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Published byStephen Powers Modified over 9 years ago
1 Deponent Verbs: Overview Latin, like English, has two verbal voices: Active and Passive. We have learned that Latin uses two patterns for the formation of Passive Voice verbs, one for the Present System and one for the Perfect System.
2 Deponent Verbs: Overview Present System: Present Stem + Tense Marker + Personal Endings - r- mur - ris- mini - tur- ntur Perfect System: Perfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (4 th P.P.) + Present of sum, esse Pluperfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (4 th P.P.) + Imperfect of sum, esse Future Perfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (4 th P.P.) + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C.
3 Deponent Verbs: Overview Some verbs in Latin are classified as Deponent Verbs (from deponere, to put aside). These are verbs which DO NOT have active forms, but must be translated as active voice. A Deponent Verb, then, is defined as a verb that is Passive in Form but Active in Meaning. The Conjugation of Deponent Verbs follows the exact same rules and patterns as the Conjugation of Regular Verbs in the Passive Voice.
4 Deponent Verbs: Overview NB: Even though a deponent verb looks passive, its subject is the doer of the verbal action. This means that Deponent Verbs can therefore never be put into the passive voice or have a passive meaning.
5 Deponent Verbs: The Principle Parts Since Deponent Verbs have only Passive Forms, they necessarily have only three Principle Parts (because the 3 rd Principle Part of a regular verb is the Perfect Active Stem), and the Principle Parts will all be in Passive Voice form. Exempla: Sequor, Sequi, Secutus Sum 1 st Person Singular,Present Passive Perfect Passive (Deponent) PresentInfinitive, Participle + sum “I follow”“To follow” = 1 st Person Singular, Perfect Miror, Mirari Miratus Sum
6 Deponent Verbs: The Principle Parts Conjugation1 st P.P. 2 nd P.P.T.V. 1 st - or- āriā 2 nd - eor- ēriē 3 rd - or- ī e 3 rd –io- ior- ī e 4 th - ior- ī ri ī
7 Deponent Verbs: The Principle Parts Recognizing the Conjugation from the Principle Parts: Exempla What is the conjugation of the following verbs? 1. cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum= 2. moror, morārī, morātus sum= 3. lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum= 4. videor, vidērī, vīsus sum= 5. sequor, sequī, secūtus sum= 6. morior, morī, mortuus sum= 7. ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum= 8. orior, orīrī, ortus sum= 9. patior, patī, passus sum= 10. loquor, loquī, locūtus sum=
8 Deponent Verbs: The Principle Parts Recognizing the Conjugation from the Principle Parts: Exempla What is the conjugation of the following verbs? 1. cōnor, cōnārī, cōnātus sum= 1 st 2. moror, morārī, morātus sum= 1 st 3. lābor, lābī, lāpsus sum= 3 rd 4. videor, vidērī, vīsus sum= 2 nd 5. sequor, sequī, secūtus sum= 3 rd 6. morior, morī, mortuus sum= 3 rd –io 7. ingredior, ingredī, ingressus sum= 3 rd –io 8. orior, orīrī, ortus sum= 4 th 9. patior, patī, passus sum= 3 rd –io 10. loquor, loquī, locūtus sum= 3 rd
9 Deponent Verbs: The Present System The Conjugation of Deponent Verbs in the Present System follows the exact same rules and patterns as the Conjugation of Regular Verbs in the Passive Voice: Present Stem + Tense Marker + Personal Endings - r- mur - ris- mini - tur- ntur As with Regular Verbs, we must always remember to use the appropriate Tense Markers and Stem Vowels.
10 The Present System: Review – Stem Vowels and Tense Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Future-a-e-e-ie-ie
11 The Present System: Review – Tense Markers Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present[None] Imperfect-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Future-bi-bi-e-ie-ie
12 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense The Present Tense is formed by adding the Personal Endings directly onto the Present Stem. Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1st singular ends in –or 1 st Conjugation – – a drops out before –o of 1 st Sing. 3 rd Conjugation – T.V. drops out before –o of 1 st Sing. – T.V. becomes –e in 2 nd Sing. – T.V. changes to –u in 3 rd Pl. 3 rd –io – T.V. does not drop out before –o of 1 st Sing. – T.V. becomes –e in 2 nd Sing. – T.V. changes to –iu in 3 rd Pl. 4 th Conjugation – T.V. changes to –iu in 3 rd Pl.
