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…learning on the hill Key stage 5 open evening. Slide 2 …learning on the hill Welcome to life in the sixth form!

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Presentation on theme: "…learning on the hill Key stage 5 open evening. Slide 2 …learning on the hill Welcome to life in the sixth form!"— Presentation transcript:

1 …learning on the hill Key stage 5 open evening

2 Slide 2 …learning on the hill Welcome to life in the sixth form!

3 Sixth form expectations Commitment to learning Commitment to self development Commitment to the school community Slide 3 …learning on the hill

4 Commitment to learning Attendance and punctuality Completion of work set Meeting all deadlines Participation Focus Slide 4 …learning on the hill

5 Attendance Outstanding attendance shows commitment to studies We know that good attendance leads to good outcomes academically – it affects our ability to provide the education our students deserve It’s an expectation of any institution

6 How are we monitoring attendance? Alerts to be sent to students and parents Attendance explanation will be required

7 How will we respond to poor attendance? Expectation of 95% + Below 90% = Poor attendance

8 How will we respond to poor attendance? Regular checks on attendance % for all students a)Students whose attendance has dipped below 90% since the start of the year - Parents will receive a warning letter from the school b)Students whose attendance has dipped below 90% more than once in the academic year – Parents will receive a further letter and will be asked to contact from tutors to explain their absence. They will also be warned that should they continue to maintain this rate of attendance the school will not pay for any of their exam entries c)Students whose attendance has dipped below 85% - Parents will be contacted and students will be required to appear before an attendance panel. d)Students whose attendance has dipped below 85% more than once in the academic year – Parents will be contacted and asked to attend a meeting at the school with the student’s tutor/Learning Manager/D of Sixth Form to discuss the poor attendance rate.

9 What if attendance doesn’t improve? Attendance of less than 90% by exam entry point – Students may be expected to pay their own exam entries.

10 Commitment to learning Attendance - 100% will be rewarded!!!! Completion of work set Meeting all deadlines Participation Focus Slide 10 …learning on the hill

11 Commitment to self-development Tutoring sessions Assemblies Leadership through Vertical Tutoring Slide 11 …learning on the hill

12 Slide 12 …learning on the hill Tutorial time after half term DAYWEEK ONEWEEK TWO MondayTutorialAssembly TuesdayMentoring WednesdayVT lower school ThursdayTutorial FridayMentoring

13 Commitment to the school community Vertical Tutoring at Fortismere Six colleges Alexandria Colosseum Ephesus Olympia Petra Rhodes Slide 13 …learning on the hill

14 Commitment to the school community Enrichment for all Wednesday, period 5, week 2 – Timetable suspended for whole school for enrichment activities Support enrichment activities across the school Leadership opportunities Excellent for personal statements and applications Slide 14 …learning on the hill

15 Enrichment pathways in sixth form Slide 15 …learning on the hill Sixth form only Year 12 students who want to enrich A level studies Enrichment for all Year 12 students who want to take part in the full range of activities Leading enrichment for all Year 12 students who want to develop their leadership opportunities

16 Commitment to the school community Ambassadors and role models - Through Vertical tutoring sessions - Through enrichment for All - Student Leadership team I.D badges Slide 16 …learning on the hill

17 Teaching and Learning Art & Design Biology Chemistry Drama Economics English Language & Literature English Literature Film Studies French Further Maths Geography German Government & Politics History ICT Maths Media Studies Mandarin Music Philosophy Photography Physics Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Spanish Slide 17 …learning on the hill

18 Teaching and Learning Specialist teaching Range of styles Independent study – timetabled lessons for supervised study Homework and “extras” Modules, coursework and examinations Conferences, field trips, study visits and workshops Facilities – Library/Study Room Sixth form planners Balancing workload January Mock Exam – w/b 5 January Slide 18 …learning on the hill

19 Our expectations – grade requirements Three D grades at AS to commence study at A2 Slide 19 …learning on the hill

20 How will we support our students? Monitoring and tracking performance Target Setting (Alis/Challenging Targets) Regular collection of ‘working at’ grades (interventions where appropriate) benchmarked against targets Reports home in November, January and March (Full Report) A subject teachers’ evening - 3rd February 2015 Mid-year attainment statement – 30 th January 2015 (replaces Jan exams) Notification of students at risk of not achieving target grades (January, March, April) Potential for more mocks for some students/subjects in March Slide 20 …learning on the hill

21 Our support and guidance network Form tutor Learning manager – Ms Sullivan Director of Sixth Form – Ms Judge Subject teachers Ms Cassell – Study Supervisor and Academic Coach School careers advisor – Ms Phillips External providers CARE, GUIDANCE, REALISM Slide 21 …learning on the hill How will we support our students?

22 What should I do if……..? My child needs to be absent from school for a short period Illness - please contact the sixth form office before the start of school each day that they are absent (phone or email). Other reasons – please contact Ms Sullivan and ask your son/daughter to request an absence form. Slide 22 …learning on the hill

23 I am concerned by the amount of work being completed in a particular subject Contact the relevant subject teacher (email) I am concerned by the amount of work being completed generally Contact your child’s form tutor Slide 23 …learning on the hill What should I do if……..?

24 I have already contacted the school about my child’s work and things aren’t getting better Contact Ms Sullivan in the first instance. Slide 24 …learning on the hill What should I do if……..?

25 I want to discuss factors that may affect my child’s ability to make good progress Contact the form tutor in the first instance. They may refer to Ms Sullivan/Ms Judge as appropriate. Slide 25 …learning on the hill What should I do if……..?

26 I want some up to date information about attainment levels. Contact the form tutor in the first instance. If there are concerns they may recommend input from Ms Sullivan or Ms Judge. Slide 26 …learning on the hill What should I do if……..?

27 Examinations January assessments An up to date exam/assessment timetable will be sent home in December Students will receive a Mid-Year Attainment Statement in February AS level examinations begin in May 2015 Slide 27 …learning on the hill

28 Higher Education guidance How do we support our students in progressing beyond sixth form? HE guidance evening in June Comprehensive guidance beginning in February Detailed letter sent home in January Slide 28 …learning on the hill

29 Financial support for sixth form students Slide 29 …learning on the hill Support Bursary Students who meet the following criteria will be eligible for a Support Bursary of £1200 per year Students who are living in care aged 16 or 17  Students who are care leavers aged 16, 17 or 18 (i.e. any student who has spent time in care previously)  Students aged 16, 17 or 18 and in receipt of Income Support  Students with a disability and in receipt of Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance. The Bursary will be paid in 3 instalments of £400 each term. Eligible students will need to maintain above 90% attendance to receive payments and must agree to this before receiving their first payment

30 Financial support for sixth form students Slide 30 …learning on the hill

31 Slide 31 …learning on the hill Financial support for sixth form students

32 Parental support Slide 32 …learning on the hill Attendance and punctuality Encourage independent study and responsibility Awareness of homework and deadlines Discuss reports and targets at home Help with coursework organisation, planning revision charts, talking etc. Encourage effective prioritisation and life-study balance

33 Communication Key people Ms Patel Ms Sullivan Ms Judge Subject specific queries – HOD or subject teacher Parentmail Please notify Anne Greenwood, if you are not receiving parentmail. Slide 33 …learning on the hill

34 Life in the sixth form… Slide 34 …learning on the hill

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