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VERBS – Unit 3 6 th Grade By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy Collated with Houghton Mifflin – English 6.

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Presentation on theme: "VERBS – Unit 3 6 th Grade By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy Collated with Houghton Mifflin – English 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 VERBS – Unit 3 6 th Grade By: Angélica Guerra, MS Greater Miami Adventist Academy Collated with Houghton Mifflin – English 6

2 ACTION VERBS - 1 VERB: The main word in the predicate / The simple predicate ACTION VERB: What the subject does or did I cook dinner. - Ann grabbed an apple. Action can be: PHYSICAL: can be seen (I eat soup.) MENTAL or EMOTIONAL: cannot be seen (I want a dog. / The boy studies his lesson.)

3 Make a sentence using an action verb:

4 MAIN VERBS & HELPING VERBS - 2 VERB PHRASE VERB PHRASE: A verb that is made up of more than ONE word VERB PHRASE is made up of: MAIN VERB – the verb that expresses the action or being HELPING VERBS – work with the main verb and don’t show any action EX EX: Bill has eaten his dinner. / I would have gone home! Memorize list of Helping Verbs on p. 120.

5 MAIN VERBS & HELPING VERBS continuation… Some verbs can be a MAIN VERB in one sentence and a HELPING VERB in another. MAIN VB.= I did my work yesterday. HELPING VB.=I did see you at the mall. In questions the verb parts may be separated. May I go with you? / Should we eat now?

6 Make sentences with VERB PHRASES:

7 TRANSITIVE & INTRANSITIVE VERBS lessons 3 & 4 TRANSITIVE VB.= A verb that SENDS its action to a noun or pronoun – DIRECT OBJECT = The noun or pronoun that RECEIVES the action The teacher writes a letter. INTRANSITIVE VB.= A verb that DOESN’T send its action anywhere (no Direct Object) The teacher writes.

8 Make sentences: some Transitive & others Intransitive (ask the proper question on each) Abigail

9 DIRECT OBJECT - lesson 3 A noun or pronoun that tells WHO or WHAT receives the action of the verb. We climbed Mt. Rainer. D.O. may be a noun or pronoun. The doctor helped Ana. The doctor helped her. D.O. may be compound (more than 1) The bear eats berries and fish.

10 Tell if the sentence is Transitive or Intransitive; if transitive, identify the D.O. My golden retriever runs a lot. She eats biscuits and fruit. She barks all day long. I made dinner for her. I took her and my friend Kathy to the museum.

11 Make a sentence with D.O. (for extra points – more than one D.O.)

12 BEING VERBS & LINKING VERBS - 5 BEING VERBS Show what the subject is or is like. Ana seems tired. The janitor was tired. See and memorize: common Being Verbs on page 129 A BEING verb is often a LINKING verb – It links the subject to a word in the predicate. The word it is linked to is either: – Predicate Noun My mom is a doctor. – Predicate Adjective My mom is tired.

13 PREDICATE NOUNS & PREDICATE ADJECTIVES – use with Linking Verbs LINKING VERB: Links or connects the subject to another word in the PREDICATE PREDICATE NOUN: Renames the subject Quinoa is a grain. / It was a popular food for the Incas. PREDICATE ADJECTIVE: Describes subject It is delicious. / This grain tastes good.

14 Some verbs can be either linking verbs or action verbs: LINKING The pilot looks young. Lucy smelled sweaty. ACTION The boy looks at the dog. I smelled the rose. Tell if the verb is ACTION or LINKING: The new girl has become my friend. The project appears copied. The teacher tasted the soup. It tasted too salty. Jan feels the surface of the table.

15 Make 2 sentences with LINKING verbs – one with predicate noun or predicate adjective:

16 SIMPLE VERB TENSES - 6 Tense means WHEN the action or state of being takes place. PRESENT: Is happening now Remember: 3 rd person singular – add –s He sings a song. Steve laughs. Maria smells the rose. PAST: Already happened FUTURE: Is going to happen

17 Simple Tense Review THE VERB BE - The most common verb Simple Tense Review NUMBERPERSONPASTPRESENTFUTURE 1 st singularIwasamwill be 2 nd singularYOUwerearewill be 3 rd singular HE / SHE / IT wasiswill be 1 st plural WEwerearewill be 2 nd plural YOUwerearewill be 3 rd pluralTHEYwerearewill be

18 PERFECT TENSES - 7 PRESENT PERFECTPAST PERFECT FUTURE PERFECT Action that took place at an indefinite time in the past; it may still be going on Action in the past that was completed before another action took place Action that will be completed before another action in the future Manny has walked these halls for years. Manny had finished eating before lunch ended. Manny will have graduated before May 21, 2013.


20 SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT - 9 A verb and its subject MUST agree in number – Singular verb = singular subject An ant crawls. – Plural verb = plural subject Three ant crawl. The verb BE doesn’t follow the usual rules. – Check chart on page 144

21 Make a sentence with the proper form of BE the teacher will tell you:

22 More Subject-Verb Agreement – 10 (Agreement with Compound Subject) When joining subject with words such as OR, EITHER…OR, or NEITHER…NOR, the verb may be singular or plural. Plural verb: Plural verb: if both subjects are plural. – The dogs and cats were both eating. Singular verb: Singular verb: if both subjects are singular. – Neither Jim nor Steve is here.

23 Continuation… (lesson 10) Verb Agrees with the SUBJECT CLOSEST: Verb Agrees with the SUBJECT CLOSEST: When ONE subject is singular and ONE is plural. – Either the twins or Marc is singing today. – Either Marc or the twins are singing today. ****Choose the correct verb:**** – Ana or my parent ______ taking me to church. – Neither the sixth graders nor Mr. Cortes ____ here.

24 Make a sentence that requires subject- verb agreement (help yourself with the previous 2 slides):

25 Continuation… (lesson 10) INVERTED SENTENCE – The subject IS NOT at the beginning. When a sentence begins with HERE or THERE, the verb MUST also agree with the subject. To find the subject, ask: WHO or WHAT IS HERE? – Here is the book. (What is here?) – There are my friends!(Who is here?)

26 Make a sentence using HERE or THERE:

27 CONTRACTIONS - 11 Sometimes the verb is shortened in the cont. – Notice that the apostrophe goes where the letter is missing: We are = we’re I am – I’m Often a verb and NOT are combined. – NOT is not part of the verb! Ana isn’t coming today. / Ana is not coming today.

28 Write a sentence with a contraction:

29 THE END Now, prepare for your test!

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