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FY16 Budget Presentation for the Presentation for the Warrant Committee February 19, 2015.

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1 FY16 Budget Presentation for the Presentation for the Warrant Committee February 19, 2015


3  In FY14, Library patrons…  Checked out over 26,000 items a month.  Downloaded over 50 items a day.  Asked almost 300 reference questions a week.  Attended more than 530 Library sponsored programs.  Visited us over 4,500 times a week.  Checked out each new book an average of 18 times.  Borrowed each new DVD an average of 26 times.  We delivered services with a lean staff and budget  35% of checkouts were self service

4 FY09FY14% Growth Circulation200,926Vs.315,41557% Programs Offered 149Vs.581290% Program Attendance 5,162Vs.13,537162% Reference Questions 7,876Vs.14,55685% Computer Use17,053Vs.47,445178% Library Attendance 132,445Vs.237,21479% Downloads0Vs.18,840

5  The Library continues to explore opportunities to provide more efficient and cost effective services for Milton residents  Town IT  Consolidated Facilities Department  Old Colony Library Network

6  Over the past year, the Library has become more integrated with the Town IT Department  We have switched to the Town’s IT provider  Improved cost savings for Town  Improved service for Library  Collaborated with Town IT on technology upgrades and purchases  Replacement of aging computers and WiFi

7  The Library is fully integrated with the CFD  HVAC issues  Grounds issues  Lighting & Electrical  Any and all building related issues  Collaborate on preventative maintenance  Negotiates maintenance contracts  Works with us on long range/capital planning  Consolidated Facilities is very responsive and supportive of the Library’s needs  Benefits for the Library include:  Significant savings in labor costs  Immediate response times as compared to outside vendors

8  The Old Colony Library Network (OCLN) is a 29 library collaborative, including towns and academic institutions.  Benefits include:  Shared collections – Milton residents can borrow from surrounding towns  Cost savings from collaborative purchasing.  Library Catalog  eBooks, and other services  Database  Staff training  Technical support  Long Range Planning

9  What are State Standards?  MAR (Municipal Appropriation Requirement) - This mandates that the Library budget be at least the average of the previous three municipal appropriations for library services, multiplied by 2.5%.  MER (Materials Expenditure Requirement) – This mandates what percentage of total operating costs must be spent on circulating materials based on population. Ours is 13%.  Hours Open Requirement – This mandates the weekly hours of service required based on population.  Be meeting state standards, we anticipate receiving ~$32,000 in FY15

10  FY16 MAR = $1,242,540 BudgetRevolvingTotal Level Service$1,309,398$80,000$1,389,398 Level Dollar$1,230,675$80,000$1,310,675 Reduced Budget $1,206,062$80,000$1,286,062

11  How we got to FY16 MAR numbers YearBudgetRevolvingTotal FY13$1,075,039$73,000$1,148,039 FY14$1,145,740$72,311$1,218,051 FY15$1,170,611$100,000$1,270,611 $3,636,701SUM 3 year average$1,212,234 X 2.5%$1,242,540= MAR

12  FY16 MER Scenarios FY15Level ServiceLevel DollarReduced Budget Budget $1,170,611 $ 1,309,398 $ 1,230,675 $ 1,206,062 Revolving $100,000 $ 80,000 Total $1,270,611 $ 1,389,398 $ 1,310,675 $ 1,286,062 X 13% $165,179 $ 180,622 $ 170,388 $ 167,188 How to get there budget $78,301 $ 112,000 $ 102,000 $ 99,000 revolving $85,000 $ 65,000 Deficit $1,878 $ 3,622 $ 3,388 $ 3,188 $165,179 $ 180,622 $ 170,388 $ 167,188

13  You need to have the materials that people want.  Increased emphasis on digital collections  There is a direct correlation between the library’s materials budget and the value that patrons get from the Library.  Annual circulation measures this value.  More materials = more selection = more circulation

14  Materials Revolving Fund  Driven by overdue fines collected at the Library  There is no mechanism to collect overdue fines for eBooks  This will lead to a gradual decrease in the money collected for the revolving fund, leading to a gap in our materials budget  eBooks  Current pricing model for libraries challenges our budget  Average new print cost for libraries: $12.00  Average new eBook cost for libraries $38.00

