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Process Quality & Improvement Module
Quality & the Voice of the Customer What is Quality? Quality Programs in practice Voice of the Customer Process Capability and Improvement Process Capability Checking for Improvement: Quality Wireless Control Charts & Voice of the Process Statistical Process Control (SPC) Quality Wireless (B) Why 6-Sigma? Flyrock Tires J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
8 Dimensions of Quality Performance Features Serviceability Aesthetics
Perceived Quality Reliability Conformance Durability Q of design Q of process conformance to design = process capability J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality in Practice: 1. Elements of TQM
Management by fact Cross-functional (process) approach Culture and leadership Customer focus Employee focus High performance focus Continuous improvement Benchmarking External alliances - the value chain Source: Eitan Zemel J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality in Practice: 2. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
1 Leadership 110 2 Strategic Planning 80 Strategy Development Process 3 Customer and Market Focus 80 4 Information and Analysis 80 5 Human Resource Development and Management 100 6 Process Management 100 Product and Service Processes Support Processes Supplier and Partnering Processes 7 Business Results 450 TOTAL POINTS 1000 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Malcolm Baldridge Award Winners
2002 Motorola Commercial, Government & Industrial Solutions Sector (Manufacturing) SSM Health Care (Health care) Branch-Smith Printing Division (Small business) 2001 Clarke American Checks, Inc., San Antonio, Texas (manufacturing); Pal's Sudden Service, Kingsport, Tenn. (small business); Chugach School District, Anchorage, Alaska (education); Pearl River School District, Pearl River, N.Y. (education); University of Wisconsin-Stout, Menomonie, Wis. (education). 2000 Dana Corporation-Spicer Driveshaft Division, Toledo, Ohio (manufacturing) KARLEE Company, Inc., Garland, Texas (manufacturing) Operations Management International, Inc., Greenwood Village, Colo. (service) Los Alamos National Bank, Los Alamos, N.M. (small business). 1999 STMicroelectronics, Inc. - Region Americas (mfg) BI (service) The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. (service) Sunny Fresh Foods (small business) 1998 Boeing Airlift and Tanker Programs (mfg) Solar Turbines Incorporated (mfg) Texas Nameplate Company, Inc. (small business) 1997 3M Dental Products Division (mfg) Merrill Lynch Credit Corporation (service) Solectron Corporation (mfg) Xerox Business Services (service) 1996 ADAC Laboratories (mfg) Custom Research Inc. (small business) Dana Commercial Credit Corp. (service) Trident Precision Manufacturing, Inc. (small business) J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality in Practice: 3. ISO 9000 and 4. ?
Series of standards agreed upon by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO): ( Adopted in 1987 More than 100 countries A prerequisite for global competition? ISO 9000: “document what you do and then do as you documented.” Most companies providing service strive for ISO9002, while mfg companies that do design go for 9001 The familiar three standard (below) have now been integrated into ISO9001:2000. Design Procurement Production Final test Installation Servicing ISO 9003 ISO 9002 ISO 9001 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Benefits of Building Q in Early
Costs of Quality Cost of Conformance Cost of Appraisal Cost of Prevention Cost of Non-Conformance Cost of Internal Failure Cost of External Failure 100:1 10:1 1:1 Product Design Process Production Improve Quality Lever Benefits of Building Q in Early Low Visibility Reward High Visibility Time J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Components of Quality Voice of the customer Voice of the process
Customer Needs Quality of Design Voice of the process Quality of Conformance Process Capability Process Control and Improvement J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Voice of the Customer: Linking Customer Needs to Business Processes
Business Process Customer Need Internal Metric Overall Quality Product (30%) Sales (30%) Installation (10%) Repair (15%) Billing (15%) Reliability (40 %) % Repair Call Easy to Use (20%) % Calls for Help Features/Functions (40%) Function Performance Test Knowledge (30%) Supervisor Observations Response (25%) % Proposals Mad on Time Follow-Up (10%) % Follow-Up Made Delivery Interval (30%) Average Order Interval Does Not Break (25%) % Repair Reports Installed When Promised % Installed on Due Date No Repeat Trouble (30%) % Repeat Reports Fixed Fast (25%) Average Speed of Repair Kept Informed (10%) % Customers Informed Accuracy, No Surprise (45%) % Billing Inquiries Response on First Call (35%) % Respolved First Call Easy to Understand (10%) % Billing Inquiries Source: Kordupleski et al., CMR ‘93. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Voice of the Customer: Quality Function Deployment
What do customers want? Are all preferences equally important? Will delivering perceived needs deliver a competitive advantage? How can we change the product? How do engineering characteristics influence customer perceived quality? How does one engineering attribute affect another? What are the appropriate targets for the engineering characteristics? J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
House of Quality Customer Requirements Importance to Cust.
