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1.2 Scientific Method. Initial Observation Use your senses to observe –See, hear, touch, taste, smell, etc. Can also use tools to measure –Temperature,

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Presentation on theme: "1.2 Scientific Method. Initial Observation Use your senses to observe –See, hear, touch, taste, smell, etc. Can also use tools to measure –Temperature,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.2 Scientific Method

2 Initial Observation Use your senses to observe –See, hear, touch, taste, smell, etc. Can also use tools to measure –Temperature, length, volume, etc.

3 State the Question “What is the effect of…”

4 Hypothesis “If…then…” If producing oxygen bubbles in photosynthesis is related to light color, then green light will increase photosynthesis oxygen bubbles to form.


6 Experiment A. Manipulated Variable = Independent Variable -what you change goes on the X-axis of the graph B. Responding Variable = Dependent Variable -what changes as a result of what you did – goes on the Y-axis of the graph

7 Experiment Constants-all the things in the experiment that stay the same In the yeast lab: same size test tubes same size rubber tubing same yeast type same amount of sugar Your book called them “controlled variables.”

8 What constants could there be in this experiment?

9 Experiment Control – the part of the experiment that does not have the independent variable in it Use for reference, comparison Often the normal condition

10 Run the tests Record the data graphs charts video write observations measurements

11 Conclusion Agree or disagree with the hypothesis The green light did not produce the most oxygen bubbles.

12 Remember NO food or drink in the lab

13 Independent Variable? Dependent Variable?

14 How About Maggots? Maggot Medicine - MSN Video









23 Conclusion Maggots form only when flies come in contact with meat.

24 Repeat the Experiments Other scientists must be able to repeat your experiment with similar results to prove it true.

25 Maggot Experiments Reproduced Anton von Leeuwenhoek Saw “animacules” with his first microscope

26 Maggot Experiment Reproduced? John Needham Boiled sealed gravy Said heat killed any organisms After several days little animals came from the gravy

27 Maggot Experiment Reproduced Lazzaro Spallanzani Nonliving gravy did not produce living things.

28 Maggot Experiment Reproduced Louis Pasteur Flask was open to air, but microorganisms could not make their way into the flask

29 Maggot Experiment Reproduced Louis Pasteur Flask was open to air, but microorganisms could not make their way into the flask Proved spontaneous generation was not correct.

30 When Experiments are Not Possible Observing animals in the wild without disturbing them Determining the effect of a chemical on a cancer patient

31 THEORY Well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations EX: biogenesis = life generating from life

32 Theory is not.. Considered absolute truth. Often revised or replaced as new evidence appears.








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