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ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE National Center for Cultural Competence Tawara D. Goode Assistant Professor Director, National Center.

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1 ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE National Center for Cultural Competence Tawara D. Goode Assistant Professor Director, National Center for Cultural Competence Associate Director, University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Center for Child and Human Development Georgetown University June 3, 2014

2 Benefits Philosophy, Guiding Values, & Principles The Role of Leadership Four-Phase Process Lessons Learned Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence ORGANIZATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF CULTURAL COMPETENCE DURING THIS WORKSHOP WE WILL EXPLORE

3 An essential component of cultural competence is self-assessment. We have to take time to reflect and critically look at or examine ourselves and our own organizations. Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence

4 Benefits of Self-Assessment  Gauge the degree to which an organization is effectively responding to and addressing cultural and linguistic diversity  Determine the knowledge, skills, interests, and needs of staff, faculty, students, and board members about cultural diversity and cultural and linguistic competence within the contexts of their roles and responsibilities  Improve access to, utilization of, outcomes, and satisfaction with services provided by the organization  Establish partnerships that meaningfully involve diverse sectors of the academic, business, philanthropic, spiritual/religious, and other communities  Determine strengths and areas for growth related to cultural and linguistic competence for individuals employed by or affiliated with the organization Adapted from: Goode, T. D. (2010). A guide for using the cultural and linguistic competence assessment for disability organizations. Washington, DC: National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development. Slide Source:© 2011 - National Center for Cultural Competence

5 What benefits would you list for your university, college, or department Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence

6 Conceptual Framework for Self-Assessment Excerpt from A Guide to Planning and Implementing Cultural Competence Organizational Self-Assessment Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence

7 Philosophical Construct Sources: Cultural & Linguistic Competence Self-Assessment Instrument for Foundations, 2004. Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2014

8 NCCC’s Values & Guiding Principles for Self-Assessment Adapted from: Goode, T. D. (2010). A guide for using the cultural and linguistic competence assessment for disability organizations. Washington, DC: National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development.

9 List guiding values and principles that you feel are essential to cultural competence organizational assessment.

10 It is incumbent upon leadership to convey a clear message that the process of cultural competence assessment is: THE ROLE OF LEADERSHIP Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence

11 NCCC’s Four-Phases of Self-Assessment Source: Goode, T. D. (2010). A guide for using the cultural and linguistic competence assessment for disability organizations. Washington, DC: National Center for Cultural Competence, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development.

12 Useful Steps in Planning & Implementing Organizational Assessment Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence

13 How will you get “buy-in” from:  leadership  faculty & staff  key constituents Slide Source:© 2014 - National Center for Cultural Competence


15 Innovations in Self-Assessment: NCCC’S LESSONS LEARNED Sources: Cultural & Linguistic Competence Self-Assessment Instrument for Foundations, 2004. Slide Source: National Center for Cultural Competence, 2014

16 A primary goal of cultural competence organizational assessment is change. “Culture does not change because we desire to change it. Culture changes when the organization is transformed; the culture reflects the realities of people working together every day." Frances Hesselbein The Key to Cultural Transformation, Leader to Leader (Spring 1999)

17 CONTACT US National Center for Cultural Competence The content of and this PowerPoint presentation are copyrighted and are protected by Georgetown University's copyright policies.Georgetown University's copyright policies Permission is granted to use this PowerPoint presentation in its entirety and/or individual slides for non-commercial purposes if:  the material is not to be altered and proper credit is given to the author(s) and to the National Center for Cultural Competence. Permission is required if the material is to be: modified in any way used in broad distribution. To request permission and for more information, contact

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