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PGMEA Recycling Reporter: Lin Hong.

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1 PGMEA Recycling Reporter: Lin Hong

2 Components of waste solvent
BP(℃) Solubility in water Density(g/cm3) CAS PGMEA 91.15% 145.98 16ml/L 0.966 Ethyl Lactate(乳酸乙酯) 1.98% 154 immiscible 1.02 Cyclohexanone(环己酮) 2.75% 155.6 Slightly insoluble 0.948 Anisole(苯甲醚) 0.83% 155.5 insoluble 0.996 Diethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether(二乙二醇二甲醚) 1.79% 162 0.947 water 1.5% 100 \ 1.000

3 Azeotropic system BP(℃) PGMEA-water ? PGMEA-Ethyl Lactate
Cyclohexanone-water 95 water 100 Diethylene Glycol -water PGMEA 145.98 Ethyl Lactate-Anisole 150 Ethyl Lactate -Cyclohexanone 153.55 154 Anisole 155.5 Cyclohexanone 155.6 Diethylene Glycol 162

4 Water-PGMEA Component 1 Component 2 P(KPa) T(℃) X1az water PGMEA 93.3
63.82 0.880 53.3 79.32 0.888 26.7 63.38 0.903 *The data above is from literature.

5 PGMEA- Ethyl Lactate Component 1 Component 2 P(KPa) T(℃) X1az PGMEA
202.66 0.86 101.33 0.90 93.3 0.92 53.3 26.7 * The data above is obtained by simulation with UNIFAC model.

6 Separation Process Product purity:PGMEA>99.5%
1.Add enough water, then remove Cyclohexanone and Diethylene Glycol by azetropic distillation; *It can be figured that step 1 has no effect on Diethylene Glycol by simulation.

7 Separation Process 2.Add enough m-xylene(BP139℃), then remove Ethyl Lactate by azetropic distillation(BP137℃). Or 2.accumulate PGMEA at top *The steps above have not been confirmed by simulation or experiment.

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