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Helping Protect Local Communities Frank Hagenson Software Development Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Protect Local Communities Frank Hagenson Software Development Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Protect Local Communities Frank Hagenson Software Development Manager

2 Agenda Legacy of the Celtic Tiger Geo-data silos Rubber bands and sticky plasters Conclusion

3 Agenda Legacy of the Celtic Tiger Geo-data silos Rubber bands and sticky plasters Conclusion

4 The Problem.... Commercial Premises built without Fire Certification Concern for public safety Less money into Local Authorities New Legislation – Regularisation Certificates

5 Agenda Legacy of the Celtic Tiger Geo-data silos Rubber bands and sticky plasters Conclusion

6 Premises-based BPM solution for Fire Authorities and Building Control Sections Key features – Fire Certification, Licensing Inspections, Building Control... Statistics, KPI’s, Fees GIS Mapping & iPlan Integration Used by 23 Local Authorities Diamond Fire

7 How to tackle this problem? There is no “One” database with all this information Where are these premises? Low resources (Staff and the required specialist skills) Important – Low Cost!

8 Agenda Legacy of the Celtic Tiger Geo-data silos Rubber bands and sticky plasters Conclusion

9 The Solution! All premises should be mapped in Diamond Fire “Secret Formula” - Cross referenced this data with GeoDirectory & Planning databases (e.g. iPlan, APAS etc) Used qualifying criteria (commercial property, built post 1992 etc) Created a “Regularisation Layer” with the results

10 Imported GIS layer into Diamond Fire and overlaid on existing Fire Safety Certificates Un-certified premises identified and Fire/BC Officers can now investigate Increased Revenue Restoring confidence in public safety Happy Customer! Results

11 Agenda Legacy of the Celtic Tiger Geo-data silos Rubber bands and sticky plasters Conclusion

12 Massive Return on Investment Non-compliant premises can be corrected before death or injury occurs Extra revenue can be used for public safety (e.g. Fire Fighting equipment)

13 Thank you for your time...

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