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Cardiorespiratory Training

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1 Cardiorespiratory Training

2 Physiological Adaptations
Muscular system during low intensity: Adaptations to Type 1 muscle fiber Increase in size and # of mitochondria Which helps ATP generation Growth of more capillaries around muscle fibers Enhances delivery of oxygenated blood to the muscle Increased contractile mechanism (actin and myosin) Leads to hypertrophy

3 Bell Ringer #1 Verbally label the anatomical structures with a buddy

4 Physiological Adaptations
Cardiovascular System: Hypertrophy of the heart due to expansion of blood volume Increased Q Increased S Chamber enlargement End diastolic volume (chamber filling) Ejection fraction (chamber emptying)

5 Physiological Adaptations
Respiratory System Increased ventilation “breathing” muscles will adapt: diaphragm, external intercostals, sternocleidomastoid, scalene, serratus anterior, rectus abdominis, quadratus lumborum Little evidence that structures of pulmonary system increase in size But increase in ventilator muscles could increase tidal volume: Delivers oxygen to the alveoli and reduces dead space (air that is trapped in bronchial tubes)

6 How long will it take to see changes??
CV: begin with the first exercise session, not measurable for a couple of weeks VO2 will max around 6 months VT, LT could improve for years to come Due to increase in capillaries and mitochondria

7 Physiological adaptations to HRss
Most adaptations occur during HRss: Basically all systems are elevated but they level out and work efficiently after a short period of time After starting session or increasing Intensity it takes the body :45 to 4 min to reach HRss This “second wind” depends on: Fitness level (fit clients will reach HRss faster) Exercise intensity (the higher the I the more time they will need to reach HRss)

8 Physiological Adaptations to interval based training
Know your client: Interval training is not to be used on deconditioned clients VO2 max and HRss have similar improvements Increased anaerobic benefits including a tolerance to Lactic acid buildup (LT) This allows higher intensities for longer periods of time General Rule: Need to apply overload principle progressively to work the CR system This usually does not happen with Hrss, If fibers are not recruited than they won’t adapt therefore apply overload principle with high intensity training to improve: SV Increase in venous return (increases end diastolic volume)

9 Components of CR Workout Session
Warm up phase Conditioning phase Cool down phase

10 Warm up Phase Definition: period of lighter exercise preceding the conditioning phase 5 – 10 min Could begin with low intensity and towards the end put in higher intensity Especially is you will be doing high intensity workout Should not be so demanding that client cannot perform conditioning safely To stretch or not to stretch: What does ACE say? If doing high intensity work out, then stretching can possibly do more harm than good Inhibits capability of full intensity HUH? Stretching improves elasticity: which lowers force of contractile proteins Options: Do dynamic stretching/movements at end of warm up, or stretch but then activate that muscle group again before conditioning phase

11 Activation of muscle after stretch:
After hamstring/quad stretch After anterior/posterior shoulder stretch

12 Conditioning Phase Need to know your clients current fitness level and training goals Plan in terms of F,D,I HRss or interval training ?? If HRss watch for cardiovascular drift: Caused by: decreased blood volume due to dehydration Increased temperature: body will send blood to surface to try and cool off, which decreases venous return and blood available to exercising muscles. Interval: (could be HIIT) For clients with goals beyond basic CR conditioning High intensity training for bouts of seconds may effectively recruit type II muscle fibers


14 Cool down About 5-10 min Purpose: to prevent blood from pooling in the extremities Could cause light headedness Active cool down may help remove metabolic waste from muscles to be metabolized by other tissues Stretching can improve flexibility and reduce muscle soreness

15 Bell ringer #2 Art Turee, a new client is interested in the CV benefits and physiological changes he can expect from his new fitness program. List 5 CV health benefits and 5 adaptive physiological responses

16 General Guidelines for CR exercise Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans U.S. Department of Health & Human Services To reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes the recommendation for year old clients include: 150 min per week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, OR 75 min per week of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity Perform aerobic bouts that last at least 10 min Muscle strengthening activity involving all major muscle groups at least 2 days per week Recommendation for 6-17 year old clients include: 60 min of moderate to vigorous activity every day Vigorous intensity activity 3 days per week (minimum) Muscle and bone strengthening exercises at least 3 days per week

