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Sixth Grade Research Project Social Studies. Start from the End Goal: A five paragraph essay examining the geographic, economic and cultural aspects of.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Grade Research Project Social Studies. Start from the End Goal: A five paragraph essay examining the geographic, economic and cultural aspects of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Grade Research Project Social Studies

2 Start from the End Goal: A five paragraph essay examining the geographic, economic and cultural aspects of a modern- day river civilization.

3 Start from the End Break it Down: FIVE paragraph essay dealing with the Key Questions: geography economy Culture modern-day river civilizations: Iraq, Iran, Egypt, China, Israel, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Japan

4 Start from the End Key Questions: Geography What are the major geographical landforms and bodies of water in your country here? Culture What is the culture of your country? Think about language, religion, traditions Economy What is the economy of your country? Think about import/ exports, major industries, natural resources.

5 How do we get there? Follow the Process 1)Information sheet home 2)Research Project progress Report 3)Big6 Assignment Organizer 4) Note Taking Worksheet (3 x ) 5) Web Site Evaluation Guide (3 x ) 6)5-Paragraph Essay Organizer 7)Scoring Guides

6 1) Information sheet home 2) Research Progress REports Follow the Process Send home to explain the importance and weight of this project 50% of quarter grade Month long Composed of many parts Teaches the Research Process in a highly structured and organized manner Progress Reports for each part

7 3) Big6 Assignment Organizer Follow the Process Helps to clearly explain and organize the project in your mind going through all 6 steps quickly and concisely: 1.Task Definition 2.Information Seeking Strategies 3.Location and Access 4.Use of Information 5.Synthesis 6.Evaluation

8 4) Note Taking Worksheet (3) Follow the Process Worksheets organized to take notes for a single Key Question from multiple sources One sheet used for each Key Question organized by Paragraph Paragraph #2 – Geography Paragraph #3 – Culture Paragraph #4 – Economy Integrates place for citing source information

9 5) Web Site Evaluation Guide (3) Follow the Process Worksheet used to assess the validity of web sites and sources from the Internet Although web sites are pre- selected for this paper, this establishes the process for future research One sheet used per website Integrates place for citing source information

10 6) 5-Paragraph Essay Organizer Follow the Process Used to pull together the Main Ideas and Supporting Details from each of the Note Taking Pages. Enables you to see the “skeleton” on which the paper will be built Excellent way to see if your paper makes sense before you start to write it Good way to check to see if you have enough information to begin writing

11 7) Scoring Guides Follow the Process Used to allow students to self-check the quality of their work. One for every part assigned a grade Will involve some peer- editing Establishes basis for scoring each step of the Research Process

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