15  Level Service  Meets the current demands for Library services  Level Dollar  Maintains current staffing levels, but underfunds many general expenses  Reduced Budget  Reduces operating hours and underfunds many general expenses

16  Level Service Budget = $1,309,398  Adds minimal staffing hours to meet current demand  Increases Materials budget to meet demand  Adjusts expenses to meet needs based on FY14 and FY15 numbers  Close to meeting all state minimum requirements  Level Dollar Budget = $1,230,675  Maintains current staffing  Maintains current level of general expenses, creating possibility of Reserve Fund Transfer request to meet building maintenance needs  Does not meet state minimum Materials Expenditure Requirement

17  Reduced Budget Scenario = $1,206,062  Eliminates Sunday hours  Maintains current level of general expenses, creating possibility of Reserve Fund Transfer request to meet building maintenance needs  Does not meet state minimum Materials Expenditure Requirement

18  Increase staffing levels to meet current demands for Library services  Maintain current hours of operation  Adequately fund the Milton Public Library book budget  Meet incremental increases to operational expenses including: utilities, facilities, and technology  Meet all state aid obligations *  Meet the goals established for FY16  Meet the steadily increasing demand for Library collections and services

19  Materials expenditures below minimum standards  Below MER minimum by $3,388  Unable to meet growing demand for eBooks and other digital services, while also maintaining popular print collection  Grounds and Building Maintenance  Inadequate budget for non-contractual maintenance and basic repairs  The Library will not be able to maintain and repair this new facility, used by more than 700 people a day  Any Supplies  We will be underfunding the supplies needed to prepare new materials for borrowing and would limit our ability to make basic repairs on our collection

20  Reduction in operating hours  Elimination of Sunday hours  Limits opportunities for residents to visit us on the weekends  Limits programming opportunities  Materials expenditures below minimum standards  Below MER minimum by $3,188.  Unable to meet growing demand for eBooks and other digital services, while maintaining popular print collection.  Grounds and Building Maintenance  Inadequate budget for non-contractual maintenance and basic repairs.  The Library will not be able to maintain and repair this new facility, used by more than 700 people a day.  Any Supplies  We will be underfunding the supplies needed to prepare new materials for borrowing and would limit our ability to make basic repairs on our collection

21  Support reading, viewing and listening pleasure  Encourage lifelong learning  Promote young readers and early literacy  Provide high-speed access to the digital world  Enable people to find, evaluate, and use information  Make the Library a comfortable place to visit

22  Increase per capita borrowing to 80 th percentile levels  Maintain state standards for municipal appropriations and materials  Grow the number of library card holders  Expand the number of library sponsored programs  Enhance the library’s online presence

23 Although improving and above the median, Milton trails similar towns.


25  Increase the awareness of library services  More users = more potential borrowers  Meet people where they are: in house, online, outreach

26  Programs and events bring in new people who become Library patrons.  Increases the frequency of visits by existing patrons.  Creates an interest in specific topics (quilting, history, etc.)  All of the above increase borrowing.

27  FY15 goal to redesign library website  Improve online visibility  Advertise services & collections  Leads to increased use and circulation  Utilize social media to promote collections and programs

28  Library Priorities: 1. To maintain state standards for municipal appropriations and materials 2. To bring new and repeat users to the library 3. To improve and expand library programs 4. To improve and update library computers and online presence

29  Compares Milton residents to national average  Findings:  Milton residents are ‘Library Lovers’, with 58% percent of results falling in this category, versus 10% nationally  Milton scores above the national average in frequency of use of the Library and our website  83% of Milton respondents visit at least once a month  94% of Milton respondents find the building to be a nice, pleasant space  Milton residents believe the Library to be an important part of the community

30  Increase staffing levels to meet current demands for Library services  Maintain current hours of operation  Adequately fund the Milton Public Library book budget  Meet incremental increases to operational expenses including: utilities, facilities, and technology  Meet all state aid obligations *  Meet the goals established for FY16  Meet the steadily increasing demand for Library collections and services

31  Milton Library Trustees:  Kristine Hodlin, Chair  Elizabeth Alvarez, Secretary  Raymond Czwakiel, Treasurer  Hyacinth Crichlow  John Folcarelli  Barbara Mason  Brendan McLaughlin  Frank Schroth  Herb Voigt  Library Director, William Adamczyk






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