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M. Steller Space Research Institute, Graz EDI Gun FM2 Performed Tests and Results 1IWF/ÖAW GRAZ.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Steller Space Research Institute, Graz EDI Gun FM2 Performed Tests and Results 1IWF/ÖAW GRAZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Steller Space Research Institute, Graz EDI Gun FM2 Performed Tests and Results 1IWF/ÖAW GRAZ

2 2 Overview EDI Gun Tests  Components Level (valid for all FM’s)  Radiation verification tests for bipolar transistors 2N2222 and 2N2907  Up-screening of components for HV opto-coupler  Electrical characterization and thermal cycling of HV opto-coupler  Board Level  Electrical test  Thermal test  Electronics Assembly  Electrical and functional test  Thermal cycling (not performed for FM2)  Assembled Gun  Short functional test (prior to calibration and transport)  Calibration  Reports available at:

3 3IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Radiation Verification Test  NPN Transistor 2N2222  Two batches, two different lots  Dose rate 25krad/h = 6,94rad/sec  First batch:hFE ~150 => ~55 @75 krad  Second batch: hFE ~160 => ~25 @ 75krad  PNP Transistor 2N2907  Two batches, two different lots  Dose rate 25krad/h = 6,94rad/sec  First batch:hFE ~200 => ~65 @75 krad  Second batch: hFE ~145 => ~50 @ 75krad

4 4IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Test & Assembly HVOC  Manufacturing flow  Adoption of Ir-LEDs to fit to the HV diode  Up-screening by external source  Assembly of Ir-LED with HV diode  Packing into housing

5 5IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Up-screening of HVOC  Screening and serialization performed by SACTEC  Procedure follows IEEE-INST-002 (EDI-IWF-PRO-0028)  Mechanical tests were excluded Ir-DiodeHV-Diode

6 6IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Selection of HVOC  Electrical characterisation  Five HV levels 1kV to 5kV  Seven current levels for Ir-LED (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25mA)  Detailed characterisation for selection (since FM3)  HV sweep from 0 to 5kV with 100V steps  Seven current levels for Ir-LED (1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25mA)

7 7IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Board Level Tests  Electrical Test  Board mounted onto dedicated test adapter with spring loaded electrical contacts  Standard BLT uses in- and output pins only  Additional test points in case detailed measurements necessary  Pre-defined step procedures  Test is performed semi-automatically  Scripts control stimuli and read-out  Scripts for generation of graphs

8 8IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Board Level Test DEFL1  Functional Test  Supply current  REF voltage to HV controller (D2, D3, D6, D7)  Sweep input from 0 to 3.5V  Trimming in case deviation is larger than 0.2%  Sweep repeated in case of trimming  Check of resistor ring (generation of REF voltages)  Thermal Test  Ambient pressure, -20°C... 70°C  Recording of HV output, HK values and supply currents  Report  EDI-IWF-REP-0264

9 9IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results for DEFL1  HV Outputs  Deflection D2: 0/+3000V => 0/+2998V  Deflection D3 : 0/+3000V => 0/+3004V  Deflection D6 : 0/+3000V => 0/+3006V  Deflection D7 : 0/+3005V => 0/+2997V  Inputs to HV Controller  Deflection D2:998.6V => 997V2501.4V => 2497V  Deflection D3:998.6V => 998V2501.4V => 2503V  Deflection D6:998.6V => 999V2501.4V => 2505V  Deflection D7:998.6V => 996V2501.4V => 2498V

10 10IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Board Level Test DEFL2  Functional Test  Supply current  REF voltage to HV controller (D1, D4, D5, D8)  Sweep input from 0 to 3.5V  Trimming in case deviation is larger than 0.2%  Sweep repeated in case of trimming  Check of resistor ring (generation of REF voltages)  Check of HK multiplexer (test signal 3.5V)  Thermal Test  Ambient pressure, -20°C... 70°C  Recording of HV output, HK values and supply currents  Report  EDI-IWF-REP-0265