13 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1 st Sing. ends in –or –a drops out before –or of 1 st Sing. Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Stem = mirā(–Ends in T.V.) Mir(a)+or= MirorMira+mur= Miramur Mira+ris = MirarisMira+mini= Miramini Mira+tur = MiraturMira+ntur= Mirantur
14 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1 st Sing. ends in –or Exemplum: vereor, verērī, veritus sum Stem = verē(–Ends in T.V.) Vere+or = VereorVere+mur= Veremur Vere+ris = VererisVere+mini = Veremini Vere+tur = VereturVere+ntur = Verentur
15 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1 st Sing. ends in –or – T.V. becomes –e in 2 nd Sing. – T.V. drops out before –o of 1 st Sing. – T.V. changes to –u in 3 rd Pl. Exemplum: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Stem = sequi(–T.V. Changes to –i) Sequ(i)+or= SequorSequi+mur= Sequimur Seque+ris = SequerisSequi+mini= Sequimini Sequi+tur = SequiturSequ(i)+ntur= Sequuntur
16 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1 st Sing. ends in –or – T.V. becomes –e in 2 nd Sing. – T.V. drops out before –o of 1 st Sing. – T.V. changes to –u in 3 rd Pl. Exemplum: patior, patī, passus sum Stem = pati(–T.V. changes to –i) Pati+or= PatiorPati+mur= Patimur Pate+ris= PaterisPati+mini= Patimini Pati+tur= PatiturPatiu+ntur= Patiuntur
17 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Tense Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Present Tense = Present Stem (ending in T.V.) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Present-a -e-i-i-i NB: – 1 st Sing. ends in –or – T.V. changes to –iu in 3 rd Pl. Exemplum: orior, orīrī, ortus sum Stem = ori(–Ends in T.V.) Ori+or= OriorOri+mur= Orimur Ori+ris= OririsOri+mini= Orimini Ori+tur = OriturOriu+ntur= Oriuntur
18 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle In Latin, there is no Present Passive Participle; the only Present Participle that exists is the Present Active Participle. For this reason, Deponent Verbs form the Present Participle according to the normal pattern for the Present Active Participle of regular verbs. The Present Active Participle is the only form of a Deponent Verb which will be active in form as well as meaning.
19 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle Pres. Act. Part. = Imperfect Stem + ns, ntis T.V.1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th -a-e-e-ie -ie 1 st Conjugation: Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Stem = mirā + ns, ntis – wondering M/FNM/FN MiransMiransMirantesMirantia MirantisMirantium MirantiMirantibus MirantemMiransMirantesMirantia MirantiMirantibus
20 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle Pres. Act. Part. = Imperfect Stem + ns, ntis T.V.1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th -a-e-e-ie -ie 2 nd Conjugation: Exemplum: vereor, verērī, veritus sum Stem = verē + ns, ntis – fearing M/F NM/FN Verens VerensVerentesVerentia VerentisVerentium VerentiVerentibus Verentem VerensVerentesVerentia VerentiVerentibus
21 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle Pres. Act. Part. = Imperfect Stem + ns, ntis T.V.1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th -a-e-e-ie -ie 3 rd Conjugation: Exemplum: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Stem = seque + ns, ntis – following M/F NM/FN Sequens SequensSequentesSequentia SequentisSequentium SequentiSequentibus Sequentem SequensSequentesSequentia SequentiSequentibus
22 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle Pres. Act. Part. = Imperfect Stem + ns, ntis T.V.1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th -a-e-e-ie -ie 3 rd –io Conjugation: Exemplum: patior, patī, passus sum Stem = patie + ns, ntis – suffering M/F NM/FN Patiens PatiensPatientesPatientia PatientisPatientium PatientiPatientibus Patientem PatiensPatientesPatientia PatientiPatientibus
