +y 2 +z 2 = 3x 2, so we see: Substituting for x o 2 : This simplifies to:
F for Bulk Deformation If the rubber is incompressible (volume is constant), then x y z =1. For a one-dimensional stretch in the x-direction, we can say that x =. Incompressibility then implies Thus, for a one-dimensional deformation of x = : The corresponding change in free energy: (F = U - ST) will be If there are n strands per unit volume, then S per unit volume for bulk deformation:
Force for Rubber Deformation At the macro-scale, if the initial length is L o, then = L/L o. Substituting in L/L o = + 1: Realising that F bulk is an energy of deformation (per unit volume: Nm/m 3 ), then dF/d is the force,, per unit area, A (units: N/m 2 ) for the deformation, i.e. the tensile stress, T. In Lecture 3, we saw that T = Y . The strain, , for a 1-D tensile deformation is A
Young’s and Shear Modulus for Rubber In the limit of small strain, T 3nkT , and the Young’s modulus is thus Y = 3nkT. The Young’s modulus can be related to the shear modulus, G, by a factor of 3 to find a very simple result: G = nkT This result tells us something quite fundamental. The elasticity of a rubber does not depend on the chemical make-up of the polymer nor on how it is crosslinked. G does depend on the crosslink density. To make a higher modulus, more crosslinks should be added so that the lengths of the segments become shorter. This is an equation of state, relating together, L and T.
Experiments on Rubber Elasticity Treloar, Physics of Rubber Elasticity (1975) Rubbers are elastic over a large range of ! Strain hardening region: Chain segments are fully stretched!
Alternative Equation for a Rubber’s G We have shown that G = nkT, where n is the number of strands per unit volume. For a rubber with a known density, , in which the average molecular mass of a strand is M x (m.m. between crosslinks), we can write: Looking at the units makes this equation easier to understand: Substituting for n: strand This is a useful equation when constructing a network from “strands”.
P. Cordier et al., Nature (2008) 451, 977 H-bonds can re-form when surfaces are brought into contact. Network formed by H- bonding of small molecules Blue = ditopic (able to associate with two others) Red = tritopic (able to associate with three others) For a video, see:
With a constant shear stress, s, the shear modulus G can change over time: G(t) is also called the “stress relaxation modulus”. Viscoelasticity of Soft Matter t G(t) can also be determined by applying a constant strain, s, and observing stress relaxation over time:
Example of Viscoelasticity High molecular weight polymer dissolved in water. Elastic recovery under high strain rates, and viscous flow under lower strain rates.
Relaxation Modulus for Polymer Melts Viscous flow Gedde, Polymer Physics, p. 103 Elastic T = terminal relaxation time
Experimental Shear Relaxation Moduli Poly(styrene) GPGP Low N High N ~ 1/t G.Strobl, The Physics of Polymers, p. 223
Relaxation Modulus for Polymer Melts At very short times, G is high. The polymer has a glassy response. The glassy response is determined by the intramolecular bonding. G then decreases until it reaches a “plateau modulus”, G P. The value of G P is independent of N for a given polymer: G P ~ N 0. After a time, known as the terminal relaxation time, T, viscous flow starts (G decreases with time). Experimentally, it is found that T is longer for polymers with a higher N. Specifically, T ~ N 3.4 Previously in Lecture 3, we said that in the Maxwell model, the relaxation time is related to ratio of to G at the transition between elastic and viscous behaviour. That is: T ~ / G P
Viscosity of Polymer Melts Poly(butylene terephthalate) at 285 º C For comparison: for water is 10 -3 Pa s at room temperature. Shear thinning behaviour Extrapolation to low shear rates gives us a value of the “zero- shear-rate viscosity”, o. oo From Gedde, Polymer Physics
Scaling of Viscosity: ~ N 3.4 ~ T G P ~ N 3.4 N 0 ~ N 3.4 Universal behaviour for linear polymer melts! Applies for higher N : N>N C Why? G.Strobl, The Physics of Polymers, p. 221 Data shifted for clarity! Viscosity is shear-strain rate dependent. Usually measure in the limit of a low shear rate: o 3.4
An Analogy! There are obvious similarities between a collection of snakes and the entangled polymer chains in a melt. The source of continual motion on the molecular level is thermal energy, of course.
