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1 NSS Biology Public Assessment (3 rd Consultation) 10-11 October 2006 HKEAA.

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1 1 NSS Biology Public Assessment (3 rd Consultation) 10-11 October 2006 HKEAA

2 2 NSS Biology Proposed Public Assessment Framework First Consultation – directions Second Consultation – outline of proposed assessment framework Third Consultation – formal consultation on proposed assessment framework

3 3 Alignment with the aims and objectives of the curriculum: Result of 2nd Consultation (assessment)

4 4 Proposed item types for the public exam: Strongly agree / agree Strongly disagree/ disagree No opinion / No response Bio86.4%3.1%10.6% Chem84.1%3.5%12.3% Phy86.9%5.0%8.1% Sci (int)72.2%5.6%16.7% Sci (com)86.9%1.8%11.4%

5 5 Aims and assessment objectives of SBA:

6 6 Weighting of SBA (20%):

7 7 Mode of SBA:

8 8 NSS Biology Proposed Public Assessment Framework Public examination (80%) –Paper 1 (Compulsory Part): 60% –Paper 2 (Elective Part): 20% School-based assessment (20%)

9 9 Public Examination (Bio) PaperDescriptionWeightingDuration 1 Section A: MCQ (36 marks)18% 2 hours 30 min Section B: Short Qs (30 marks) Structured Qs, essay (54 marks) 42% Changes since 2nd consultation: exam time reduced from 3 h to 2½ h weighting of sections A and B modified from 24% : 36% to 18% : 42% All questions are compulsory.

10 10 PaperDescriptionWeightingDuration 2 Structured questions (20 marks per elective) 20%1 hour Attempt questions from 2 selected electives 2 questions in each elective Public Examination (Bio)

11 11 Sample Short Questions 5-7 short questions in paper 1 section B Each question carries 2-7 marks Total 30 marks Test basic knowledge and understanding E.g.

12 12 Sample Short Questions

13 13 Sample Short Questions

14 14 Sample Structured Questions 3-5 structured questions in paper 1 section B Each question carries 7-12 marks Test understanding and application of knowledge, handling and analysis of data, making deductions and inferences

15 15 Sample Structured Questions

16 16 Sample Structured Questions

17 17 Sample Essay Question 1 essay in paper 1 section B 10-12 marks (incl. 3 marks on communication) Test in-depth discussion and evaluation of issues, integration of knowledge, organization and coherent communication

18 18 NSS Combined Science 3 possible combinations: –Combined Science (Physics & Chemistry) –Combined Science (Chemistry & Biology) –Combined Science (Physics & Biology) Aims to complement a third science subject NOT to be taken together with Integrated Science

19 19 Public examination (40%) –Paper 1 (whole Biology Part of Combined Science Curriculum) –some questions common with Bio Paper 1 School-based assessment (10%) NSS Combined Science (Biology part) Proposed Public Assessment Framework

20 20 Public Examination (Combined Sci – Bio) PaperDescriptionWeightingDuration 1 Section A: MCQ (24 marks)12% 1 hour 40 min Section B: Short Qs (20 marks) Structured Qs, essay (36 marks) 28% Changes since 2nd consultation: exam time reduced from 2 h to 1 h 40 min weighting of sections A and B modified from 15% : 25% to 12% : 28% All questions are compulsory.

21 21 Public Examination (Combined Sci – Bio) Section A24 multiple-choice questions 24 marks Section B 4-6 short questions each question carries 2-7 marks 20 marks 2-4 structured questions each question carries 7-12 marks 36 marks 1 essay 8-10 marks (incl. 3 marks on communication)

22 22 School-based assessment Implement for 2012 exam Rationale of SBA: validity reliability feedback for learning and teaching Change assessment culture

23 23 Broaden the scope of assessment Recognize students’ abilities and achievements in different aspects in the learning of Biology Closely integrate curriculum, learning and teaching, and assessment Motivate and support student learning Appropriate framework for implementation Guiding Principles in SBA Design

24 24 School-Based Assessment (Bio) Minimum number of assessments Min. no. of practical related tasks for learning and teaching Practical-related tasks (60%) Non-practical related tasks (40%) Practical skills (30%) Report (30%) Assignment S61 3 1 2 1 28 S5111 S4

25 25 School-Based Assessment (Combined Sci – Bio) Minimum number of assessments Min. no. of practical related tasks for learning and teaching Practical-related tasks (30%) Non-practical related tasks (20%) Practical skills (15%) Report (15%) Assignment S61 2114 S51 S4

26 26 Practical related tasks Tasks done in laboratory or field work. Examples: (a)investigative practical work or non-investigative practical work G1 (b)microscopic examination (c)dissection of animal / animal organs (d)ecology fieldwork G1 (b)-(d) are optional; no more than 1 assessment should come from each. G1: Group work allowed. Teachers assess the practical skills of individual students within each group.

