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Changes in Matter. How can matter be changed?  matter  change  heat  cool  bend  stretch  cut  tear.

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Presentation on theme: "Changes in Matter. How can matter be changed?  matter  change  heat  cool  bend  stretch  cut  tear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Changes in Matter

2 How can matter be changed?  matter  change  heat  cool  bend  stretch  cut  tear

3 Manipulating Matter! Directions: Draw what each looked like before and after the change. Below each picture explain how it changed. BeforeAfter 1. Chips To make the chips change we ______________________________ As a result,____________________________________________ add heat and then take heat away. the chips melt to a liquid. They turn back to a solid when we cool them.

4 Manipulating Matter! Directions: Draw what each looked like before and after the change. Below each picture explain how it changed. BeforeAfter 2. Pipe Cleaner To make the pipe cleaner change we _________________________ As a result, ___________________________________________ bend it. the pipe cleaner changes shape.

5 Manipulating Matter! Directions: Draw what each looked like before and after the change. Below each picture explain how it changed. BeforeAfter 3. Rubber band To make the rubber band change we _________________________ As a result, ___________________________________________ stretch it. it changes shape.

6 Manipulating Matter! Directions: Draw what each looked like before and after the change. Below each picture explain how it changed. BeforeAfter 4. Paper To make the paper change we ______________________________ As a result, ___________________________________________ tear it. it gets smaller and changes shape.

7 Manipulating Matter! Directions: Draw what each looked like before and after the change. Below each picture explain how it changed. BeforeAfter 5. Twizzlers To make the Twizzler change we ____________________________ As a result, __________________________________________ cut it. there are more pieces.

8 How can solids be changed? We can heat, cool, cut, tear, bend, and stretch to make matter change.

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