Easy to close Stays open on a hill Easy to open Doesn’t leak in rain No road noise Importance weighting Engineering Characteristics Energy needed to close door Check force on level ground to open door Water resistance 10 6 9 2 3 7 5 X Correlation: Strong positive Positive Negative Strong negative * Competitive evaluation X = Ours A = Comp. A B = Comp. B (5 is best) AB X AB XAB A X B X A B Relationships: Strong = 9 Medium = 3 Small = 1 Target values Reduce energy level to 7.5 ft/lb Reduce force to 9 lb. to 7.5 ft/lb. current level Maintain Technical evaluation 4 1 A BA BXA Door seal resistance Accoust. Trans. Window House of Quality Source: Hauser and Clausing 1988 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Linked Houses From Customer To Manufacturing
Engineering Characteristics Parts Key Process Production House of Quality Deployment Process Planning I II III IV Customer Attributes J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Startup and Pre-production costs
Benefits of QFD Startup and Pre-production costs at Toyota Auto Body Japanese auto maker with QFD made fewer changes than US company without QFD Design Changes US Before QFD Japan After QFD (39% of preQFD costs) 90% of total Japanese changes complete Job # 1 t months months 1 - 3 months Job # 1 1 - 3 months time Source: Hauser and Clausing 1988 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
More New Product Development Tools
Value analysis / Value engineering Design for manufacturability Robust design J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Value Analysis/Value Engineering
Achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all functional requirements defined by the customer Does the item have any design features that are not necessary? Can two or more parts be combined into one? How can we cut down the weight? Are there nonstandard parts that can be eliminated? J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Robust Quality: Taguchi’s View of Cost of Variability
Non-conformance to design cost $$$ Lower Tolerance Design Spec Upper Actual value Lower Tolerance Design Spec Upper Traditional View Taguchi’s View J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality & the Voice of the Customer: Key Learning Objectives
Elements of TQM / Baldridge / ISO 9000 Costs of Quality Components of Quality Voice of the Customer Linking business processes to customer needs Product Design Methodologies: Convert customer needs to product and process specifications: QFD Value Engineering J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Process Quality & Improvement Module
Operations Management: Process Quality & Improvement Module Quality & the Voice of the Customer What is Quality? Quality Programs in practice Voice of the Customer Process Capability and Improvement Process Capability Checking for Improvement: Quality Wireless Control Charts & Voice of the Process Statistical Process Control (SPC) Quality Wireless (B) Why 6-Sigma? Flyrock Tires J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Process Capability Percent defective Sigma-capability
Proportion of output that does not meet customer specifications Sigma-capability Number of standard deviations from the mean of the process output to the closest specification limit. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Wireless (A): Capability
Within Specs Out of Specs J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Wireless (A): Capability
Proportion of days within specification in = 491/731 = 0.672 The call center had a mean hold time of with a standard deviation of With a specification of 110 seconds or less, σ-capability of call center = (110 – 99.67)/24.24 = 0.426 The call center is a sigma process. Expected fraction of days within specifications from a sigma process = NORMSDIST(0.426) = 0.665 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
What is Process Improvement?
After Before Critical customer requirement “Defects”= Service is unacceptable to customers Product/Service Output Measure J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Continuous Improvement: PDCA Cycle (Deming Wheel)
Institutionalize the change or abandon or do it again. Plan a change aimed at improvement. 4. Act 1. Plan 3. Check 2. Do Study the results; did it work? Execute the change. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Wireless (A): Checking for Improvement
Performance in April 2005: Mean = 79.50, Standard deviation = 16.86 What is the probability of observing such a sample if performance has not improved relative to ? Mean hold in = 99.67 Standard deviation = 24.24 Given that April 2005 had 30 days, we need to consider distribution of samples of size 30. The standard deviation of sample means = 24.24/√30 = 4.43 Probability of observing a sample of size 30 with mean or less = NORMDIST(79.50, 99.67, 4.43, 1) = 2.64E-06 J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Process Quality & Improvement Module
Operations Management: Process Quality & Improvement Module Quality & the Voice of the Customer What is Quality? Quality Programs in practice Voice of the Customer Process Capability and Improvement Process Capability Checking for Improvement: Quality Wireless Control Charts & Voice of the Process Statistical Process Control (SPC) Quality Wireless (B) Why 6-Sigma? Flyrock Tires J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Has Process Performance Changed? Quality Wireless (B)
Average hold time from September 1-10 =86.6 seconds Ray yells at supervisors Performance improves from September to an average hold of 74.4 seconds What do you think of Ray’s management style? J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Performance Measurement Implications:. Inventory Manager. and
Performance Measurement Implications: Inventory Manager and Weight watchers J F M A M J J A S O N WIP Award Given Manager repents and kicks... J F M A M J J A S O N D J F J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J .. and concludes that kick ... mgt works !? month Weight watchers rule: measure only weekly… J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Statistical Process Control (SPC):
Statistical Process Control (SPC): Sources of Variability and Conceptual Framework Every process has variation that comes from two sources: Inherent (common cause) External (assignable cause) Objective: Identify inherent variability and eliminate external variability. First get the process “in control” by eliminating external variability. (A process is “in control” if it has only inherent variability.) To improve the system, attack common causes (methods, people, material, machines). This is the role of management. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Statistical Process Control: Control Charts
