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UNECE WGEMA Sixth session, Geneva, 12-14 June 2006 World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Dafina Dalbokova, Michal Krzyzanowski Towards a.

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Presentation on theme: "UNECE WGEMA Sixth session, Geneva, 12-14 June 2006 World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Dafina Dalbokova, Michal Krzyzanowski Towards a."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNECE WGEMA Sixth session, Geneva, 12-14 June 2006 World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Dafina Dalbokova, Michal Krzyzanowski Towards a pan-European Environment and Health Information System: Status and Progress

2 Framework: the Budapest Declaration commitments towards a pan-European EHIS The ENHIS (& ENHIS-2) projects implemented with EC DG Sanco and involving partners from 18 Member States -> methodological and IT basis of the system Member States (MS): - commitments to establish EH Information System (EHIS) WHO & International Organisations to assist MS in : - upgrading / operating existing systems - building capacities - Implementation of technical projects. Budapest Declaration §16:

3 Reporting on EHIS progress at Intergovernmental Mid-term Review (IMR) Vienna, 13-15 June 2007 EHIS-based Products ‘Children’s Health and the Environment: first assessment’:  Report ‘Children’s Health and the Environment: first assessment’: policy-relevant assessment of the situation – focus on children’s health and the environment - in the context CEHAPE :  Web-based information service which provides access to: indicators, trends in time and space, and fact-sheets

4 ENHIS Products: Methods and Capacities for EHIS Core set of indicators (focus: Children) Methods for assessing information needs of policies Definition of reporting methods: - indicator-based fact sheets - design of web based tools - integration of HIA Building EH Information Network ENHIS

5 About CEHAPE and the Assessment Report CEHAPE Action Plan: Four Regional Priority Goals to reduce health risks and promote safe and secure environments for our children 1.Improve access and water quality; 2.Injuries and accidents: safety, mobility & physical activity; 3.Air quality indoors and outdoors and respiratory health; 4.Reduce chemical, physical and biological hazards. A baseline analysis along the four RPG using policy-relevant indicators REPORT “Children’s Health and the Environment in Europe: First Assessment”

6 Outline of the CEHAPE Assessment Report Overall structure of indicator-based assessment per Regional Priority Goal: 1.Public health issue: how big is the problem using key health indicators 2. EH indicator-based assessment of the situation and trends, identifying causes of the problems and room for improvement 3.Policies and regulations: description of policy actions implemented in MS: follow-up mechanisms in place, potential health benefits 4.Conclusions: o verall progress for the RPG on European region-wide scale in the context of the implemented policies; monitoring needs and priority data gaps/ harmonization

7 Transfer of knowledge and involvement of MS EHIS WG Meeting ( Bonn, 27-28 April 2006 ) 29 countries (14 non-EU), WHO, EC, EEA MS commitments:  To provide indicators based on routinely collected data IF not reported to international organizations: PM10/ TSP  To generate the indicators on country policies  To join the ENHIS network and active networking with relevant sectors in the countries  To provide case studies to feed indicators: Outbreaks of water-borne diseases; Lead in children

8 EHIS Products for IMR 2007: Timelines EH indicators Generation from international databases and preparation of supporting information (analysis, presentation, key message …) Annotated outline, organizing writers, reviewers … End June Assessment Report IT tools for a few lead indicators Development of data exchange/ retrieval tool; database and web functionalities Dates to note: First draft of the assessment report and web service ……... 15 Nov 2006 Review of the first draft report and web service……….….… 15 Jan 2007 Final draft of the assessment report.………………………... 15 Mar 2007 Launch of the web-service…………………………………..… 31 May 2007

9 Synergies with ongoing initiatives Assessment and reporting within Environment for Europe The ‘Belgrade’ Report Assuring synergies requires active networking & exchange of information and expertise in the countries: UNECE WGEMA, WHO EHIS WG, relevant sectors Reporting on the Environmental Strategy for EECCA countries: Report at the 5th Environmental Ministerial Conference (2007) Health-relevant air quality monitoring

10 UNECE WGEMA Sixth session, Geneva, 12-14 June 2006 Partners welcome!! Contacts: Dafina Dalbokova,

11 Development of EH Information System EHIS Development EHIS Implementation Priority: CEHAPE assessment System Products & Services Assessment of H-E situation & Policy implementation Access to indicators database & Fact-sheets Building & Maintaining Information-base Data retrieval Indicator generation Information analysis Methodology Indicators Analysis & Reporting tools

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