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Questionnaire Design Hosam Romeh Prof. Otolaryngology.

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2 Questionnaire Design Hosam Romeh Prof. Otolaryngology

3 Questionnaire & Quality Process

4 Advantages  Inexpensive tool  Data collection from a large group  Measures: Thoughts Believes Attitudes Attributes

5 Disadvantage Depends on the honesty of the respondent

6 Steps of Questionnaire Implementation Define the objectives Define the population & sample Define the method of contact Write the questionnaire Apply the questionnaire Statistical analysis

7 Writing the Questionnaire Basic data Introduction Questions

8 Types of questions Open end:  Text  Numeric Closed end: (MCQ)  Regular MCQ  Rating scales  Agreement scale

9 Text open end How can our company improve its working conditions? -----------------------------------

10 Numeric open end How much did you spend in shopping this week? ------------------------------------

11 Regular MCQ لماذا تأخذ دروسا خصوصية؟ اأفهم بصورة أفضل أحقق نتائج أفضل مدرجات الكلية مزدحمة لأن زملائي يفعلون ذلك تعودت على ذلك في المرحلة الثانوية أسباب أخرى

12 Rating scales How do you rate this product? Excellent Good Fair poor

13 Numeric rating scale On a scale, where “10” means you have great interest in a subject and “0” means you have none at all. How would you rate your interest in each of the following? Medical education --- Quality science --- Business --- Foreign affairs ---

14 Agreement scale How much do you agree with each of the following? Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly agree disagree Faculty Administration is implementing quality rule O O O O Teamwork is a prevalent in our department O O O O Lifelong learning skills are prevalent in our curriculum O O O O

15 Tips KISS: Keep it simple and short “Do not Know” “Other” or “None” Early questions are easy and pleasant Logical answer choices Positive then negative order Agree the disagree order

16 Tips Do not put two questions into one Include all relevant alternatives Avoid habituation Avoid emotionally charged questions Avoid technical words or abbreviations Other comments

17 واخر دعوانا أن الحمد لله رب العالمين

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