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Presentation on theme: "STANDARDS BASED REPORT CARD 2012/13 SURVEY OVERVIEW."— Presentation transcript:


2 Purpose The survey was given to determine the level of understanding among students, parents, and teachers regarding the Standards Based Report Card.

3 Survey Participants There were three groups surveyed: Parents, Teachers, and Students.

4 Survey Delivery The first survey was given in February of 2012. The follow up survey was delivered in March of 2013. The second survey included questions generated from parents around the issue of rubrics and their use in the grade reports. Therefore, there are some questions that are not common between the surveys.

5 ParentsStudentsTeachers 201220433162 201321180172 Number of Participants: ParentsStudentsTeachers 20129910 20139910 Number of Questions on Each Survey:

6 YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201223.5%41.7%34.8% 20139.48%27.49%63.04% I Understand the Standards Based Grading System. Common Questions/Responses: PARENTS YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201238.8%37.4%23.8% 201315.24%30%54.76% My son/daughter’s teachers have clearly communicated to me the Standards Based Grading System. YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201223.9%28.4%47.8% 201345.45%22.49%32.06% I find it difficult for my child to reach the exemplary level on the standards. YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 20124.8%8.7%86.5% 20139.13%17.31%73.56% Having both the standards and a letter grade on my son/daughter’s report card helps me to better understand. * It is possible that a row may not add up to 100% as some participants may have skipped questions.

7 Common Questions/Responses: STUDENTS YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201210%38.1%52% 20132.75%15.4881.77% I Understand the Standards Based Grading System. YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 20122.5%21%76.6% 20131.51%14.32%84.17% My teachers have clearly explained the way they grade (assess) my learning of the standards. YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201220.7%33.2%45% 20138.68%27.30%64.03% Four Point Rubrics help me understand how well I am doing on a standard.

8 YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201215.2%36.3%48.5% 201319.40%44.08%36.52% I find it difficult to reach Exemplary Level on the standards. Common Questions/Responses: STUDENTS (Cont.) YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 20122.7%5.5%91.8% 201310.05%14.57%75.37% Having both the standards and a letter grade on my report card helps me to better understand.

9 YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 20121.6%29%69.3% 20130%4.17%95.83% Common Questions/Responses: TEACHERS I understand the Standards Based Grading System YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 20124.8%29%66.2% 20135.71%28.57%65.72% The Standards Based Grading System is a more accurate reflection of student learning than a 100 point scale system. YRDisagreeSomewhat AgreeAgree/Strongly Agree 201212.9%41.9%45.1% 20135.56%20.83%73.61% I believe that my students understand the Standards Based Grading System.

10 Moving Forward Based on the feedback from this survey principals from Middle and High School, the Director of Guidance, Academic Deans, the Middle School Curriculum Coordinator, and the Director of Secondary Education will come together to discuss continuity from grades 6-12 on the following issues: Design of the Report Card Curriculum Alignment Homework Policy Re-Learning/Re-Take Policy Consistency of Rubric Language


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