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Introduction to Quantum Biology Are biologic systems quantum mechanical?

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Quantum Biology Are biologic systems quantum mechanical?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Quantum Biology Are biologic systems quantum mechanical?

2 The Question Are we classical or quantum mechanical? Classical; matter/one state/ certainty/space and time bound QM; wave/probability/ superposition of states/ uncertainty/ time and space are blurred

3 Classical/Quantum mechanical Cutoff Do large objects belong to classical physics? Does QM just govern small objects? What is small? Planck D. 1.6 * 10 -35 m

4 Is there a cut-off? In 2003, double slit experiments were done with the following molecule; fluorinated fullerenes C 60 F 48 Is there a cut-off? Where is the cut-off? Are we quantum mechanical as well?

5 Problems with Quantum Biology QM is observed under very cool temperature and in isolated conditions. One other property of QM is coherence Coherence is the correlation between physical quantities of a single wave, or between several waves. Quantum coherence is incredibly fleeting, measured in nano or micro seconds. It normally’ breaks down very rapidly At higher temperatures quantum coherence can’t be created at all

6 Biologic systems Biologic systems function in high temperature and made by many molecule structures. The biology we know is water dependant and functions very much in a connected environment. We are made of many atomic ingredients with strong coordination.

7 Life Forms and QM How can fragile quantum mechanical phenomena manage to survive in wet and warm biological systems? Nature seems to do it – continually. Recent studies have suggested nature’s use of quantum physics in photosynthesis, the sense of smell, and many other biological functions. How can it be?

8 Quantum Field Theory (QFT) To explain quantum mechanical effects in biologic systems we have to use QFT. QFT is the newest version of QM It simply describes the many particle systems in quantum terms.

9 Self-Propagating waves Not every wave is quantum mechanical Water waves are thermalized A soliton is a self-reinforcing solitary wave that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed

10 Micro-anatomy of Life Forms The cytoplasm is made of dense protein filaments surrounded by water molecules In 1979 Davydov found a solitary wave propagation along the chain of protein filaments. The wave is called Davydov soliton and it’s energy is kept free from thermalization.

11 Davidov Soliton Davydov soliton is an excitation propagating along the protein α- helix The origin of wave propagation is the collective mode of many bipolar oscillations of non-localized electrons trapped in a protein chain. Its frequency is about 10 12 /sec

12 Water Molecule The composition of a water molecule is two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (spatial geometry shown in image below). The water molecule shows a non-vanishing electric dipole moment, moving and rotating freely. Water is abundant in the body. So it can deliver quantum effect all over the body of living things. So living matter is made of dipolar soliton waves embedded in protein chain and water dipole moment Therefore, life forms in micro-scale can act quantum mechanically

13 Mutual Correlation in Life Forms Non-living matter can contain ingredient dipole moments as well. However each one is irrespective of neighboring ones; so they cancel each other out Living matter has a collective mode; the totality of their atomic ingredients have strong mutual correlation. Non-living matter goes towards thermal equilibration with maximum entropy Under the supply of energy, living matter decreases entropy and increases order (negantropy)

14 Quantum Field Theory (QFT) IN QFT, the energy stored in a soliton is kept free from thermalization and stored in a highly ordered fashion There is a strong mutual correlation between fundamental elements of living matter, which also requires to be studied within QFT domain

15 Quantum Tunneling When a particle does not have enough energy to pass a barrier, but passes through it anyway, it is called Quantum Tunneling.

16 Synapses Dendrites and axons of different neurons are not actually attached to each other. In higher magnification, there is a gap between the dendrites of different neurons that is about two hundred angstrom (2*10 -8 m) wide. These gaps are termed the synaptic cleft.

17 Quantum Tunnelling Electrons are thought to transfer the signal throughout the cleft and to the next neuron. However the released electron does not have enough kinetic energy to pass the gap. It’s energy is enough for only about seven angstroms’ trip. The electron must perform quantum tunneling to reach the next neuron.

18 Cell Membrane The cell membrane is made up of lipids and protein molecules. It is a double layered two dimensional membrane of lipid molecules packed by protein filaments Protein molecules act as active gates for ionic exchange across the membrane.

19 Classic Cell Membrane Theory Exchange of ions such as a sodium ion across an ionic channel is vital to cell survival However, a very intense electric field (10 7 V.m -1 ) prevents ion exchange. In addition, ions on one side of the membrane are bound to proteins and trapped there The barrier is completely impenetrable in “classical” terms.

20 Quantum Mechanical Membrane The Uncertainty Principle  E.  t ≥ h where  E represents a quantum fluctuation of energy occurring in the time interval  t Transfer of quantum object across the barrier takes about 5. 10 -14 s The energy variation surpasses the electric field energy

21 Quantum Brain Dynamics The action potential thesis with its ionic transfer fails in several respects... Brain functions are highly ordered and systematized. For example, memory is stored in non-localized region of the brain, is strongly- correlated and homogenous with long term stability.

22 Quantum Brain Dynamics Theory Brain is also made up of protein chains and water molecules The electric dipole field spans the spatial volume of the brain. The data field has a macroscopic order with long term stability and non-local presence In QFT, when all the electric dipole moments are aligned in the same direction up to the quantum fluctuation, this is called collective mode QBD answers the question of unity, memory storage and …..

23 Future Section Quantum mechanics can explain many unexplained functions in biologic systems. Some of them like photosynthesis can even be observed in macro-scales. In our Sept gathering Victor will take it from here to the more familiar functions of life forms in macroscopic scales.

24 The End Part One

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