23 I. Deponent Verbs: The Present Active Participle Pres. Act. Part. = Imperfect Stem + ns, ntis T.V.1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th -a-e-e-ie -ie 4 th Conjugation: Exemplum: orior, orīrī, ortus sum Stem = orie + ns, ntis – rising M/F NM/FN Oriens OriensOrientesOrientia OrientisOrientium OrientiOrientibus Orientem OriensOrientesOrientia OrientiOrientibus
24 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense The Imperfect Tense is formed by adding the Tense Marker –ba– to the verb stem (after T.V) plus the Personal Endings. Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings (Tense Marker) Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie
25 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Stem = mirā (–Ends in T.V.) Mira+ba+r = MirabarMira+ba+mur = Mirabamur Mira+ba+ris = MirabarisMira+ba+mini= Mirabamini Mira+ba+tur = MirbaturMira+ba+ntur = Mirabantur
26 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Exemplum: vereor, verērī, veritus sum Stem = verē(–Ends in T.V.) Vere+ba+r = Verebar Vere+ba+mur = Verebamur Vere+ba+ris = VerebarisVere+ba+mini= Verebamini Vere+ba+tur = VerebaturVere+ba+ntur = Verebantur
27 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Exemplum: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Stem = seque(–T.V. becomes –e) Seque+ba+r = SequebarSeque+ba+mur = Sequebamur Seque+ba+ris = SequebarisSeque+ba+mini= Sequebamini Seque+ba+tur= SequebaturSeque+ba+ntur = Sequebantur
28 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Exemplum: patior, patī, passus sum Stem = patie(–T.V. becomes –ie) Patie+ba+r = PatiebarPatie+ba+mur = Patiebamur Patie+ba+ris = PatiebarisPatie+ba+mini = Patiebamini Patie+ba+tur = PatiebaturPatie+ba+ntur = Patiebantur
29 II. Deponent Verbs: The Imperfect Tense Imperfect = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + ba + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Imperfect-a-e-e-ie-ie Exemplum: orior, orīrī, ortus sum Stem = orie(T.V. becomes –ie) Orie+ba+r = OriebarOrie+ba+mur = Oriebamur Orie+ba+ris = OriebarisOrie+ba+mini= Oriebamini Orie+ba+tur = OriebaturOrie+ba+ntur = Oriebantur
30 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense The Future Tense is formed in two different ways, depending on the Conjugation of the verb. Verbs of the 1 st and 2 nd Conjugation follow one pattern or equation, while verbs of the 3 rd and 4 th Conjugation follow a second pattern or equation. 1 st and 2 nd = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + bi + Personal Endings (Tense Marker) 3 rd and 4 th = Present Stem (T.V. changes to e/ie) + Personal Endings (e/ie = Future Tense Marker) (e/ie = Future Tense Marker)
31 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense 1 st and 2 nd = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + bi + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1 st Singular uses –or – -i of Tense Marker drops out in 1 st Sing. – -bi of Tense Marker becomes –be in 2 nd Sing. – -i of Tense Marker becomes –u in 3 rd Plural Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Exemplum: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum Stem = mir ā (–Ends in T.V.) Mira+b(i)+or = MiraborMira+bi+mur = Mirabimur Mira+be+ris = MiraberisMira+bi+mini = Mirabimini Mira+bi+tur = MirabiturMira+bu+ntur = Mirabuntur
32 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense 1 st and 2 nd = Present Stem (Ending in T.V.) + bi + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1st Singular uses –o – -i of Tense Marker drops out in 1 st Sing. – -bi of Tense Marker becomes –be in 2 nd Sing. – -i of Tense Marker becomes –u in 3rd Plural Exemplum: vereor, verērī, veritus sum Stem = ver ē (–Ends in T.V.) Vere+b(i)+or = VereborVere+bi+mur = Verebimur Vere+be+ris = VereberisVere+bi+mini = Verebimini Vere+bi+tur = VerebiturVere+bu+ntur = Verebuntur
33 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense The 3 rd and 4 th Conjugations form the Future Tense by changing the vowels at the end of the verb stem. These vowels themselves act as the Tense Marker that shows us the verb is in the Future. The Personal Endings are then added right onto the stem ending in the modified vowels.
