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Sixth Class November 6, 2010 Pentateuch and Earlier Prophets Rev. Timothy M. Hayes – Deacon Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Sixth Class November 6, 2010 Pentateuch and Earlier Prophets Rev. Timothy M. Hayes – Deacon Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sixth Class November 6, 2010 Pentateuch and Earlier Prophets Rev. Timothy M. Hayes – Deacon Class

2 Opening Prayer Let Your Scriptures be my chaste delight… O Lord, perfect me, and reveal those pages to me! See, Your voice is my joy… Give me what I love… May the inner secrets of Your Word be opened to me when I knock. This I beg, by our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom are hidden all treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3) These are the treasures I seek in Your books. -- St. Augustine, The Confessions, Book 11, Chapter 2, Nos. 2-4 From the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults

3 The Scriptural Texts The Historical Writings “Earlier Prophets” --Joshua --Judges [Ruth] --I & II Samuel --I & II Kings

4 Session 9: Topics to be considered The Rise of Prophecy in Israel The Elijah and Elisha Cycle in the Books of Kings

5 Session 9: Topics to be considered A Glance at the New Testament --Importance of Moses and Torah --Jesus as the Word of God Any outstanding questions?

6 Presentations Nov. 13 Questions on the Divided Kingdom Tim Birie The Rise of Prophecy in Israel Jeff Carpenter Homilies by select members

7 Pre-Test Torah Pentateuch Masoretic Text LXX The Vulgate YHWH

8 Pre-Test "Let there be light." Abraham, Isaac, Jacob Goshen Moses Joshua and Caleb

9 Pre-Test Selah Urim & Thummim Clean and Unclean Land flowing with Milk and Honey Nephilim "The Deuteronomistic History"

10 Pre-Test Goliath Nathan Bathsheba Jedidiah Elijah Ahab and Jezebel

11 Pre-Test Tiglath Pilesar III Cyrus

12 Take Home Pre-Test First words of the Bible The Five Books of Moses TANAK Torah Pentateuch Prophets Writings

13 Take Home Pre-Test Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

14 Take Home Pre-Test Deuteronomistic History The Book of Joshua Judges I-II Samuel I-II Kings

15 Take Home Pre-Test Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Israel Joseph Egypt Pharaoh Sinai Horeb

16 Take Home Pre-Test ’Ehyeh asher ehyeh Moses Aaron Canaan The Promised Land Dan to Beersheba Joshua and Caleb

17 Take Home Pre-Test Samuel Saul David Solomon Divided Kingdom Judah Israel

18 Take Home Pre-Test Assyria Babylon Cyrus

19 Take Home Pre-Test Rabbinical commentary Midrash Atrahasis Gilgamesh Tell

20 A Fond Farewell Final Due November 20 – Don’t mess up your Thanksgiving! Get it done and turned in by e-mail to Thanks to all for your participation! Blessings for your continued journey.

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