m - 3s Lower Control Limit hypothesized (sampled) process output mean m m + 3s Upper Control Limit F(z) 99.74% Signal that a special cause has occurred t Control Improvement J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Various Patterns in Control Charts
Pattern Description Possible Causes Normal Random Variation Lack of Stability Assignable (or special) causes (e.g. tool, material, operator, overcontrol Cumulative trend Tool Wear Cyclical Different work shifts, voltage fluctuations, seasonal effects J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Calibration versus Quality: Sharp shooters
J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
SPC – Quality Wireless (B)
After the improvements, daily hold time has an average of and a standard deviation of Since we are considering samples of size 10 (10 days), we need to consider the distribution of sample means. Sample means have an average of and a standard deviation of 16.86/√10 = 5.33. Probability of observing 86.6 or higher even if process is in control = 1-NORMDIST(86.6, 79.50, 5.33, 1) = J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
SPC – Quality Wireless (B)
Probability of observing 74.4 or lower even if process is in control = NORMDIST(74.4, 79.50, 5.33, 1) = What we need is a hypothesis test each time we observe a sample – Does the sample belong to the in-control population or not? J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
SPC – Setting Control Limits
Upper Control Limit = UCL = Mean + 3σXbar Lower Control Limit = LCL = Mean - 3σXbar In the case of Quality Wireless UCL = ×5.33 = 95.49 LCL = ×5.33 = 63.51 The process was in control when samples with means of 86.6 and 74.4 were observed. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Control Charts & Voice of the Process: Key Learning Objectives
The role of variability in evaluating performance A process that is in control has only inherent (from common cause) variation There is a known distribution for the (sampled) output with mean m and std. dev. s output typically within the control limits m 3s out of control has variation from an assignable cause Observations outside the control limits are so unlikely if process is in control that it is likely that process is out of control Pareto analysis to identify key causes of error SPC framework for process control and improvement SPC Tools: Viewing quality data as a run chart to infer performance over time. Constructing control charts . Identifying whether a process is in or out of control. Then link this to improvement: Constructing a Pareto diagram to prioritize areas for improvement. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Process Quality & Improvement Module
Operations Management: Process Quality & Improvement Module Quality & the Voice of the Customer What is Quality? Quality Programs in practice Voice of the Customer Process Capability and Improvement Process Capability Checking for Improvement: Quality Wireless Control Charts & Voice of the Process Statistical Process Control (SPC) Quality Wireless (B) 6-Sigma: What and Why? Flyrock Tires J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
99.9% Suppliers At least 20,000 wrong prescriptions per year
More than 15,000 newborns dropped by doctors or nurses No electricity, water or heat for 8.6 hours each year No telephone service or TV transmission for nearly 10 minutes each week Two short (or long) landings at O’Hare each week J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Why 6-Sigma? 2 sigma: 4 sigma: 6 sigma:
69.1% of products and/or services meet customer requirements with 308,538 defects per million opportunities. 4 sigma: 99.4% of products and/or services meet customer requirements ... but there are still 6,210 defects per million opportunities. 6 sigma: % (“5 nines”) – Close to flaw-free for most businesses, with just 3.4 failures per million opportunities (e.g. products, services or transactions). J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Six Sigma: Core methodology
Six Sigma was introduced by Motorola in 1986 as a new method for standardizing the way defects are counted (in response to increasing complaints from the field sales force about warranty claims) The problem-solving framework and work-breakdown structure can be easily remembered using the acronym DMAIC: Define the problem to determine what needs to be improved Measure the current state against the desired state Analyze the root causes of the business gap Improve by team brainstorming, selecting and implementing the best solutions Control the long-term sustainability of the improvement by establishing monitoring mechanisms, accountabilities and work tools J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Six Sigma: From original defects control to overall business improvement methodology
AlliedSignal (now Honeywell) and GE successfully applied and popularized Motorola’s Six Sigma methodology as part of leadership development, going far beyond counting defects. Now, six sigma is an overall high-performance system that executes business strategy using four steps: Align executives to the right objectives and targets using a balanced scorecard Mobilize improvement teams using DMAIC Accelerate results by action learning and integrating all teams so the cumulative impact on the organization is “accelerated.” Govern the process through visible executive sponsorship, review, and sharing best practices with other parts of the organization J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Magnitude of Difference Between Sigma Levels
J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Probability that process/product
Why 6-Sigma? Impact of # of parts/stages in a process Impact of mean shift P(output outside specs) vs. P(detection of mean shift) 0.001% 0.01% 0.1% 1.0% 10.0% 100.0% 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 # steps/components Probability that process/product meets specs 3 -sigma 4 - sigma 5 - sigma 6 - sigma * These numbers allow a mean shift of 1.5 s. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Relationship Between Sigma Capability, Proportion Defects, and Cpk
LSL m USL z s * These are “raw” numbers; excluding mean shifts. J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 1. How well do we meet customer specs?