11 11IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results for DEFL2  HV Outputs  Deflection D1: 0/+3000V => 0/+3006V  Deflection D4 : 0/+3000V => 0/+3002V  Deflection D5 : 0/+3000V => 0/+3000V  Deflection D8 : 0/+3005V => 0/+3005V  Inputs to HV Controller  Deflection D1:998.6V => 999V2501.4V => 2505V  Deflection D4:998.6V => 999V2501.4V => 2502V  Deflection D5:998.6V => 997V2501.4V => 2500V  Deflection D8:998.6V => 999V2501.4V => 2504V

12 12IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Board Level Test OPT_DEFL  Functional Test  Supply current  REF voltage to HV controller (UD, UI)  Sweep input from 0 to 3.5V  Trimming in case deviation is larger than 0.2%  Sweep repeated in case of trimming  Check of HK multiplexer (test signal 3.5V)  Calibration of temperature sensor  Thermal Test  Ambient pressure, -20°C... 70°C  Recording of HV output, HK values and supply currents  Report  EDI-IWF-REP-0266

13 13IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results for OPT_DEFL  HV Outputs  U_Deflector:0/+3000V => -1/+3007V  U_Injector:0/+2000V => 0/+2000V

14 14IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Board Level Test BEAM  Functional Test  Supply current  REF voltage to HV controller (Anode, Focus, Cathode)  Sweep input from -1.5 to 3.5V (range depends on channel)  Trimming in case deviation is larger than 0.2%  Sweep repeated in case of trimming  Timing measurement for chopper circuit  Report  EDI-IWF-REP-0263

15 15IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results for BEAM  HV Outputs  Anode: 0/+3000V => 0/+3001V  Focus: 0/-1500V => 0/-1501V  Cathode: 0/-1500V => 0/-1498V  Chopper  Delay: 20.7ns  Rise time: 2.0ns  Fall time: 2.9ns

16 16IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Gun Electronics Assembly (1)  Integration steps for gun electronics stack  Beam board with external harness/ Optics deflection board / HV FIL board  First intermediate electrical test  Resonance frequency of HV converter, cascade output voltages  Functional test of beam and optics deflection  Filament supply and Wehnelt driver  Deflection1 and deflection 2  Second intermediate electrical test  Check of external harness  Test of deflection system  Isolation test  Electric strength  Installation of deflection system

17 17IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Gun Electronics Assembly (2)  Functional test of gun electronics stack  Power consumption  All HV outputs: sweep from minimum to maximum Record output and housekeeping  Test of chopper signal Rise and fall time  Test of filament supply Filament voltage and housekeeping  Test of Wehnelt driver Voltage versus HK frequency  Derive Anode voltage for beam energy 1keV, 500eV and 250eV  Electrode settling time for all HV outputs

18 18IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results from Intermediate Tests  Functional test of gun electronics stack  Deviation of HV outputs  Deflection 2:max. -5V  Deflection 3:max. 8V  Deflection 6:max. 110V  Deflection 7:max. -5V  Deflection 1:max. 15V  Deflection 4:max. 10V  Deflection 5:max. 5V  Deflection 8:max. 38V  Anode: max. 5V  Cathode: max. 4V  Focus: max. 9V  Chopper signal Rise and fall time <10ns: Rise 2.13ns, fall 2.35ns  Electrode settling time: < 1ms, for all outputs except Cathode

19 19IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Gun Calibration  Preparation  Installation into chamber  Short functional test  Pumping after 2 hours OFF time  Preparation for Calibration  Adjustments for polar angle 0  Reference position for movable platform (centre of target)  Calibration 1keV, 500eV, 250eV  Focus adjustment (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 90°, 95° polar, every 30° azimuth)  Calibration of deflection system  Beam profile measurements (same position as focus adjustment)  Beam tests: Coding, beam split, maximum beam current

20 20IWF/ÖAW GRAZ Results from Calibration  Calibration table  XD, YD for every polar angle ( 2° steps, 1° steps for polar angle above 70°)  Corrected polar angle  Content of calibration report  Deviation from theoretical formula  Beam current versus polar angle  Spatial deviation from reference  Content of calibration table displayed in graphs  Beam profiles (2D and 3D graphs)  Results from beam test  Report  EDI-IWF-REP-0281 (0081)

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