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11 th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting 18 th January 2013 NFSM - ODISHA.

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1 11 th National Food Security Mission Executive Committee Meeting 18 th January 2013 NFSM - ODISHA

2 Crop wise Comparative Area, Production& Productivity 2006-07 to 2012-13 Year RICE(15 NFSM Rice dist.)PULSES(all 30 dist.) Area ( lakh ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production ( lakh Mt.) Area ( ha.) Yield ( Kg/ha.) Production ( Mt.) 2006-0719.57135226.4619.514448.66 2007-0819.39155930.2219.814589.08 2008-0919.35139126.9220.014979.94 2009-1019.22135526.0520.924609.63 2010-1118.40152027.9720.8548110.01 2011-1216.43112418.4719.984939.85 *2012-1316.68159726.6319.20108420.82 *NB : Production and Productivity are Provisional

3 Crop-wise production estimate of Kharif-2012 of Odisha

4 Crop-wise tentative production estimate of Rabi 2012-13 of Odisha

5 Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM-Rice 2012-13 Sl. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Approved Action Plan Achievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1 Cluster Demonstration (100 ha.) Line sowing/transplantingHa75006000450.006000418.59 SRIHa75007000525.007000500.21 Hybrid rice Tech.Ha75003000225.002690196.31 2Seed Asst. on distribution of Hybrid seeds. Qtl.200050010.00 Assistance on distribution of HYV seeds Qtl.5002000001000.00126050630.25 3 Plant & Soil Protection Mgt. Incentives for micronutrients Ha.500 25070125.351046352.32 Incentives for LimingHa.5001000050.00720.36 Incentives for PP Chemicals Ha.50030000150.0037198185.93

6 Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM-Rice 2012-13 contd. Sl. No. Approved InterventionsUnit Rate of assistance (Rs.) Approved Action PlanAchievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 4 Resource Conservation Technique/tools a) Cono weeder & MarkerNo.30005000150.00548446.31 b)Knap Sack SprayerNo.1500014625438.7515625204.58 c) Zero Till Seed DrillNo.15000304.50 d) Seed DrillNo.15000406.00 e) Power WeederNo.15000456.7530.45 f) RotavatorNo.30000750225.0030.90 f) Laser LevellerNo.15000057.50 5.Incentive for pumpsetsNo.10000 6000600.002423242.29 6 Cropping system based farmers Trg. No 14000 20028.0018224.7 7 Misc.Ex.on Pro.Mgmt.Team a) District Level 6360001595.401526.92 b) State Level 1387000113.8718.23 10Local initiatives Community BorewellNo.60000033200.000.29 GRAND TOTAL 4311.122538.64

7 Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM-Pulses-2012-13 Sl. No Interventions Unit Pattern of assistance in Rs. Approved Action Plan Achievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1Seeds Distribution on certified seedsQtl. > 10 years Variety1200375082.50481.062 < 10 years variety220011250135.00122514.704 2 Demonstration on Improved Technologies a)IntercroppingHa.50006000300.005827251.23 B )Improved VarietiesHa.50007500375.00191995.96 3Integrated nutrient management a) GypsumHa750500037.502651.993 b) MicronutrientsHa500500025.0018609.3 c) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture/PS.B. distribution Ha1001500015.0058505.56 4Integrated pest management (IPM) IPM PackageHa750850063.75379916.853 Distribution of NPVHa.25030007.503000.6 PP ChemicalsHa.50030000150.0029541114.64 WeedicidesHa.50015007.505401.684

8 Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM-Pulses 2012-13 contd. Sl. No InterventionsUnit Pattern of assistance in Rs. Achievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 5Resource Conservation Technologies Incentive for Knapsack SprayersNos30004991149.737372150.89 Distribution of RotavatorsNo.s3000022066.007622.80 6 Efficient Water Application Tools/Technologies Distribution of sprinkler setsHa7500100075.0049236.91 Incentive for Pump SetsNos100001000100.0049349.33 Assistance for pipe for carrying water from source to the field 1set= 800 Metres 1500040060.009614.44 7Cropping system based TrainingNo.1400027037.8023030.98 8.Miscellaneous expenses Dist Level with PMT (10 dist.)4470001044.701012.1 State Level62800016.2813.58 Dist. Level without PMT ( 20 dist.)1000002020.00202.2784 8Local Initiatives ( Rain Guns) No.200.00 G.Total1958.26836.89

9 Physical & Financial Progress under Accelerated Pulses Production Programme ( A3P ) 2012-13 CropDistrict Approved Action PlanAchievement Phy.(ha.)Fin. ( Rs. in lakh) Phy.(ha.)Fin. ( Rs. in lakh) Pigeon peaSonepur100054.00100029.357 Ganjam50027.0050016.193 Mayurbhanj50027.005008.13 Black Gram (Urd) Bolangir100048.00100026.032 Baragarh100048.00100027.962 Kalahandi100048.00100031.622 Nuapada100048.00100025.96 Angul100048.00 100018.738 Green Gram ( Moong) Nayagarh100048.00 100026.518 Mayurbhanj100048.00 100010.23 Balasore100048.00 10000 Jagatsinghpur100048.00 10000 Keonjhar100048.00 10007.76 Total12000588.0012000228.508

10 Physical & Financial progress on Special Plan for increasing Pulses Production to 19+Mt. Sl. No InterventionsUnit Approved Action Plan Fund Released Achievement Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) Fin. ( Rs in lakh Phy Fin. ( Rs in lakh) 1. Intercropping of Arhar with cotton Ha.6004.003.966003.96 2. Plant Growth Regulator/Nutrient Mixture Ha.10.00 00 3.Supply of Sprinkler setsNos1426107.00000 Grand Total121.0013.963.96