Concept of “Chain” Entanglements If the molecules are sufficiently long (N > ~100 - corresponding to the entanglement mol. wt., M e ), they will “entangle” with each other. Each molecule is confined within a dynamic “tube” created by its neighbours so that it must diffuse along its axis. Tube G.Strobl, The Physics of Polymers, p. 283
Network of Entanglements There is a direct analogy between chemical crosslinks in rubbers and “physical” crosslinks that are created by the entanglements. The physical entanglements can support stress (for short periods up to a time Tube ), creating a “transient” network.
Plateau Modulus for Polymer Melts Recall that the elastic shear modulus of a network depends on molecular weight between crosslinks, M x. In a polymer melt, G P therefore depends on the molecular weight between entanglements, M e. That is, G P ~ N 0 (where N is the number of repeat units in the molecule). Using an equation for the polymer melt that is analogous to a crosslinked network: It makes sense that M e is independent of N - consistent with experimental measurements of G P versus t for various values of M.
Entanglement Molecular Weights, M e, for Various Polymers Poly(ethylene)1,250 Poly(butadiene)1,700 Poly(vinyl acetate)6,900 Poly(dimethyl siloxane)8,100 Poly(styrene)19,000 M e (g/mole) M e corresponds to the N c that is seen in the viscosity data.
Reptation Theory: Molecular Level Polymer molecules “dis-entangle” after a time, Tube. Chain entanglements create restraints to other chains, defining a “tube” through which they must travel. The process by which a polymer chain moves through its tube formed by entanglements is called “reptation”. Reptation (from the Latin reptare: “to crawl”) is a snake-like diffusive motion that is driven by thermal motion. Models of reptation consider each repeat unit of the chain as diffusing through a tube with a drag coefficient, seg. The tube is considered to be a viscous medium surrounding each segment. For a polymer consisting of N units: pol = N seg. x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Experimental Evidence for Reptation Chu et al., Science (1994) 264, p. 819. Chain follows the path of the front Initial stateStretched Fluorescently-stained DNA molecule
Development of Reptation Scaling Theory Sir Sam Edwards (Cambridge) devised tube models and predictions of the shear relaxation modulus. In 1991, de Gennes was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics. Pierre de Gennes (Paris) developed the concept of polymer reptation and derived scaling relationships.
Polymer Diffusion along a Tube In our discussion of colloids, we defined an Einstein diffusion coefficient as: If we consider the drag on a polymer molecule, we can express D for the diffusion of the molecule in a tube created by an entangled network as: Hence, the rate of 1-D tube diffusion is inversely related to the length of the molecules.
Tube Relaxation Time, tube The polymer terminal relaxation time, T, must be comparable to the time required for a polymer to diffuse out of its confining tube, tube. The length of the tube must be comparable to the entire length of the polymer molecule (contour length): Na By definition, a diffusion coefficient, D, is proportional to the square of the distance travelled (x 2 ) divided by the time of travel, t. For a polymer escaping its tube: Comparing to our previous Einstein definition: We thus can derive a scaling relationship for tube :
Scaling Prediction for Viscosity Then: But, recall that experiments find ~ N 3.4. Agreement is not too bad! We see that which is comparable to experiments in which T ~ N 3.4 We have also found that G P ~ N 0 Recalling that ~ G We can think of T as the average time required for chains to escape the confinement of their tube, tube.