27 27 Practical related tasks Assessment AreaAbilities assessed Practical skills (Ability area A)  Ability to organize and perform practical work  Ability to make accurate observations and measurements Investigation report (Ability area B)  Identification of problem and formulation of hypothesis, if applicable  Design and method of investigation  Presentation of results  Interpretation and discussion of results and conclusion

28 28 Practical skillsInvestigation report Estimated in-class time (per task) 80 min.60 min. Estimated out-of- school time (per task) 0 min.60 min. Means of assessment Assess practical skills during practical sessions Mark investigation reports % in SBABio(30%) / CS (15%) Suggested means of authentication Practical work being done within class time under teacher’s supervision Hand in preliminary design proposal / raw data sheet during class time Practical related tasks

29 29 Non-practical related tasks Each assignment should cover: Curriculum emphasis (at least one) Generic skills (at least two)  Scientific inquiry  Science-Technology- Society- Environment Connections  Nature and history of Biology Creativity Critical thinking skills Communication skills Problem-solving skills

30 30 Abilities assessed in assignments G2:  to understand the issues/problems under study  to apply and integrate their biological knowledge  to analyse or critically evaluate issues being investigated  to generate solutions to the problems, or to develop methods for accomplishing certain tasks  to produce work that is both novel and appropriate  to present their work with coherence and organization in written or oral format, using the language of science, for communicating their ideas clearly and logically G2: Where necessary, group work followed by presentation / oral-questioning by teacher is accepted. Non-practical related tasks

31 31 Examples of assignments: Read about the works of some biologists and write a report / review in connection with the understanding of the nature of science Conduct a simple survey to study the diet of teenagers in Hong Kong Design a poster / pamphlet / web page advising on ways in which people can reduce the chance of developing cancer Report on a visit to a sewage treatment plant / an ecological study Non-practical related tasks

32 32 Non-practical related tasks Estimated in-class time (per task) 4 hours Estimated out-of- school time (per task) 3 hours Means of assessment Mark assignments and / or presentations Percentage in SBABio (40%) / CS (20%) Suggested means of authentication Presentation / oral-questioning, detection of plagiarism using software, etc.

33 33 Teachers’ concern in SBA Class size and workload –Reduce minimum no. of assessment –Reduce administrative procedure –Flexible grouping to lower the no. of students per group Resources and support Fairness Inclusion of test & exam

34 34 SBA Resource Development Exemplars from CDI & HKEAA Adaptations from investigative work in existing TAS References from publishers Resources and experience sharing of teachers Web Others…

35 35 SBA: Quality Assurance Developmental Stage –Guidelines & assessment criteria in SBA handbooks –Exemplars of tasks and students’ work –Teacher training Implementation Stage –Coordinators to support schools & monitor the implementation –Communication & experience sharing among teachers Post-exam Stage –Moderation of marks

36 36 SBA: Mark Moderation To iron out possible differences among schools in marking standard Involve statistical method using public exam results as reference; plus scrutiny of work of outliers Rank order of students determined by teachers will remain unchanged

37 37 Standards-referenced –Report students’ performance relative to fixed standards 5 levels of performance; with 5* and 5** to denote highest performers (for selection purpose) Written descriptors to explain what typical candidates can do at a certain level Illustrated with samples of students’ work Standards and reporting of results

38 38 Key stages ahead End of 3rd consultation (return of questionnaire by 7 Nov 2006) Develop sample papers & sample SBA tasks (now – 2008) Pilot sample papers and draft level descriptors (2007-2008); try out SBA tasks (2006-2008) Disseminate sample papers and level descriptors to schools (2008-2009) Teacher training and resource development (2006-2010)

39 39 Thank You

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