17 General Guidelines for CR exercise Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Recommendation for 6-17 year old clients include: 60 min of moderate to vigorous activity every day Vigorous intensity activity 3 days per week (minimum) Muscle and bone strengthening exercises at least 3 days per week

18 General CR guidelines by ACSM and AHA
F.I.T.T: frequency, intensity, time (duration), type (modality) “E” enjoyable or experience. Progressing with these variables depends on client’s: Health status Exercise tolerance Available time Program goals Changing/progressing in Intensity is the best way to see changes (vs F, D)

19 Frequency Health benefits, although minimal, can be attained with just 2 sessions per week ACSM recommendations table 11-1

20 Intensity Most important but most difficult to present quantitatively
Methods to monitor intensity include: Heart rate (%MHR, heart rate reserve HRR) RPE Vox or METs Caloric expenditure Talk test Blood lactate and VT2

21 Duration: = amount of time spent performing the physical activity
Can be one continuous bout or broken up for a minimum of 10 min Benefits are gained from any exercise: Physical activity expending ≤1000 kcal/week produce improvements in health (lowers BP and cholesterol) minimal recommendation ≥2000 kcal/week promotes weight loss and significant improvements in overall fitness Table 11-7

22 Examples of intensity

23 Heart Rate: Most widely used: MHR or HRR
For MHR must use maximal effort exercise test (which is not recommended for most people) Calculate using 220-age, varies from person to person Could lead trainer to over or under estimate exercise intensity Many variables impact MHR: Genetics, exercise modality, medications, body size, altitude, age, HRR is more appropriate to use because it does consider RHR differences in clients. It still has limitations regarding accuracy and appropriateness

24 Rating of Perceived Exertion: RPE
Subjective way to measure exercise intensity 2 versions: Classical (6-20) Contemporary ratio (0-10) A rating of “moderate” on RPE scale more or less equivalent to 70% of MHR “somewhat hard” = 80% MHR “hard” 85% MHR Sedentary clients tend to have a difficult time using this scale

25 Vo2 or Metabolic Equivalents (METs)
Expressed in Vo2 max or VO2 reserve Studies suggest minimal improvements in Vo2 max if intensity is below 40/50% of VO2 max. The lowest effective training intensity at which adaptations could occur would be the VT1 Another method for expressing exercise intensity is METS (3.5mL/kg/min) Ie: at 5.0 METs they are working five times harder than resting Table 11-6

26 Caloric expenditure (how many calories am I burning during this session?)
When the human body burns fuels oxygen is consumed, which yields calories to perform work. Usually calculated in terms of absolute VO2 during activity by estimating the total quantity of oxygen consumed per minute. Then multiplying it by 5kcal/liter of oxygen Sometimes measured in relative terms (mL/kg/min) Huh? Absolute – L Relative mL Need to change relative to absolute Caloric expenditure = {Vo2 (ml/kg/min) x body weight(kg)/1000} x 5 kcal/L/min

27 Caloric expenditure example:
Mary weighs 154 lb and exercises for 25 minutes and maintains an average VO2 of 35 mL/kg/min what would be her total caloric expenditure for the entire exercise bout? SKIP This for now!

28 Talk Test VT1 = client is not longer able to speak comfortably
Talk test is good marker for VT1 VT2 represents the point at which high intensity exercise can no longer be sustained because of accumulation of lactic acid Commonly known as the anaerobic or lactate threshold Researcher call it OBLA (onset of blood lactate accumulation) Above VT2 speech is not possible other than single words

29 Blood lactate and VT2 Metabolic response to exercise
Defined: point at which lactate production becomes greater than lactate removal Lactate is produced at a higher rate as exercise intensity increases At about 50% output the ability for the body to eliminate lactate from blood starts to become limited Known as the blood lactate threshold (VT1) What does this mean? When client starts to exercise, breathing increases at linear progression. When it deviates it means that your body is trying to prevent accumulation of lactate from causing pH disturbances (acidosis) To deal with acidosis (acid associated with lactate) blood buffers come to try and neutralize the situation Which leads to the production of carbon dioxide The body tries to eliminate this carbon dioxide with increased ventilation (now you know why you start to breath hard when you exercise  )

