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Nevena Ackovska/Magdalena Kostoska Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia 11 th DAAD Workshop on “Software Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Nevena Ackovska/Magdalena Kostoska Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia 11 th DAAD Workshop on “Software Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nevena Ackovska/Magdalena Kostoska Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FCSE) UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia 11 th DAAD Workshop on “Software Engineering Education and Reverse Engineering”, Ohrid, Macedonia 22th August – 27th August 2011

2  The team  Lets start with history…  Structure and topics  Survey and results

3  The team  Lets start with history…  Structure and topics  Survey and results

4  SDA – Software Design and Architecture  Nevena Ackovska ◦ Lectures  Magdalena Kostoska ◦ Theory and practice exercises  Panche Ribarski ◦ Stepped in - help with practice exercises (lots of students!!!)

5  The team  Lets start with history…  Structure and topics  Survey and results

6  The course become part of the syllabus in 2008  Our first experience with the course - 2009  So how do you start? – Learn from others’ experience

7 Requirements Description in the syllabus Design Research & experience Implementation One semester Verification Surveys and statistics


9  The team  Lets start with history…  Structure and topics  Survey and results

10  Week type 2+1+2 ◦ 2 classes lectures ◦ 1 class theoretical exercises (examples) ◦ 2 classes practical exercises (in lab)  In 2009/10: classes scattered during week  In 2011: one course – one day

11  Introduction to software architecture, design and patterns  Design patterns ◦ Factory, Prototype, Composite, Adapter, Decorator, Observer, Template Method, Strategy and finally MVC  Refactoring and refactoring patterns ◦ Introduction to refactoring and many refactoring patterns  More about SA modularity, cohesion and examples of specific software architecture Big hit since 2009 Big hit for working students

12  Design Patterns by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson and John Vlissides. Addison-Wesley, 1995  Head First Design Patterns, O'Reilly, Freeman and Freeman, 2004  Software Design 2nd edition, Pearson, David Budgen, 2003  Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code by M. Fowler, K. Beck, J. Brant, W. Opdyke, D. Roberts. Addison-Wesley, 2001

13  Lectures: theoretical introduction into the given topic + examples of most common application topic  Exercises: wider examples, application specifics, problem space  Laboratory exercises: student are given real-life problems to recognize and evaluate the preconditions of pattern usage; refactoring bad smells etc..  This enables the students to turn their theoretical knowledge into real-life codes!!!

14  Exams (theory + practice) – 60% ◦ Theory exam – 30% ◦ Practical exam – 30%  Homework – 20%  Project – 20 %

15  Java based  Design and Patterns usage: ◦ for each of the patterns a specific task is given ◦ the task is connected to everyday problems  Refactoring: ◦ a certain projects in java are given and the task is to refactor the project ◦ The may include student final projects or real- project code (but partially, due to privacy and ownership of company code)

16  The team  Lets start with history…  Structure and topics  Survey and results

17  At the end of the semester a survey was conducted  32 participants  10 questions  1 text field – comments, suggestions and critiques





22  Most of the comments were satisfactory ◦ This shows the we are on a good course ◦ Maybe introduce more patterns  Suggestions: ◦ More examples of patterns usage ◦ More time spending on patterns ◦ Some of the students found the homework and practical exam related to patters too demanding ◦ More classes of lab exercises per week ◦ More rigorous lab exercises

23  Keep up with the trend: Every year - more students  Even some of the older students (that were not able to enroll this course) choose diploma thesis in this course ◦ Due to the requirements they get from work  This prepares students for ADP

24  Accept and apply the student suggestions  Review the course materials, change the material distribution (as every year)  Maybe: reverse engineering (new idea)

25  So far, so good  The students should be prepared to work ◦ Homework ◦ Exercises ◦ Projects  Challenge motivates


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