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Muscle fibers (cells) Myofibrils Myofilaments Actin Myosin Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction Hypertrophy = Atrophy=

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2 Muscle fibers (cells) Myofibrils Myofilaments Actin Myosin Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction Hypertrophy = Atrophy=






8 TYPE of FIBER Characteristic Slow Oxidative (SO) Fast Oxidative (FOG) Fast Glycolytic (FG) Average Fiber % 50%35%15% Speed of Contraction SLOWFASTFAST Fatigue Resistance HIGHIntermediateLOW Aerobic Capacity HIGHintermediateLOW Anaerobic Capacity LOWIntermediateHIGH MitochondriaMANYMANYFEW CapillariesMANYMANYFEW Color of Fiber REDREDWHITE Glycogen Content LOWIntermediateHIGH Myoglobin Content HIGHHIGHLOW Fiber Diameter SMALLIntermediateLARGE

9 Fast Twitch Type IIb Slow Twitch Type I Intermediate Type IIa




13 Concentric Eccentric


15  Muscular Strength a. Neural improvements b. Hypertrophy  Muscular Endurance  Body Composition a. weight management 1. basal metabolic rate b. body image  Bone Density  Tendon, ligaments, joint strength  Blood pressure  Blood cholesterol  Sarcopenia

16 Muscle fiber recruitment Proportion of fibers recruited Temporary muscular failure Physiological changes Hypertrophy= increase in number of myofibrils Rate of improvement Depends on initial strength level Genetic differences

17 Desired outcome IntensityRepetitionsSetsContractionRest General strength & Endurance 40-80% 8RM 6-103Moderate 2-3 min. Max Strength 75- 100% 3RM 3-85-10 Slow to explosive 1-4 min. Strength endurance 30-60% 15 RM 15-303-6Fast 3-5 min. Rehab from injury 20-60% 15RM 15-251-5 Slow, pain free 3-5 min. Muscle mass, bulk 80- 100% 5RM 1-105-15 Slow to moderate 1-3 min. Body Sculpting 10RM10-123-5 Slow to moderate 1-3 min.

18 Frequency 2-3 days per week Intensity lift to fatigue Time 1 set; 3-20 repetitions Type 8-10 exercises to work all major muscle groups

19 Sequence Form Rest between sets Muscle balance Breathing Speed of movement


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