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Silvia Youssef Hanna, PhD College of Charleston Charleston, South Carolina First Year Experience: Self-discovery through Service Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Silvia Youssef Hanna, PhD College of Charleston Charleston, South Carolina First Year Experience: Self-discovery through Service Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silvia Youssef Hanna, PhD College of Charleston Charleston, South Carolina First Year Experience: Self-discovery through Service Learning

2 Agenda Story Behind the Research Hypothesis & Method Research Results Sample Student Narratives

3 Where are we on the map?

4 College of Charleston First Year Experience Healing Narratives: Understanding Illness Through Storytelling Merges English 110 & Psychology 103

5 What was our question? Do first year students who participate in a service learning experience through an introductory psychology class demonstrate: 1. Better knowledge of their psychology curriculum as shown through their GPA 2. Increased likelihood of major declaration 3. Stronger connection to the campus and their new community

6 In-Class Preparation

7 Charleston Community Partners Agape Hospice Lutheran Hospice Hospice of Charleston Heartland Hospice Canterbury House: Nonprofit Senior Living Community Sandpiper: Premier Senior Living Bishop Gadsden: A Life Care Retirement Community Somerby of Mt. Pleasant: An Active Retirement Community

8 Location of Community Partners in relation to College Of Charleston Bishop Gadsden

9 Demographics Pre and Post test demographics have close to identical percentages 70% Female 81% Caucasian 54% In-State with only 1/3 of new freshman file for financial assistance Public high school Disabilities-ADHD, psychological Economic situation somewhat affected college choice Civic Engagement 1-5 hours/week increased a bit in post test results

10 Research Results: Students in First Year Experience psychology course with and without Service Learning Survey comparison data from Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Psychology course comparison data from Fall 2011 to Fall 2013 YearService LearningNo Service Learning Fall 20121629 Fall 20131333 Total2962

11 GPA in Introductory Psychology course Fall 2011Fall 2012Fall 2013 Hanna2.762.912.88 Prof 13.133.18 Prof 23.303.263.14 Prof 32.31 Prof 43.113.713.29 Fall 2012 AA-B+BB-C+CC-D Hanna226312012 Prof 2944200100 Prof 41030300000

12 Transferable Skill Sets Pre-Test Socially Responsible Able to Interview Post-Test Socially Responsible Able to Interview

13 Major Declaration Percent Declared MajorsGraduate School Plans Pre Test Post Test

14 Connection=Retention Fall 2011-Spring 2012Fall 2012-Spring 2013Fall 2013-Spring 2014 Hanna 94% 100% Prof 1 86%0%100% Prof 2 100%85%93% Prof 3 100%90%94%

15 Connection Reported Pre-TestPost-Test

16 Miville-Guzman Universality-Diversity Scale (M-GUDS) 45 Item questionnaire administered 6 point Likert-type scale (1=strongly disagree to 6=strongly agree) Universal Diverse Orientation Subscales: ◦ Diversity of Contact ◦ Relativistic Appreciation ◦ Sense of Connection

17 Diversity of Contact: I don’t know too many people from other countries. Pre-TestPost-Test

18 Relativistic Appreciation: Knowing how a person differs from me greatly enhances our friendship. Pre-TestPost-Test

19 Sense of Connection: It deeply affects me to hear persons from other countries describe their struggles of adapting to living here. Pre-TestPost-Test

20 Reported Impact of Service Learning Reported Impact of Service Learning

21 Sample Student Reflections “Although it may sound like the situation could be sketchy, I would never want to trade my situation. Talking to Mr. P has made me realize so much of something I had never really thought about. The way our world works, treating the less fortunate with the least efficiency of healthcare.” “The experience of healing narratives has allowed us to create such meaning out of someone’s life that embodies such a diverse array of events.”

22 “I think it [the service learning] opened my eyes to experiencing new things and not judging people. It’s made me more well- rounded and eager to try new things.”

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