34 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense Thankfully, the changes to the vowels at the end of the verb stem are very simple: The stem changes its Thematic Vowel in exactly the same way as the stem changes in the Imperfect Tense. 3 rd and 4 th = Present Stem (T.V. changes to e/ie) + Personal Endings (e/ie = Future Tense Marker) (e/ie = Future Tense Marker) Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1 st Singular uses –ar; -e of stem drops before –ar
35 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense 3 rd and 4 th = Present Stem (T.V. changes to e/ie) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1 st Singular uses –ar Exemplum: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Exemplum: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum Stem = seque(–T.V. becomes –e) Sequ(e)+ar = SequarSeque+mur= Sequemur Seque+ris= SequerisSeque+mini= Sequemini Seque+tur= SequeturSeque+ntur= Sequentur
36 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense 3 rd and 4 th = Present Stem (T.V. changes to e/ie) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1 st Singular uses –ar Exemplum: patior, patī, passus sum Stem = patie(–T.V. becomes –ie) Pati(e)+ar= PatiarPatie+mur = Patiemur Patie+ris = PatierisPatie+mini= Patiemini Patie+tur= PatieturPatie+ntur= Patientur
37 III. Deponent Verbs: The Future Tense 3 rd and 4 th = Present Stem (T.V. changes to e/ie) + Personal Endings Tense1 st 2 nd 3 rd 3 rd –io 4 th Future-a-e-e-ie-ie NB: 1 st Singular uses –ar Exemplum: orior, orīrī, ortus sum Stem = orie(T.V. becomes –ie) Ori(e)+ar= OriarOrie+mur= Oriemur Orie+ris= OrierisOrie+mini= Oriemini Orie+tur= OrieturOrie+ntur= Orientur
38 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect System As in the Present System, the conjugation of Deponent Verbs in the Prefect System follows the exact same rules and patterns as the conjugation of Regular Verbs in the Passive Voice: Perfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (3 rd P.P.) + Present of sum, esse Pluperfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (3 rd P.P.) + Imperfect of sum, esse Future Perfect Passive = Perf. Pass. Part. (3 rd P.P.) + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C.
39 Deponent Verbs: The Perfect System NB: (1) Since by their definition Deponent Verbs are Passive in form but Active in meaning, they lack the usual 3 rd Principle Part (the Perfect Active Stem). Instead, the 3 rd Principle Part is the Perfect Passive Participle (which gives the Perfect Passive Stem). Sometimes this is listed with “sum”.
40 Deponent Verbs: The Perfect System NB: (2) Because Deponent Verbs are passive only in form but active in meaning, the Perfect Participle of Deponent Verbs (3 rd P.P.) must always be translated in active voice. Deponent Verbs are the ONLY verbs in Latin which have a Perfect ACTIVE Participle.
41 Deponent Verbs: The Perfect System The Perfect Participle Deponent: Exempla: mīrātus, a, um – “having wondered,” NOT having been wondered veritus, a, um – “having feared,” NOT “having been feared” secūtus, a, um – “having followed,” NOT “having been followed” passus, a, um – “having suffered,” NOT “having been suffered ortus, a, um – “having arisen,” NOT “having been made to rise”
42 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect Tense Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Present of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 1 st Conjugation: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum puermiratus sum puellamirata sum oppidum miratum sum miratus esmirata es miratum es miratus estmirata est miratum est pueri mirati sumus puellaemiratae sumus oppida mirata sumus mirati estismiratae estis mirata estis mirati suntmiratae sunt mirata sunt
43 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect Tense Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Present of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 2 nd Conjugation: vereor, verērī, veritus sum puerveritus sumpuellaverita sum oppidum veritum sum veritus esverita es veritum es veritus estverita est veritum est pueriveriti sumuspuellaeveritae sumusoppida verita sumus veriti estisveritae estis verita estis veriti suntveritae sunt verita sunt
44 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect Tense Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Present of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd Conjugation: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum puersecutus sumpuellasecuta sumoppidum secutum sum secutus essecuta es secutum es secutus estsecuta est secutum est puerisecuti sumuspuellaesecutae sumusoppida secuta sumus secuti estissecutae estis secuta estis secuti suntsecutae sunt secuta sunt
45 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect Tense Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Present of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd –io Conjugation: patior, patī, passus sum puerpassus sumpuellapassa sumoppidum passum sum passus espassa es passum es passus estpassa est passum est pueripassi sumuspuellaepassae sumusoppida passa sumus passi estispassae estis passa estis passi suntpassae sunt passa sunt
