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© 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Lecture by Edward J. Zalisko PowerPoint Lectures for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Seventh Edition Reece, Taylor,

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1 © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Lecture by Edward J. Zalisko PowerPoint Lectures for Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections, Seventh Edition Reece, Taylor, Simon, and Dickey Chapter 30 How Animals Move

2 MUSCLE CONTRACTION AND MOVEMENT © 2012 Parson Education, Inc.

3 Unit of muscle contraction Muscle fiber (cell) Nuclei Skeletal muscle Muscle fiber Nucleus Junction between two cells Cardiac muscle* Muscle fiber Smooth muscle* Nucleus *Under INVOLUNTARY control Intercalated discs

4 Muscle Several muscle fibers Single muscle fiber (cell) Plasma membrane Nuclei Myofibril Light band Dark band Light band Z line Sarcomere Z line Thick filaments (myosin) Thin filaments (actin)  Muscle fibers = single muscle cell –have many nuclei –Contains myofibrils

5 Plasma membrane Nuclei Myofibril Light band Dark band Light band Z line Sarcomere Single muscle fiber (cell)  Myofibrils = protein cables of overlapping –thick filaments –composed of the protein myosin and –thin filaments –composed of the protein actin.

6 Sarcomere Z line Thick filaments (myosin) Thin filaments (actin) Light band Dark band Light band Z line Sarcomere  Sarcomeres = contractile unit of muscle fiber –repeating groups of overlapping thick and thin filaments

7 Relaxed muscle Contracting muscle Fully contracted muscle Dark band Sarcomere Contracted sarcomere ZZ Sarcomere contracts (shortens) when its thin filaments slide across its thick filaments

8 Detailed structure of thin filaments Actin associated with two other proteins: -Tropomyosin - troponin

9 Spinal cord Motor neuron cell body Nerve Motor neuron axon Synaptic terminals Muscle Tendon Muscle fibers (cells) Nuclei Bone Motor unit 1 Motor unit 2


11 Motor neuron axon Synaptic terminal T tubule Action potential Mitochondrion Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Myofibril Plasma membrane Sarcomere Ca 2  released from ER  A motor neuron –carries an action potential (nervous signal) to a muscle cell, –initiates a muscle contraction by triggering release of Ca 2+ from ER

12 Calcium ions bind to troponin, moving tropomyosin away from the myosin- binding sites on actin. Myosin-binding sites blocked Myosin-binding sites exposed Myosin-binding site Ca 2  floods the cytoplasmic fluid Actin Tropomyosin Ca 2  -binding sites Troponin complex Role of Ca in muscle contraction

13 Relaxed muscle Contracting muscle Fully contracted muscle Dark band Sarcomere Contracted sarcomere ZZ Sliding Filament Model of Muscle Contraction: Sarcomere contracts (shortens) when its thin filaments slide across its thick filaments

14 A muscle contracts when thin filaments slide along thick filaments © 2012 Parson Education, Inc. Thin filaments Thick filament Z line

15 Figure 30.9B_s2 Thin filaments Thick filament Z line Myosin head (low- energy configuration) Actin Thin filament Thick filament 1 ATP

16 Figure 30.9B_s3 Thin filaments Thick filament Z line Myosin head (low- energy configuration) Myosin head (high- energy configuration) Actin Thin filament Thick filament 1 2 ATP ADP P

17 Figure 30.9B_s4 Cross-bridge 3 ADP P

18 Figure 30.9B_s5 Myosin head (pivoting) 4 New position of Z line Thin filament moves toward center. ADPP  Cross-bridge 3 ADP P

19 Figure 30.9B_s6 Myosin head (low-energy) Myosin head (pivoting) ATP 5 4 New position of Z line Thin filament moves toward center. ADPP  Cross-bridge 3 ADP P

20 ATP required to power myosin movement and RELEASE from actin A muscle contracts when thin filaments slide along thick filaments


22  Aerobic respiration –requires a constant supply of glucose and oxygen –provides most of the ATP used to power muscle movement during exercise.  Lactic acid fermentation –can provide ATP faster than aerobic respiration but –is less efficient. Aerobic respiration supplies most of the energy for exercise © 2012 Parson Education, Inc.

23 Figure 30.11

24 Supplying Fuel for High Performance

25  Muscles can adapt to exercise by increasing the –levels of myoglobin, –number of mitochondria, and/or –number of capillaries going to muscles. © 2012 Parson Education, Inc.

26 Table 30.12

27 Figure 30.12 Slow Intermediate Fast 100 80 60 40 20 0 World- class sprinter Average couch potato Average active person Middle- distance runner World- class marathon runner Extreme endurance athlete Percentage of total muscle

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