30 VT2 When the buffering system cannot keep up with acidosis removal = VT2 This is identified as the anaerobic threshold or OBLA Which means the body can no longer keep exercising due to accumulation of lactate and begins to shut down. Zones:

31 Bell Ringer: Explain the zones:

32 Progression Overload Specificity
SAID principle Include many different modalities of exercise to limit the risk of burnout or injury

33 Bell ringer Review your notes from testing unit that deal specifically with Cardiorespiratory. Review your notes from program design for the ACE IFT model. If you don’t have notes please go ACE website

34 Application: ACE IFT model (training phases)

35 Phase 1 (aerobic base training): Training Focus
Focus is on creating positive exercise experiences that help sedentary clients exercise regularly Improve health first and then improve fitness No fitness assessment are required prior to exercise in this phase Focus on steady state exercise in zone 1 (below HR at VT1) Use talk test threshold and/or RPE of 3 to 4 (moderate to somewhat hard) Progress to phase 2 once the client can sustain steady state CR exercise for 20 to 30 min in zone 1

36 Phase 1 Program Design Guidelines
Promote program adherence No assessments necessary All CR exercise falls within zone 1 (sub VT1) Also use the RPE scale 0-10 Client should be exercising at 3 to 4 Can start them at 10 to 15 min of work, rapidly work up to 30 min per session Increase duration at a rate of no more than 10% week to week. Table 11-11

37 Phase 2 (aerobic efficiency training): Training Focus
Focus is on increasing the duration of exercise and introducing intervals to improve aerobic efficiency, fitness and health Administer the submaximal talk test to determine HR at VT1 Increase workload at VT1, introduce low zone 2 intervals just above VT1 (RPE of 5) to improve aerobic efficiency and add variety Progress zone 2 intervals by increasing the time of the work interval and later decreasing the recovery interval time As client progresses, introduce intervals in the upper end of zone 2 (RPE 6) Many clients will stay in this phase for many years Progress to phase 3 if they have event specific goals or fitness enthusiast looking for a challenge

38 Phase 2 Program Design Guidelines
Perform submaximal test to determine HR at VT1 Warm-up, cool down, recovery intervals and HRss CR segments are performed at or just below VT1 HR (RPE 3-4 To progress; introduce activity at levels just above VT1 HR or RPE of 5 Utilize fat as fuel Introduce BRIEF intervals, about 60 seconds ratio of 1:3 ie: 60 second interval, 180 sec recovery Progress to a 1:2, then 1:1

39 Phase 3 (Anaerobic endurance Training): training Focus
Focus is on designing programs to help clients who have endurance performance goals and/or are performing seven or more hours of CR exercise per week Administer the VT2 threshold test to determine HR at VT2 Programs will have the majority of CR training time in zone 1 Interval and higher-intensity will be very focused in zones 2 and 3, but will make up only a small amount of the total training time to allow for adaptation to the total training load Many clients will never train in phase 3 Clients who have very specific goals for increasing speed for short bursts at near maximal efforts during endurance or athletic competitions will move on to phase 4

40 Phase 3 program design Submax test to determine HR at VT1 and VT2
Establish a three-zone model: ie: client’s HR at VT1 is 143 bmp, and HR at VT2 is 162 bpm the client’s HR zones would be: Zone 1 = less than 143bpm Zone 2 = bpm Zone 3 = 162 bpm and above Use these zones as intensity markers to help client stay within the correct zone Training Intensities should be varied with: 70-80% in zone 1 About 10-20% in zone 3 Brief periods in zone 2

41 Phase 4 (Anaerobic power Training): training Focus
Focus is on improving anaerobic power to improve phosphagen energy pathways and bugger large accumulations of blood lactate in order to improve speed for shorts bursts at near maximal efforts during endurance or athletic competitions Zone 3 training will include very intense anaerobic power intervals Clients will generally only work in phase4 during specific training cycle prior to competition

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