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 Next year.  Where are you going?  What are you doing?  The law has changed.  You have to go somewhere.  And you have to November!

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Presentation on theme: " Next year.  Where are you going?  What are you doing?  The law has changed.  You have to go somewhere.  And you have to November!"— Presentation transcript:

1  Next year.  Where are you going?  What are you doing?  The law has changed.  You have to go somewhere.  And you have to November!

2 What you need to know about…

3  College (New College, Wakefield, Leeds, York...)  Apprenticeships  Sixth-Form (St Wilf’s, Airedale, Here...)  Job-Based Learning  Where is the best place for me to learn?  What offers the best possible course for me?

4  You will have to complete an online application form for whatever you want to do.  The school will provide a reference and if the college or apprenticeship likes your application, you may then get an interview.   Only at the end of the interview phase will you be offered a place. And this may be conditional.

5  Careers Interviews with Katie Oldroyd can be booked with Mrs Stroud or any Prefect on the Library desk.  Some students will receive interviews with the Prospects PA (previously known as Connexions PA).  Support in filling out UCAS booklets in form time (throughout September).  Support in completing online UCAS applications in Life and Society lessons (throughout October).  National Careers Service:

6  Throughout October local Colleges and Sixth Forms will be coming in to deliver an assembly and provide students with course prospectuses:  Thurs 2 nd Oct – Wakefield College  Thurs 9 th Oct – Pontefract New College  Thurs 16 th Oct – St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form  Thurs 23 rd Oct – Castleford Academy Sixth Form

7  Details of local Open Days are displayed on posters in form rooms and around school (text message reminders will also be sent to parents).  It is imperative that you attend as many Open Days as possible… not only will it help you decide on the right College for you, it will also help you answer the question ‘So, why did you pick our College?’ in your interviews!

8  Castleford Academy Sixth Form – Weds 22 nd Oct (5pm-8pm) and Thurs 12 th Feb (5pm-8pm).  St Wilfrid’s Sixth Form – Sat 4 th Oct (10am-2pm) and Thurs 27 th Nov (6.30pm-8pm).  Pontefract New College – Sat 4 th Oct (10am-2pm), Tues 11 th Nov (5pm-8pm) and Thurs 5 th Feb (5pm-8pm).  Wakefield College; Castleford Campus – Thurs 23 rd Oct (5pm- 8pm), Sat 22 nd Nov (10am-2.30pm) and Thurs 12 th Feb (5pm- 8pm).  Wakefield College; Thornes and City Campus – Tues 21 st Oct (5pm-8pm), Sat 22 nd Nov (10am-2.30pm) and Tues 10 th Feb (5pm-8pm).

9  Entry Requirements for College courses vary. You should apply for courses that meet your grades at GCSE:  Entry Level – G to U at GCSE  Level 1 – D to G at GCSE  Level 2 – A to C at GCSE  Level 3 (and A Levels) – 5 A* to C at GCSE (including English/Maths)  Please see Katie Oldroyd or the College Prospectuses for information on individual course Entry Requirements.

10  Katie Oldroyd will be available to meet with students and parents in P24, along with representatives from:  Wakefield College  Pontefract New College  Castleford Academy Sixth Form  The University of Leeds  National Apprenticeship Service  UCAS  Prospects (previously Connexions)

11  Go where my mates are going.  Choose the Skills Xchange because my girlfriend or mates are still at school and I want to meet her/them.  Choose a course on a whim.  Choosing the college that is the closest and most convenient.  Choosing what sounds the easiest.  Choosing something completely new you have no experience with.

12  You MUST apply for your College course through UCAS.  You MUST attend at least one Open Day.  You MUST have at least one Careers Interview.  Any burning questions that cannot wait until a Careers Interview can be asked before registration and at break time in the Library!

13  You are currently working on paper versions of the online application in forms.  In October you have 3 lessons in Life and Society where you will transfer this information onto the online application.  You will be told how to do this by Katie and she (along with mentors) will be in those lessons to assist.  If it is not finished, you will have to complete it at home and will be chased up by Katie who will not leave you alone until it’s done.  The Application is YOU! Make sure it is a good version of YOU!

14  Where do I want to go?  What do I want to be?  How amazing can I make my life?  What is the best environment for someone like me?  GET THE GRADES!

15  It is ok to have more than one career...  And it’s ok to not know what you want to do...  But, you do need to decide where you want to go next year and what you want to do.

16  Make the application good.  Do your research.  Visit. Ask. Explore. Imagine.  GET THE GRADES.  And aim as high as you can go...

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