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Questionnaires and interviews

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1 Questionnaires and interviews
Survey research Questionnaires and interviews

2 Questions Need to relate to research objectives
Need to motivate respondents to provide information 2 types of questions factual about subjective experience

3 Factual questions Background info Info about habits
Generally not very problematic

4 Example: factual question
Do you have digital TV in your home? Yes No Don’t know

5 Example: factual question
Which, if any, of the following airlines have you travelled with? [Please tick all that apply] British Airways British Midland (bmi) EasyJet Ryanair Virgin Atlantic None of these

6 Questions about subjective experience
Ask about respondents’ beliefs, attitudes, feelings and opinions More problematic than factual questions respondents don’t always know what they think answers more sensitive to how question is worded, or the order of questions Back up with other questions

7 Example: question about attitudes
Would you say the Government has provided you with enough information about the changeover to digital TV? Yes- the Government has provided too much information Yes- the Government has provided about the right amount No- the Government has not provided enough information No- the Government has provided no information Don’t know

8 Example: question about attitudes
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? ‘Divorce in Britain should be made more difficult to obtain than it is now’ Agree strongly Just agree Neither agree nor disagree Just disagree Disagree strongly

9 Structure of questions: closed-ended
Respondents given set of answers and asked to choose one Advantages quick, easy to answer easy to analyse Disadvantages may introduce bias, presenting possible answers which respondent would not think of may introduce bias, making respondent choose from alternatives may omit possible answers

10 Structure of questions: open-ended
Ask question without giving any answers; record respondent’s full answer Advantages no preconceived answers can be more revealing interviewer can clarify misunderstandings Disadvantages difficult to answer difficult to analyse Should not be questions that can be answered yes/no

11 Filter & contingency questions
Question relevant to some respondents but not to others Closed-ended Use filter question to arrive at subgroup

12 Example: filter & contingency questions
22a. Have you ever taken any schooling at a trade school, college, university or other postsecondary school? Yes → Go to Question 22b No → Go to Question 35 22b. At what type of educational institution did you take this schooling? Trade school Other non-university institution University

13 Question formats (1) Dichotomous Multiple choice e.g. Yes/No
can ask for single or multiple answers

14 Question formats (2) Rating scale, e.g. Likert scale Strongly agree
Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree (or only four ratings – no ‘undecided’)

15 Question formats (3) Ranking scale
e.g. rank a set of items in order of most to least important by placing 1-6 next to items, where 1 is most important and 6 is least important

16 Potential problems of wording
difficult for respondent to understand, too complex leading question, e.g. Do you prefer the new format of assessment to the previous format? Yes/No/Don’t know Comparing the old and new formats of assessment, which do you prefer? Prefer old format/Prefer new format/No preference double-barrelled questions two or more questions combined

17 Administering questionnaires
Before administering, pilot questions and questionnaire Administer: By post low response rate Online survey design tool available in Faculty of Humanities Group-administered e.g. Uni course unit survey By interview more resource intensive interviewer can probe and establish rapport interviewer is part of the instrument so must know what he/she is doing

18 Interviewing Traditional approaches Interpretive approach:
‘ask the right questions’: respondent as vessel of answers, facts, experiences mass interviews, structured Interpretive approach: ‘active interview’: respondent as productive source of knowledge (Gubrium and Holstein) focus on how meaning is constructed based on cooperation, mutual understanding researcher ‘activates narrative production’ (ibid.)

19 Example Aim: to obtain information about the reception of subtitled films in UK Who to survey? Questionnaire, interview? Types of questions? Formats of questions? Questions?

20 Resources Czaja, Ronald And Johnny Blair (2003) Designing Surveys: A Guide to Decisions and Procedures, 2nd edition, Thousand Oaks and London: Pine Forge. Gubrium, Jaber F. and James A. Holstein (eds) (2001) Handbook of Interview Research: Context and Method, Thousand Oaks and London: Sage. May, Tim (2001) Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process, 3rd edition, Buckingham: Open University Press [Chapter 6 is on interviewing] Silverman, David (2000/2005) Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook, London: Sage (1st and 2nd editions) Silverman, David (ed.) (1997/2004) Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice, London: Sage (1st and 2nd editions) Web Survey Methodology website Official Journal of the European Survey Research Association Association for Qualitative Research Introduction to Interviewing Techniques (chapter of e-book) Research Methods Knowledge Base

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