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Political Spectrum What am I? radical, liberal, conservative, reactionary.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Spectrum What am I? radical, liberal, conservative, reactionary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Spectrum What am I? radical, liberal, conservative, reactionary

2 Objective: Students will be able to explain the origins functions and types of political parties in the United States. Pair Share What is the difference between a liberal and conservative/ a Republican and Democrat? Do you think you are a liberal or conservative? A Democrat or Republican?

3 Directions Take out a piece of paper and title it: “Political Quiz - number from 1-15 Each number will represent a specific issue. –(ex. #1 = abortion rights) Next to the # of the issue write 1-4 depending on your opinion. You will total all #’s at the end of the activity.

4 #1: Abortion Rights (Pro-choice) If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

5 #2 Death Penalty If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

6 #3 Federal Embryonic Stem Cell Research If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

7 #4 Gun Background Checks If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

8 #5 Patriot Act If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

9 #6 Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

10 #7 Support Iraq War If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

11 #8 Increase Minimum Wage If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

12 #9 Same-Sex Marriage If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

13 #10 Universal Health Care If you strongly agree with the issue write 1 If you agree with the issue write 2 If you disagree with the issue write 3 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 4

14 #11 Privatizing Social Security If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

15 #12 Fair Tax If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

16 #13 Strict Interpretation/Loose If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

17 #14 Border Fence If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

18 #15 Free Trade If you strongly agree with the issue write 4 If you agree with the issue write 3 If you disagree with the issue write 2 If you strongly disagree with the issue write 1

19 Count up your numbers – write the total at the bottom of the paper and circle it.

20 RadicalLiberal ConservativeReactionary 1520 25 30 354045505560 Moderate Political Spectrum REPUBLICANDEMOCRAT

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