At the extruder, the rubber for the AX-527 tires had thickness specifications of 400 10 ‘thou’ (.001’’). Susan and her staff had analyzed many samples of output from the extruder and determined that if the extruder settings were accurate, the output produced by the extruder had a thickness that was normally distributed with a mean of 400 thou and a standard deviation of 4 thou. If the setting is accurate, what proportion of the rubber extruded will be within specifications? Notes: J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
= How well is process capable of meeting customer specifications?
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 1. How well do we meet customer specs? Definition of Process Capability Link: Voice of the Customer with Voice of the Process Process Capability = How well is process capable of meeting customer specifications? Equivalent Measures of Process Capability: 1. Proportion of output flow units meeting customer specs Example: at Flyrock: 2. Sigma-capability = the number of std. deviations to the closest specification limit Example: the Sigma capability of Flyrock’s extrusion process = J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 2. Statistical Process Control
Susan has asked operators to take a sample of 10 sheets of rubber each hour from the extruder and measure the thickness of each sheet. Based on the average thickness of this sample, operators will decide whether the extrusion process is in control or not. Given that Susan plans 3-sigma control limits, what upper and lower control limits should she specify to the operators? UCL = LCL = Notes: J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: Quality graphs for current process
A: Meeting Customer Specs Sigma capability = Prob(Meeting specs) = B: Keeping Process in Control Prob(sample mean within control band) = Prob(investigate) = Sample Mean X UCL 403.8 LSL USL 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 s = 4 400 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 LCL 396.2 time J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 3. Impact and Detection of Mean Shift
If a bearing is worn out, the extruder produces a mean thickness of 403 thou when the setting is 400 thou. Under this condition, what proportion of produced sheets will be defective? Assuming the earlier control limits, what is the probability that a sample taken from the extruder with the worn bearings will be out of control? On average, how many hours are likely to go by before the worn bearing is detected? J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: current process … but worn bearing (mean shift)
A: Meeting Customer Specs Prob(Meeting specs) = B: Keeping Process in Control Prob(sample mean within control band) = Prob(investigate) = 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 Sample Mean X UCL 403.8 403 LSL USL s = 4 s = 4 400 385 390 395 400 403 405 410 415 LCL 396.2 time J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 4. Improving Process Capability
What if extrusion is to become a 6-Sigma process? Target mean = Target standard deviation = Process improvement has resulted in the extrusion process having a mean of 400 thou and a standard deviation of 1.67 thou. What should the new control limits be? UCL = LCL = What is the proportion of defectives produced? Notes: J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: Quality graphs for improved 6s process
A: Meeting Customer Specs Sigma capability = Prob(Meeting specs) = B: Keeping Process in Control Prob(sample mean within control band) = Prob(investigate) = Sample Mean X 403.8 LSL USL 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 UCL 401.6 400 LCL 398.4 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 396.2 time J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Quality Performance at Flyrock: 5. Benefits of a 6Sigma process
Return to the case of the worn bearing where extrusion produces a mean thickness of 403 thou when the setting is 400 thou. Under this condition, what proportion of produced sheets will be defective (for the 6-sigma extrusion process)? Assuming the new control limits, what is the probability that a sample taken from the extruder with the worn bearings will be out of control? On average, how many hours are likely to go by before the worn bearing is detected? Notes: J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Flyrock: Improved 6sigma process … but with worn bearing (mean shift)
A: Meeting Customer Specs Prob(Meeting specs) = B: Keeping Process in Control Prob(sample mean within control band) = Prob(investigate) = Sample Mean X -3 -2 -1 403 LSL USL 1 2 UCL 401.6 3 -3 -2 -1 400 1 2 LCL 398.4 3 385 390 395 400 403 405 410 415 time J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
Key Learning Objectives: Six Sigma
Specification limits: Voice of the customer Use output (population) distribution with mean m, stdev s This is where we determine sigma-capability Control limits used to verify if process is in control (internal), i.e., is maintaining capability: Voice of the process Use sample mean distribution with mean m, stdev Six Sigma and Process capability are measures of the quality delivered (external): links VoP with VoC Improving capability may require variability reduction and/or mean shift Typically, customer specs are fixed and cannot be relaxed Reducing number of stages/parts improves capability J.A. Van Mieghem/Operations/Quality
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