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3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'071 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin) Du Zhouxuan Teng & Ronghua Wang Department.

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Presentation on theme: "3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'071 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin) Du Zhouxuan Teng & Ronghua Wang Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'071 SEED: A Suite of Instructional Laboratories for Computer SEcurity EDucation Wenliang (Kevin) Du Zhouxuan Teng & Ronghua Wang Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Syracuse University

2 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'072 Objectives Improve experiential learning in computer security education Undergraduate & Graduate Develop effective labs (or course projects) for security courses Evaluate the effectiveness of these labs

3 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'073 About SEED Project Funded by the NSF CCLI Program Phase I ($75K) was funded in 2002 Phase II ($450K) was funded in 2007 Four years of experience and development Four universities involved Web page for all the developed labs

4 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'074 Teaching Philosophy Computer security education should focus on: fundamental security principles Students should be given opportunities to experience, apply, to integrate, and to experiment with these principles.

5 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'075 Labs Environment One environment that supports all labs Desired properties Low cost No physical lab space is needed: we focus on software security Repeatable

6 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'076 Lab Environment Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware ) Host OS (Windows, Linux, etc.)

7 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'077 Instructional OS (Minix) Widely used by many courses, e.g., Operating Systems, Networking, etc. Advantage: Real OS, not a toy program Much smaller than production OS Less secure than production OS Easy to understand and modify Disadvantage: Lack of tools Lack of advanced security features

8 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'078 Labs Three types of Labs Design/Implementation Labs Exploration Labs Vulnerability Labs

9 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'079 Design/Implementation Labs Design/Implementation Labs Minix Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware )

10 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0710 Design Labs Students’ Tasks Existing Components Capability Access Control List Sandbox Encrypted File System Properties of this design: Focused on targeted principles Each lab takes 2-6 weeks Difficulties can be adjusted RBAC MAC IPSecFirewallIDS Minix OS System Randomization

11 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0711 Exploration Labs Exploration Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware )

12 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0712 Exploration Labs Minix/Linux OS Security Component Other Components Guided Tour: Small experiments Guided activities Interact with security components Observe Explain the observations “tour” Set-UID PAM: Pluggable Authentication Module Reference Monitor All the design labs can be transformed to exploration labs Intel 80x86 Protection Mode SYN Cookie

13 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0713 Vulnerability/Attack Labs Vulnerability/Attack Labs MinixLinux Virtual Machine (e.g. vmware )

14 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0714 Vulnerability/Attack Labs Linux/Minix OS User Space Kernel Space Real-World Vulnerabilities Fault Injection Students’ Tasks: 1.Find out those vulnerabilities 2.Exploit the vulnerabilities 3.Fix the vulnerabilities 4. Design countermeasures

15 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0715 Vulnerability Laboratories Buffer-overflow Lab Race-condition Lab Format-string Lab Sandbox (chroot) Lab Attack Lab on TCP Attack Lab on ARP, IP, ICMP Attack Lab on DNS Integer overflow SQL injection attack Lab Set-UID vulnerability Lab Lab on various OS kernel vulnerabilities

16 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0716 Example: Capability Lab (1) Learning objectives: Capability-based access control Principle of least privilege Reference monitor Lab Tasks 5 capabilities Capability management functionalities (enabling, disabling, deleting, delegating, revoking capabilities) Time: 4-6 weeks

17 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0717 Capability Lab (2) An actual capability system is very complicated Simplification: 5 capabilities (Solaris has 80) CAP_READ, CAP_KILL, etc. Supporting materials: Identify time-consuming places Analyze whether they are security relevant or not If not, tell students how to do those

18 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0718 (Crypto + System) Labs Encrypted File System Lab Integrate crypto technologies with file systems 4-5 weeks Can also be used for Operating System course IPSec Lab Integrate crypto technologies with TCP/IP 4-6 weeks Can also be used for Networking course Key management issues: key agreement, key storage, key update, etc.

19 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0719 Set-UID Exploration Lab “Play” with the Set-UID mechanism in both Minix and Linux, and answer: How is it implemented? Why is it necessary? Why is it dangerous? How to make Set-UID programs more secure? Why does Linux appear more secure than Minix against vulnerable Set-UID programs.

20 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0720 Buffer-Overflow Lab Students are given: A vulnerability program: stack.c Shell code (binary code) Partially implemented exploit program: exploit.c (shell code is also given) Students need to: Finish exploit.c Construct a string that can be used to overflow the buffer in the vulnerable program Invoke root shell. Time: 1 week

21 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0721 Evaluation Survey Questionnaires The quality of lab design and supporting materials Students’ perspective in the labs: How interested they are Whether the labs are worthwhile Whether the labs spark their interests in security Participants: 30 students on average

22 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0722 Evaluation Results (1) A: Strongly disagree B: Disagree C: Neutral D: Agree E: Strongly agree Survey: Your level of interest in this lab is high. Set-UID LabCapability LabIPSec Lab

23 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0723 Evaluation Results (2) A: Strongly disagree B: Disagree C: Neutral D: Agree E: Strongly agree Set-UID LabCapability LabIPSec Lab Survey: The lab is a valuable part of this course.

24 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0724 Evaluation Results (3) A: Strongly disagree B: Disagree C: Neutral D: Agree E: Strongly agree Set-UID LabCapability LabIPSec Lab Survey: The lab sparks your interest in computer security.

25 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0725 Summaries SEED lab environment is low-cost, portable, easy to use We have developed 15 labs We have used them during the last 4 years Some other universities are also using them Anyone interested are free to use them Evaluation results are encouraging

26 3/10/07ACM SIGCSE'0726 NSF CCLI Showcase Time: 10:30 - 12:00 Place: Exhibit Hall I will handout hardcopies of all our labs Project web site: or google: wedu seed

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