46 IV. Deponent Verbs: The Perfect Tense Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Present of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 4 th Conjugation: orior, orīrī, ortus sum puerortus sumpuellaorta sumoppidum ortum sum ortus esorta es ortum es ortus estorta est ortum est pueriorti sumuspuellaeortae sumus oppida orta sumus orti estisortae estis orta estis orti suntortae sunt orta sunt
47 V. Deponent Verbs: The Pluperfect Tense Pluperfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Imperfect of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 1 st Conjugation: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum puermiratus eram puellamirata eram oppidum miratum eram miratus erasmirata eras miratum eras miratus eratmirata erat miratum erat pueri mirati eramus puellaemiratae eramus oppida mirata eramus mirati eratismiratae eratis mirata eratis mirati erantmiratae erant mirata erant
48 V. Deponent Verbs: The Pluperfect Tense Pluperfect Passive =3 rd P.P. + Imperfect of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 2 nd Conjugation: vereor, verērī, veritus sum puerveritus erampuellaverita eram oppidum veritum eram veritus erasverita eras veritum eras veritus eratverita erat veritum erat pueriveriti eramuspuellaeveritae eramusoppida verita eramus veriti eratisveritae eratis verita eratis veriti erantveritae erant verita erant
49 V. Deponent Verbs: The Pluperfect Tense Pluperfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Imperfect of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd Conjugation: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum puersecutus erampuellasecuta eramoppidum secutum eram secutus erassecuta eras secutum eras secutus eratsecuta erat secutum erat puerisecuti eramuspuellaesecutae eramusoppida secuta eramus secuti eratissecutae eratis secuta eratis secuti erantsecutae erant secuta erant
50 V. Deponent Verbs: The Pluperfect Tense Pluperfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Imperfect of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd –io Conjugation: patior, patī, passus sum puerpassus erampuellapassa eramoppidum passum eram passus eraspassa eras passum eras passus eratpassa erat passum erat pueripassi eramuspuellaepassae eramusoppida passa eramus passi eratispassae eratis passa eratis passi erantpassae erant passa erant
51 V. Deponent Verbs: The Pluperfect Tense Pluperfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Imperfect of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 4 th Conjugation: orior, orīrī, ortus sum puerortus erampuellaorta eramoppidum ortum eram ortus erasorta eras ortum eras ortus eratorta erat ortum erat pueriorti eramuspuellaeortae eramus oppida orta eramus orti eratisortae eratis orta eratis orti erantortae erant orta erant
52 VI. Deponent Verbs: The Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 1 st Conjugation: mīror, mīrārī, mīrātus sum puermiratus ero puellamirata ero oppidum miratum ero miratus erismirata eris miratum eris miratus eritmirata erit miratum erit pueri mirati erimus puellaemiratae erimus oppida mirata erimus mirati eritismiratae eritis mirata eritis mirati eruntmiratae erunt mirata erunt
53 VI. Deponent Verbs: The Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 2 nd Conjugation: vereor, verērī, veritus sum puerveritus eropuellaverita ero oppidum veritum ero veritus erisverita eris veritum eris veritus eritverita erit veritum erit pueriveriti erimuspuellaeveritae erimusoppida verita erimus veriti eritisveritae eritis verita eritis veriti eruntveritae erunt verita erunt
54 VI. Deponent Verbs: The Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd Conjugation: sequor, sequī, secūtus sum puersecutus eropuellasecuta erooppidum secutum ero secutus erissecuta eris secutum eris secutus eritsecuta erit secutum erit puerisecuti erimuspuellaesecutae erimusoppida secuta erimus secuti eritissecutae eritis secuta eritis secuti eruntsecutae erunt secuta erunt
55 VI. Deponent Verbs: The Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 3 rd –io Conjugation: patior, patī, passus sum puerpassus eropuellapassa erooppidum passum ero passus erispassa eris passum eris passus eritpassa erit passum erit pueripassi erimuspuellaepassae erimusoppida passa erimus passi eritispassae eritis passa eritis passi eruntpassae erunt passa erunt
56 VI. Deponent Verbs: The Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Passive = 3 rd P.P. + Future of sum, esse 3 rd P.P. agrees with subject in G.N.C. 4 th Conjugation: orior, orīrī, ortus sum puerortus eropuellaorta erooppidum ortum ero ortus erisorta eris ortum eris ortus eritorta erit ortum erit pueriorti erimuspuellaeortae erimus oppida orta erimus orti eritisortae eritis orta eritis orti eruntortae erunt orta erunt
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