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Culture Lesson 8. Meals For the French, eating is a cultural experience. Meals are not just about food, but about relaxing, chatting, and spending leisure.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture Lesson 8. Meals For the French, eating is a cultural experience. Meals are not just about food, but about relaxing, chatting, and spending leisure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture Lesson 8

2 Meals For the French, eating is a cultural experience. Meals are not just about food, but about relaxing, chatting, and spending leisure time together. According to a survey taken by the French Committee for Health Education (CFES), 75% if the French eat their meals at the table. 4.2

3 The favorite place to eat both lunch and dinner is at home. Although French meals usually consist of four courses, the survey finds that the French diet is naturally balanced. Unlike most Americans, the French hardly ever snack outside of meals. Compare French eating habits to yours. 4.2

4 Tips By law, in France, restaurants automatically include a 15% tip (le pourboire) in every check. The service charge included (service compris or prix nets) should be indicated on the check and on the menu, but even if it is not, the tip is still included. Sometimes, customers may leave an additional amount if they are very happy with the service, but isn’t required or expected. 4.2

5 What is the fair tipping amount here? Is it comparable to France? 4.2 What do you think? Write out your opinions and facts and continue using this same paper to complete the rest of the work in this power point.

6 Nathalie est au restaurant Margolis. Complète cette conversation à l’aide des images. -Qu’est-ce vous me conseillez? -Le est excellent! -Non… je n’ai pas envie. Il est comment, le -Il n’est pas mauvais, mais le rôti de et le provençal sont délicieux. -Alors, je vais prendre le rôti. Je voudrais aussi une s’il vous plaît. 1.2 Write out what the dialogue would be if you filled in words for all the pictures.

7 To ask about prices and pay the check. C’est combien, le coca? How much is the …? C’est cinq euros. It’s… Ça fait combien en tout? How much is it? Ça fait quinze euros. It’s …(total). L’addition, s’il vous plaît. The check… Oui, tout de suite. Yes, right away. Le service est compris? Is the tip included? Oui, bien entendu. Yes, of course. Write these down in your notes. They are on the chart for ch.3

8 Scénario Jouez une petite scène entre le serveur et le client où vous demandez les prix de vos plats et vous payez l’addition. This will be recorded with one of the following apps on the iPad: iTalk, Show Me, Screen Chomp, video, or Capture (pick on and send me the video or sound recording at Four lines at least- per person You may have 2-3 people per group. 1.3

9 By the end of the hour You should have slide 5 and 6 answers written on a piece of paper and handed in to the sub. You should have a small dialogue recorded and sent to me using on of the apps on slide 16. Please put your iPads away and be nice to the sub.

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