11 Additional Units of A3P for Rabi 2012-13 Sl NoDistrict Additional unit of A3P crop Moong Financial requirement (in Lakh Rs) UnitArea in Ha 1Bhadrak1100048.00 2Puri1100048.00 3Boudh1100048.00 4Cuttack1.5150072.00 5 Jajpur1.5150072.00 6 Kendrapara1100048.00 7 Ganjam33000120.00 8 Gajapati1100048.00 9 Bolangir2200096.00 10 Kalahandi1100048.00 TOTAL 1515000720.00

12 DETAILS OF FINANCIAL PROGRESS UNDER NFSM 2012-13 Name of the Scheme Approved allocatio n by GOI Funds Received Unspent Balance 2011-12 Total Funds available U.C. Submitted Earlier U.C. Submitted now Total U.C. Submitted Balance UC to be submitted NFSM-Rice4311.123964.0545.294009.341764.22774.422538.641470.70 NFSM-Pulse1958.261245.158.141253.29288.95547.94836.89416.40 NFSM- Pulses(A3P) 594.00409.45178.55588.00142.8585.618228.508359.492 NFSM-Special Plan (Pulse) 121.0013.960 3.960 10.00 Addl. A3P720.00 0 000 TOTAL7704.386352.61231.986584.592200.021407.9783607.9982976.592 (Fig. Rs in lakhs)

13 Requirement of funds under NFSM for 2012-13 for the state Odisha Name of the Scheme Approved allocation by GOI Funds Received Unspent Balance 2011-12 Total Funds available Expenditure incurred as on date Requirement of balance fund for 2012-13 NFSM-Rice4311.123964.0545.294009.342538.64No more fund required NFSM-Pulse1958.261245.158.141253.29836.89704.97 NFSM- Pulses(A3P) 594.00409.45178.55588.00228.508No more fund required NFSM-Special Plan (Pulse Programme) 121.0013.960 3.96No more fund required Addl. A3P720.00 0 0No more fund required TOTAL7704.386352.61231.986584.593607.998704.97 (Fig. Rs in lakhs)

14 Major Focus given on different inputs under NFSM during 2012-13 in Odisha  Distribution of 3920 qtl of foundation seeds and 90.70 qtl of breeder seeds of different varieties of paddy in cluster demonstration program covering 13000 ha. in 130 clusters of NFSM ( Line +SRI)  2.5 lakh quintals of certified seeds will be produced out of those clusters and OSSC Ltd has been assigned to Procure the same.  7500 ha. of cluster demonstration of Improved Varieties Pulses has been Implemented for production of C 1 to C 2 Pulse seeds of moong.

15 Status of implementation of Pest-Surveillance in A3P  The Disaster Management Group have been formed in all A3P implemented districts under the chairmanship of DDA-Cum-Project Manager NFSM.  The Deputy Director of Agriculture (Plant Protection) have been assigned to trained one of the officer of each district as master trainer & monitor the e-pest surveillance work at state head quarter.  The scientist of local KVK/RRTTS were involved in e- pest surveillance work at field level done by the farmer scout.

16 Status of online submission of Progress Report at State/District level  After implementation of online fund management under NFSM Schemes in Odisha, the day to day Financial expenditure of the NFSM schemes incurred by respective DDA-Cum-PM are monitored regularly.  Action being initiated at Directorate Level to submit the online progress report to Govt. of India regularly.  Due to less remuneration, adequate number of Technical Asst. are not interested to continue in the NFSM Scheme for which the DDA-Cum-PM are facing hard to furnish the progress report online.

17 Sl NoDistrictDC Sanction PostIn positionTA Sanction PostIn position 1Bolangir11 61 2Kalahandi116 3Keonjhar116 4Nayagarh116 5Cuttack112 6Puri112 7Khurdha112 8Ganjam112 1 9Bargarh112 10Rayagarah112 11Boudh114 12Deogarh104 13Jharsaguda104 14Sundergarh104 15Jajpur114 1 16Denkhanal114 17Anugul114 1 18Nuapada104 19Malkanagiri104 20Nawrangpur10 4 21Phulbani11 4 TOTAL2115804 Appointment of PMT in district of Odisha

18 Concurrent evaluation of NFSM  The Gobal Agri. System, New Delhi have been engaged to conduct the concurrent evaluation of NFSM scheme of Odisha for the year 2009-10 to 2010-11 with a financial offer of Rs. 8,84,832/- on 13.05.2011.  After conducting the random survey in 3 Rice districts (Kalahandi, Jajpur & Sundergarh) & 3 Pulse districts (Puri, Ganjam & Kalahandi), the organization has furnish the first report to the Mission Director, NFSM, Odisha.  Soon after receipt of final report will be submitted to GOI for perusal.

19 SPECIFIC ISSUES AND SUGGESTIONS Enhancement of remuneration of Technical Asst. of NFSM at par with the remuneration of the BTM engaged at Block level under ATMA programme. Equalization of subsidy amount of Farm machineries like Power Weeder under NFSM with the subsidy of Work Plan scheme. Inclusion of farm machineries like Paddy Ripper, Axial Floor thresher under NFSM-Rice.

20 Line Transplanting in NFSM Clusters in Jharsuguda district

21 SRI Clusters at Dhenkanal

22 Intercropping Demonstration Under NFSM-Pulses

23 Intercropping of cotton+Arhar in Rayagada under Special Plan for Pulses


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