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Recommendations from the Sixth Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Vienna,

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Presentation on theme: "Recommendations from the Sixth Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Vienna,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recommendations from the Sixth Meeting of the Ozone Research Managers of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Vienna, Austria; 19-21 September 2005

2 6ORM Recommendations Background Stratospheric ozone will remain vulnerable to chemical depletion for much of the current century. The rate of stratospheric ozone depletion at mid-latitudes has slowed and in some regions can be attributed to declining EESC. Over the polar regions any reductions in ozone depletion have not been unambiguously attributed to declining EESC. Ozone vulnerability raises concerns about the adverse effects of increased UV radiation on human health and ecosystems.

3 6ORM Recommendations Background The complexities of ozone and UV science require: Continuation and expansion of systematic measurement and analysis capabilities for tracking the evolution of ozone- and climate-related source gases and parameters. Detection and tracking the stabilization and expected recovery of stratospheric ozone. Attribution of changes in radiation forcing to changes in the ozone profile or to other atmospheric changes. Derivation of a global record of ground-level UV radiation.

4 6ORM Recommendations (1) Systematic Observations: Evaluation of the state of the ozone layer and an understanding of ground- level UV radiation require: A stable, integrated global observing system consisting of ground-based, balloon, airborne, and satellite measurements. While synoptic-scale measurements are mainly derived from satellite data, ground-based, balloon, and airborne measurements add increased temporal and spatial resolution, and provide critical validation of satellite sensors. Four Areas of Emphasis

5 6ORM Recommendations (2) Research: Prediction of future ozone behavior requires: Quantification of the roles of chemical and dynamical processes responsible for ozone production, loss, and distribution Development of realistic scenarios of future abundances of anthropogenic and biogenic trace gases Further research on the response of ground-level UV to changes in ozone, as well as to climate-driven changes in other atmospheric parameters, Research on the biological vulnerability to increased levels of UV radiation and other stress factors Four Areas of Emphasis

6 6ORM Recommendations (3) Data Archiving: The archiving and accessibility of ozone and UV data are as important as the measurements themselves. It must be recognized that data archiving is a resource- intensive activity; hence, it is important that funding provided for research and observations be adequate to include data archiving activities. Efforts must be undertaken to transfer all ozone and UV data to the WOUDC, as well as to conduct re-evaluations of historical data. Four Areas of Emphasis

7 6ORM Recommendations (4) Capacity Building: Many ozone- and UV-measuring stations are located in developing countries and CEITs. At present, there is an insufficient number of regional centres for research, calibration, and validation in developed and, especially, in developing countries. Therefore, it is vitally important that sufficient resources are made available to maintain the current global network of observations, and to expand it to uncovered regions. The Trust Fund for Observation and Research (established by Decision VI/2) should be extended and contributions should be encouraged. This fund is presently far short of satisfying these needs. Four Areas of Emphasis

8 Resultant Decisions from the Seventh Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer Dakar, Senegal: 12-16 December 2005

9 COP7 Decisions Background: The Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat summarized the work and recommendations of the 6ORM Critical nature of Decision VI/2 Trust Fund to four recommended areas was cited o Due to expire in December 2007 (prior to the next meeting of the Conference of the Parties) o Presentation by the U.S. Representative of a draft Decision for the extension of the Trust Fund to 2015 −Conclusions of 6ORM regarding maintenance of long- term observational capability noted −Voluntary funding by Parties encouraged Amended version of the draft Decision to finance activities on research and systematic observations (as recommended by 6ORM) forwarded to high-level segment for approval

10 COP7 Decisions Decision VII/2: Trust Fund for activities on research and systematic observations relevant to the Vienna Convention Explicitly notes conclusions and recommendations of 6ORM Notes current need to enhance capacity Notes that such enhancements in capacity are in the interests of all Parties Requests Executive Director of UNEP (through the Ozone Secretariat) to extend the Trust Fund to 31 December 2015 2014 meeting of COP to decide further extension of Trust Fund Urges all Parties and international organizations to make contributions Requests UNEP and WMO to direct funds to priorities among those listed within the 6ORM recommendations Requests Ozone Secretariat to report on operation of, contributions to, and expenditures from the Trust Fund at the 2008 COP

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