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WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE PARENTS’ NIGHT Mr. Dane Kress Mr. Jason McAuliffe Miss Alexandra Ingram September 17 th, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE PARENTS’ NIGHT Mr. Dane Kress Mr. Jason McAuliffe Miss Alexandra Ingram September 17 th, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO SIXTH GRADE PARENTS’ NIGHT Mr. Dane Kress Mr. Jason McAuliffe Miss Alexandra Ingram September 17 th, 2013

2 Who are the teachers? Mr. Dane Kress Phone # 610-473-1815 Email – Mr. Jason McAuliffe Phone # 610-473-1804 Email – Miss Alexandra Ingram Phone # 610-473-1826 Email –

3 Curriculum Reading and Language Arts Guided Reading Shared Reading Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Spelling & Grammar Word Work

4 Curriculum Mathematics Guided small group instruction Whole group instruction Textbook website

5 Curriculum Science Variables Weather and Water Mixtures and Solutions Microworlds Social Studies Canada Mexico Central America & the Caribbean South America CNN for Kids

6 Assessment Formative assessment Tests, quizzes Projects, reports, labs Grammar usage in daily work and writing Standards Based Report Card Intervention and Enrichment

7 Organization 3-ring notebook with dividers Assignment Book Green Pine Forge Folder

8 Homework Math homework - Monday-Thursday Spelling – Monday-Thursday, test Friday Science or Social Studies – 10 min review Reading – 20 min. per night Absentee work Missing or incomplete homework

9 Behaviorial Expectations THINK Take care of each other with kind words and actions. Help keep our school quiet and orderly. I follow staff directions. Need to be attentive and ready to learn. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

10 Supplies Anti-bacterial wipes Tissues Bird Seed Replacement Pencils and Pens Eraser caps or blocks Lined Paper Black Dry Erase Markers

11 Field Trip New York City 1 st or 2 nd Tuesday in May One parent may participate Parent must have clearances Cost for parent: $70-$90 Cost for student: dependent on fund raising

12 Questions?

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