Polymer Self-Diffusion X Time = 0 Time = t Reptation theory can also describe the self-diffusion of polymers, which is the movement of the centre-of-mass of a molecule by a distance x in a matrix of the same type of molecules. In a time tube, the molecule will diffuse the distance of its entire length. But, its centre-of-mass will move a distance on the order of its r.m.s. end-to-end distance, R. In a polymer melt: 1/2 ~ a N 1/2 R
Polymer Self-Diffusion Coefficient X A self-diffusion coefficient, D self, can then be defined as: Larger molecules are predicted to diffuse much more slowly than smaller molecules. But we have derived this scaling relationship: Substituting, we find:
Testing of Scaling Relation: D ~N -2 M=Nm o -2-2 Experimentally, D ~ N -2.3 Data for poly(butadiene) Jones, Soft Condensed Matter, p. 92
Reptation theory predicts ~ N 3, but experimentally it varies as N 3.4. Theory predicts D self ~ N -2, but it is found to vary as N -2.3. One reason for this slight disagreement between theory and experiment is attributed to “constraint release”. The constraining tube around a molecule is made up of other entangled molecules that are moving. The tube has a finite lifetime. A second reason for disagreement is attributed to “contour length fluctuations” that are caused by Brownian motion of the molecule making its end-to-end distance change continuously over time. Improved theory is getting even better results! “Failure” of Simple Reptation Theory
DNA is a long chain molecule consisting of four different types of repeat units. DNA can be reacted with certain enzymes to break specific bonds along its “backbone”, creating segments of various sizes. Under an applied electric field, the segments will diffuse into a gel (crosslinked molecules in a solvent) in a process known as gel electrophoresis. Reptation theory predicts that shorter chains will diffuse faster than longer chains. Measuring the diffusion distances in a known time enables the determination of N for each segment and hence the position of the bonds sensitive to the enzyme. Application of Theory: Electrophoresis
From Giant Molecules One common technique: polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) (or SDS-PAGE)
Relevance of Polymer Self-Diffusion When welding two polymer surfaces together, such as in a manufacturing process, it is important to know the time and temperature dependence of D. Good adhesion is obtained when the molecules travel a distance comparable to R, such that they entangle with other molecules. R
Interfacial wetting: weak adhesion from van der Waals attraction Chain extension across the interface: likely failure by chain “pull- out” Chain entanglement across the interface: possible failure by chain scission (i.e. breaking) Stages of Interdiffusion at Polymer/Polymer Interfaces
Example of Good Coalescence J.L. Keddie et al., Macromolecules (1995) 28, 2673-82. Immediate film formation upon drying! Hydrated film T g of polymer 5 °C; Environmental SEM Particles can be deformed without being coalesced. (Coalescence means that the boundaries between particles no longer exist!) Bar = 0.5 m
K.D. Kim et al, Macromolecules (1994) 27, 6841 Strength Development with Increasing Diffusion Distance Full strength is achieved when the diffusion distance, d, is approximately the radius of gyration of the polymer, R g. RgRg d
Relaxation Modulus for Polymer Melts Viscous flow TT Gedde, Polymer Physics, p. 103
Problem Set 6 1. A polymer with a molecular weight of 5 x 10 4 g mole -1 is rubbery at a temperature of 420 K. At this temperature, it has a shear modulus of 200 kPa and a density of 1.06 x 10 3 kg m -3. What can you conclude about the polymer architecture? How would you predict the modulus to change if the molecular weight is (i) doubled or (ii) decreased by a factor 5? 2. Two batches of poly(styrene) with a narrow molecular weight distribution are prepared. If the viscosity in a melt of batch A is twice that in a melt of batch B, what is the predicted ratio of the self-diffusion coefficient of batch A over that of batch B? Assume that the reptation model is applicable. 3. The viscosity for a melt of poly(styrene) with a molecular weight of 2 x 10 4 g mole -1 is given as X. (This molecular weight is greater than the entanglement molecular weight for poly(styrene)). (i) According to the reptation theory, what is for poly(styrene) with a molecular weight of 2 x 10 5 g mole -1. (ii) Assuming that poly(styrene) molecules exist as ideal random coils, what is the ratio of the root-mean-square end-to-end distance for the two molecular weights? 4. The plateau shear modulus (G P ) of an entangled polymer melt of poly(butadiene) is 1.15 MPa. The density of a poly(butadiene) melt is 900 kg m -3, and the molecular mass of its repeat unit is 54 g mole -1. (i) Calculate the molecular mass between physical entanglements. (ii) The viscosity (in Pa s) of the melt can be expressed as a function of the degree of polymerisation, N, and temperature, T (in degrees Kelvin), as: Explain why has this functional form. (iii) Estimate the self-diffusion coefficient of poly(butadiene) in the melt at a temperature of 298 K when it has a molecular mass of 10 5 g mole -1.
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