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By: Brian Period 5

2 GEOLOGICAL ERAS Pre-Cambrian Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Exit Project
Ordovician Silurian Devonian Mississippian Pennsylvanian Permian Paleozoic Mesozoic Triassic Jurassic Cretaceous Cenozoic Tertiary Quaternary

3 Navigational Era Slide
Pre-Cambrian Era Began: 4600 million years ago (mya) Ended:570 mya Duration of Time: 4030 million years (my) Pre-Cambrian Era makes up about 90% of Earth’s history. Earth developed, forming mountains, seas, the atmosphere, and the origins of life. Fossils are rare because many of them were soft bodied animals. Fossils did not preserve well anyway because many of the rocks formed in the Pre-Cambrian Era were igneous rocks and objects do not preserve well in igneous rocks. Most fossils were single-celled organisms. Exit Project Navigational Era Slide

4 Pre-Cambrian Organisms
Spriggina Floundersi, Segmented Worm Anthozoa Coral Medusina mawsoni, Jellyfish Exit Project Navigational Era Slide

5 Paleozoic Era The Age of Invertebrates
Began: 570 mya Ended: 225 mya Duration of Time: 345 my Cambrian Period Mississippian Period Ordovician Period Pennsylvanian Period Silurian Period Permian Period Devonian Period Exit Project Navigational Era Slide

6 Cambrian Period Began: 570 mya Ended: 500 mya Duration of Time: 70 my
All organisms lived in the sea. The Burgess Shale was formed in this period and has well preserved fossils such as worms and other soft bodied organisms. Trilobites, crab-like bottom scavengers, were the most common fossils of the period. Brachiopods, clam-like organisms, are the 2nd most common organism in the Cambrian Period. Paleozoic Era Slide

7 Cambrian Organisms Paleozoic Era Slide Exit Project Trilobite
Fossilized Algae Brachiopod Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

8 Ordovician Period Began: 500 mya Ended: 425 mya
Duration of Time: 75 my Hard-shelled animals develop. Ordovician seas over North America deposit many sediments forming sedimentary rock. Lava flows were common in Europe and North America. A warm climate was common in the Northern Hemisphere, but it was colder in the Southern Hemisphere. Paleozoic Era Slide

9 Ordovician Organisms Paleozoic Era Slide Exit Project Bryozoans
Favistella Rugosa Coral Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

10 Silurian Period Began: 425 mya Ended: 405 mya Duration of Time: 20 my
Plants appear. Oldest plant fossils found in the Silurian Period are found in Australia. Mountains were developed by lava flow in Britain and Scandinavia. Salt deposits form in the New York, Ohio, and Michigan area. Tectonic plates start to form Pangea. Paleozoic Era Slide

11 Silurian Organisms Paleozoic Era Slide Exit Project Halysite
Euryptid Eurypterus Echinoderm Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

12 Devonian Period Began: 405 mya Ended: 345 mya Duration of Time: 60 my
First land animals appear. The majority of them are amphibians. Spiders and insects also appear. New English and Canadian mountain building occurs. White Mountains form in Alaska Paleozoic Era Slide

13 Devonian Organisms Paleozoic Era Slide Exit Project Cladoselache
Bothriolepis Dinichthys Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

14 Mississippian Period Began: 345 mya Ended: 310 mya
Duration of Time: 35 my Named for limestone bluffs on the Mississippi River. Middle North America was submerged under seas Amphibians develops even more Extensive submergence of the continents. Paleozoic Era Slide

15 Mississippian Organisms
Onychaster, Mississippian Starfish Cephalapod Edophosaurus Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

16 Pennsylvanian Period Began: 310 mya Ended: 280 mya
Duration of Time: 30 my Coal-forming swamps in North America and Europe grow. Reptiles appeared from amphibian ancestors. They lived on land. Amphibians still grow in numbers. Fossils of reptiles are numerous in shales in Kansas. Paleozoic Era Slide

17 Pennsylvanian Organisms
An illustrated Diplovertebron Branch of a Cordaite Lepidodendron Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

18 Permian Period Began: 280 mya Ended: 230 mya Duration of Time: 50 my
Appalachian and Ural mountains form. South America was in an ice age for the majority of this period. Salt forming deserts develop in the Western U.S. Brachiopods, trilobites, bryozoans, and many other dominant species died out by now. Paleozoic Era Slide

19 Permian Organisms Paleozoic Era Slide Exit Project Mesosaurus
Cooperoceras Diplocaulus Exit Project Paleozoic Era Slide

20 Mesozoic Era The Age of Reptiles
Began: 230 mya Ended: 70 mya Duration of Time: 160 my Triassic Period Jurassic Period Cretaceous Period Exit Project Navigational Era Slide

21 Triassic Period Began: 230 mya Ended: 180 mya Duration of Time: 50 my
The Palisade Mountains are formed in California. Volcanism in New England and New Jersey. Reptiles flourish in this period. Forests of conifers and cycads appear. Mesozoic Era Slide

22 Triassic Organisms Mesozoic Era Slide Exit Project Saltoposuchus
Plateosaurus Kannemeyeria Exit Project Mesozoic Era Slide

23 Jurassic Period Began: 180 mya Ended: 135 mya Duration of Time: 45 my
First mammals and birds appear Conifers and cycads become abundant Western U.S. mountains such as Sierra Nevada's and Range Mountains. The Great Basin was also formed Many modern forms of insects appear. Mesozoic Era Slide

24 Jurassic Organisms Mesozoic Era Slide Exit Project Cryptocleidus
Brontosaurus Stegosaurus Exit Project Mesozoic Era Slide

25 Cretaceous Period Began: 135 mya Ended: 70 mya Duration of Time: 65 my
Andes and Rockies were formed. Mountain building in Antarctica and Northeastern Asia occurs. Many modern trees such as oak, beech, holly, and ivy appear. Dinosaurs and reptiles are the dominant species. Also marks the end of the dominance of dinosaurs and reptiles. Mesozoic Era Slide

26 Cretaceous Organisms Mesozoic Era Slide Exit Project Tyrannosaurus
Triceratops Brachiosaurus Exit Project Mesozoic Era Slide

27 Cenozoic Period The Age of Mammals
Began: 70 mya Ended: TO THE PRESENT Duration of Time: 70 my (so far) Tertiary Period Quaternary Period Exit Project Navigational Era Slide

28 Tertiary Period Began: 70 mya Ended: 1.8 mya Duration of Time: 68.2 my
The Alps in Europe rose. Primates, horses, and human-like organisms appear. Many mammals take on their modern day appearance. Cenozoic Era Slide

29 Tertiary Organisms Cenozoic Era Slide Exit Project Notharctus Diatryma
Hyracotherium Exit Project Cenozoic Era Slide

30 Quaternary Period Began: 1.8 mya Ended: TO THE PRESENT
Duration of Time: 1.8 my (so far) Ice age covers most of the Northern Hemisphere in continental ice caps. First humans appear. Civilization begins in the Quaternary Period. Cenozoic Era Slide

31 Quaternary Organisms Cenozoic Era Slide Exit Project Wooly Mammoth
Bison Human Skeleton, Neanderthal Exit Project Cenozoic Era Slide

32 Navigational Era Slide
Thank You I hope you enjoyed my Geologic Time Project. Ice Age Exit Presentation Navigational Era Slide


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