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Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants

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1 Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants
Section 1: Introduction to Plant Reproduction Section 2: Flowers Section 3: Flowering Plants

2 Vascular Seed Producing Plants
Angiosperms “flower seed” Seeds contained within fruit Gymnosperms “naked seed” Seeds within cones

3 Angiosperms Produce flowers, pollen, fruit Seed enclosed in fruit
Fruit: Ripened part of the plant where seeds are formed More than ½ of all known plant species are Angiosperms 2 types: Monocots & Dichots


5 Monocots Have one cotyledon: food storage organ of seed
Plants have parallel veins in leaves Vascular bundles are scattered in stems Netlike roots Flower parts in multiples of 3 Seed sprouts 1 leaf Ex: grasses, lilies, corn

6 Dicots Have 2 cotyledons Netlike veins in leaves
Vascular bundles in a circle inside stem Taproots: anchor firmly in ground Flower parts in multiples of 4 or 5 Seed sprouts 2 leaves Ex: oak, holly, daisies & roses

7 Gymnosperms Non-flowering seed plants Ex: Conifers
Seeds are within cones Seeds found on scales of cone Shallow roots Male cone produces pollen Female cone produces seeds Female cone Male cone


9 Conifer Reproduction and Life Cycle
Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants 23.1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction Conifer Reproduction and Life Cycle Conifers produce two types of spores that develop into male and female groups.

10 At the base of a female cone are two ovules.
Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants 23.1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction Female Cones At the base of a female cone are two ovules. Each ovule has a produces megaspores that develop in to the female gametophyte.

11 Each male cone contains hundreds of sporangia.
Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants 23.1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction Male Cones Each male cone contains hundreds of sporangia. The male gametophyte produces sperm, or pollen grains.

12 Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants 23.1 Introduction to Plant Reproduction Pollination Pollination occurs when the pollen grain from a male plant lands on the female reproductive structure.

13 Pollination

14 Pollination Mechanisms
Chapter 23 Reproduction in Plants 23.2 Flowers Pollination Mechanisms Flower adaptations that relate to pollination include flower size, shape, color, and petal arrangements. Animal pollination Wind pollination Self pollination

15 Flower Structure Petals: colored portion of flower
Sepals: outermost portion of flower

16 Female Parts: Pistil stigma: sticky top of pistil for pollen to be deposited style: stalk connecting stigma to ovary ovary: contains ovule, where eggs are found ovule: will become seeds if fertilized

17 Male Parts: Stamen Anther: Produces pollen grains.
Filament: stem-like structure that supports the anther.

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