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Church History, Sixth century Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, What is after Chalcedon 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Church History, Sixth century Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, What is after Chalcedon 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Church History, Sixth century Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch, What is after Chalcedon 1

2 Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch Short Biography: + Born ca. 459 AD in Sozopolis, Pisidia, Asia Minor + His paternal grandfather’s name was also Severus and was the Bishop of Sozopolis (he attended the council of Ephesus in 431 AD). + He was a strict ascetic + Consecrated Patriarch in Antioch in 512 AD. + Died in Sakha, Egypt in 538 AD. 2

3 Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch God’s Purpose in St. Severus’ Life: + Studied in Alexandria (grammar and philosophy in both Greek and Latin). Introduced to and fell in love with the writings of Sts. Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus. + Studied in Beirut (School of Roman Jurisprudence). + Became monk in Palestine and ordained priest by Bishop Epiphanius. + As Patriarch never deviated from asceticism. + Exchanged with Egyptian Popes letters declaring the true Orthodox faith. + Fled to Egypt from Chalcedonian Emperors and stayed from 518-538 (went to Constantinople from 534-536 to discuss church unity with Emperor Justinian). 3

4 Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch St. Severus’ Achievements: + Hailed as the champion of the orthodox faith against the corruptions of Nestorianism. + Succesful in his great aim of uniting the Non-Chalcedonians into one body. + He was a copious writer. + The Coptic Church mentions him in the Commemoration of Saints and the Absolution directly after St. Mark. 4

5 Saint Severus, Patriarch of Antioch Main Events during 6 th century including St. Severus’: + After Chalcedon many attempts for unity between Chalcedonians and Non-Chalcedonians. + Fluctuating Fortunes of the Copts under the Eastern Emperors. + Pope Timothy III (32 nd Pope of Alexandria), Queen Theodora, St. Severus. + Pope Theodosius I, 536-567, (33d. Pope of Alexandria, Last to serve as Patriarch of Copts & Greeks). 5

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