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Remain Faithful. Last Time: God wants us to nurture and protect all living things.

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Presentation on theme: "Remain Faithful. Last Time: God wants us to nurture and protect all living things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remain Faithful


3 Last Time: God wants us to nurture and protect all living things.

4 1.You shall have no other gods. 2.You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God. 3.Remember the sabbath day, and keep it holy. 4.Honor your father and your mother. 5.You shall not murder. 6.You shall not commit adultery. 7.You shall not steal. 8.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9.You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. 10.You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

5 We honor God when we are faithful in our relationships.

6 Dinner for Two

7 Loving and honoring one’s spouse includes a)listening attentively when they are talking to you. b)caring for them when they are ill. c)interpreting everything they do in the best possible way when talking about them. d)faithfulness in carrying out of your share of household responsibilities. e)all of the above!

8 Loving and honoring one’s spouse includes a)listening attentively when they are talking to you. b)caring for them when they are ill. c)interpreting everything they do in the best possible way when talking about them. d)faithfulness in carrying out of your share of household responsibilities. e)all of the above!

9 Having sex with someone else is the only way of being unfaithful. a)True b)False

10 Having sex with someone else is the only way of being unfaithful. a)True b)False

11 Sexual sin is the one thing Jesus absolutely cannot tolerate; there is no forgiveness for this sin. a)True b)False

12 Sexual sin is the one thing Jesus absolutely cannot tolerate; there is no forgiveness for this sin. a)True b)False

13 God wants us to keep sexual relations within the confines of marriage because a)God’s an old crab who likes to impose burdensome rules. b)God’s never had sex, so God doesn’t understand what we’re missing. c)God knows sex affects us physically and emotionally and doesn’t want us to get hurt. d)marriage is a safe zone for sex because it’s backed by a promise of faithfulness. e)answers c and d.

14 God wants us to keep sexual relations within the confines of marriage because a)God’s an old crab who likes to impose burdensome rules. b)God’s never had sex, so God doesn’t understand what we’re missing. c)God knows sex affects us physically and emotionally and doesn’t want us to get hurt. d)marriage is a safe zone for sex because it’s backed by a promise of faithfulness. e)answers c and d.

15 You have to be married in a church. a)True b)False

16 You have to be married in a church. a)True b)False

17 Make good eye contact as you share God’s peace with others.

18 “The Top 10 Attributes to Look for in a Spouse” (The Lutheran Handbook, pages 123-125) 1.Similar values. 2.Physical-energy and physical-space compatibility. 3.Physical and romantic compatibility. 4.Intellectual parity. 5.Emotional maturity. 6.Sense of humor.

19 “The Top 10 Attributes to Look for in a Spouse” (The Lutheran Handbook, pages 123-125) 7. Respect. 8. Trustworthiness. 9. Forgiving. 10.Kindness.

20 Sixth Commandment in the Small Catechism (The Lutheran Handbook, page 198) 2 Samuel 11; 12; Exodus 20:13-15



23 2 Samuel 11:1-27 1 Corinthians 13 John 8:1-11 Sex and Love in the Bible



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