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WEBINAR – FEBRUARY 25, 2015 OSPI-Developed Assessments in Social Studies, The Arts, Health, Fitness & Educational Technology

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Presentation on theme: "WEBINAR – FEBRUARY 25, 2015 OSPI-Developed Assessments in Social Studies, The Arts, Health, Fitness & Educational Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 WEBINAR – FEBRUARY 25, 2015 OSPI-Developed Assessments in Social Studies, The Arts, Health, Fitness & Educational Technology

2 Agenda for Webinar Background Annual Reporting Requirements OSPI-Developed Assessments for:  Social Studies  The Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre & Visual Arts)  Health  Fitness  Educational Technology Q & A (post Questions during webinar)

3 Today’s presenters Background & Reporting Requirements: Dennis Small Social Studies: Carol Coe The Arts: Anne Banks Health and Fitness: Lisa Kloke Educational Technology: Dennis Small Q & A: All

4 Background Originally called Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs) and Classroom-Based Performance Assessments (CBPAs) Developed by OSPI with teams of educators to provide a high-quality, reliable alternative to high-stakes testing Subjects included in Goals 2 & 3 of State Educational Goals:State Educational Goals  Social Studies  The Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts)  Health  Fitness  Educational Technology


6 Retention Requirements District responsibility, since student scores are not reported to the state and student work is not sent to the state. Refer to Record Retention Schedules for School Districts Retention-Schedules-for-School-Districts-and-Educational-Service- Districts.aspx Retention-Schedules-for-School-Districts-and-Educational-Service- Districts.aspx

7 Annual Reporting Requirements RCW 28A.230.095 RCW 28A.230.095 requires school districts: To have in place assessments or other strategies at the elementary, middle, and high school levels chosen by the district that assure that students have an opportunity to learn the state learning standards in Social Studies (including civics), The Arts, Health, and Fitness. To report their implementation of these assessments annually. RCW 28A.655.075 RCW 28A.655.075 requires: OSPI shall obtain or develop Educational Technology assessments that may be administered in the elementary, middle, and high school grades to assess the Educational Technology Learning Standards. If a school district uses the OSPI-developed Educational Technology assessments, then the school district shall notify OSPI of the use.

8 iGrants Form Package 408 on EDS – Due by June 30

9 Optional Reporting Section – Form Package 408

10 New to iGrants? Check out User Manual

11 Summary of Findings Summary of Findings – published annually

12 Optional Reporting Templates for District Use

13 Social Studies

14 Social Studies Standards Washington State K-12 Social Studies Learning Standards Civics The student understands and applies knowledge of government, law, politics, and the nation’s fundamental documents to make decisions about local, national, and international issues and to demonstrate thoughtful, participatory citizenship. Economics The student applies understanding of economic concepts and systems to analyze decision- making and the interactions between individuals, households, businesses, governments, and societies. Geography The student uses a spatial perspective to make reasoned decisions by applying the concepts of location, region, and movement and demonstrating knowledge of how geographic features and human cultures impact environments. History The student understands and applies knowledge of historical thinking, chronology, eras, turning points, major ideas, individuals, and themes of local, Washington State, tribal, United States, and world history in order to evaluate how history shapes the present and the future. Skills The student understands and applies reasoning skills to conduct research, deliberate, and form and evaluate positions through the processes of reading, writing, and communicating.

15 Social Studies Assessments Civics K–5: You Decide, Whose Rules? Middle School: Checks and Balances, Constitutional Issues High School: Checks and Balances, Constitutional Issues Economics K–5: Meeting Needs and Wants, People on the Move Middle School: Meeting Needs and Wants, International Relations High School: You and the Economy, Government Revenue and Responsibility, Causes of Conflict Geography K–5: People on the Move, Cultural Contributions, Humans and the Environment Middle School: People on the Move, Humans and the Environment High School: Cultural Interactions, Humans and the Environment

16 Social Studies Assessments History K–5: Cultural Contributions, Causes of Conflict, Dig Deep, What’s the Big Idea? Middle School: Enduring Cultures, Causes of Conflict, Dig Deep, Why History? High School: Technology Through the Ages, Cultural Interactions, Causes of Conflict, Dig Deep International Perspective High School: US Foreign Policy These assessment can be found at:

17 Social Studies Assessments: Task Constitutional Issues (for Grades 6-8) Citizens in a democracy have the right and responsibility to make informed decisions. You will make an informed decision on a public issue after researching and discussing different perspectives on this issue. In a cohesive paper or presentation, you will:  State a position...  Provide background...  Provide reasons for your position...  Make explicit references to three or more credible sources...

18 Social Studies Assessments: Current Rubric Constitutional Issues (for Grades 6-8)

19 Social Studies Assessments: Scoring Guide Constitutional Issues (for Grades 6-8)

20 Social Studies Assessments: Revision Work Start Date: January 2014 Specialists: Washington State Social Studies Cadre Scheduled Completion Date: June 2015

21 Social Studies Assessments: Revision Work Language of task corresponds to Common Core

22 Social Studies Assessments: Revision Work Rubric corresponds to Smarter Balanced rubric

23 The Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts

24 Foundational Information – The Arts The Arts are defined as a core subject  At the national and state level  Defined in Washington as: Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts The Arts Learning Standards Assessments for the arts Graduation requirements that include the arts Arts endorsements

25 The Arts: Dance, Music, Theatre & Visual Arts Performance Based Assessments The OSPI-Developed Performance Assessments for The Arts can be found at: Assessments are available for: Dance Music Theatre Visual Arts ElementaryElementary Elementary Elementary Middle School Middle SchoolMiddle SchoolMiddle School High School High School High School High School

26 The Arts Assessments




30 Resources included in the assessments…  Description of assessments  A list of The Arts learning standards that are assessed  Directions on how to administer the assessments  Recommendations for time management  Student’s copy of the assessment  Glossary of terms  Rubrics for scoring

31 The Arts Assessments: What’s happening? Updates:  In the process of combining different versions of the arts assessments No changes to the tasks will be made  Coordinating with other subjects for a common look  Adding links to potential additional learning standards that connect Specialists: The Arts Cadre of Educators Scheduled Completion Date: Summer 2015

32 Health and Fitness

33 Health Assessments Fitness Assessments Laws and regulations for Physical Education  Grades 1-8, 100-minute requirement  Graduation requirements Health and Fitness Learning Standards  Revisions in process

34 Health Assessments Fitness Assessments Health and Fitness Assessments can be found at: Assessments are available for: HealthFitness Elementary (5) Elementary (2) Middle School (6) Middle School (3) High School (5) High School (2)

35 Health and Fitness Assessment Chart

36 Health and Fitness Resources FAQ’s Vocabulary Resources to support quality instruction  Connections to the Common Core

37 Health and Fitness Resources


39 Educational Technology

40 Educational Technology Assessments Integrated into core content areas:  The Arts  English Language Arts  Health  Mathematics  Science  Social Studies


42 Social Studies & Educational Technology Assessments

43 Student Work Samples for Training

44 K-2 Checklist – Educational Technology




48 Q & A / Contact Information Social Studies  Carol Coe, Program Supervisor, 360-725-6351, The Arts  Anne Banks, Program Supervisor, 360-725-4966, Health and Fitness  Lisa Kloke, Program Specialist, 360-725-4977, Educational Technology  Dennis Small, Director, 360-725-6384,

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