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Imperfect Fungi By: Frank Dieguez & David. Type of organism In the fungi kingdom it is divided into 4 groups one of them being imperfect fungi A Type.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperfect Fungi By: Frank Dieguez & David. Type of organism In the fungi kingdom it is divided into 4 groups one of them being imperfect fungi A Type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperfect Fungi By: Frank Dieguez & David

2 Type of organism In the fungi kingdom it is divided into 4 groups one of them being imperfect fungi A Type of fungi are Trichophyton which causes athletes foot Penicillium which gives us penicillin it helps by getting rid of ear infections and others Candida ablicans which causes yeast infections

3 Fungi Types Trichophyton Penicillium Candida ablicans

4 Structure The body made up of most fungi are colorless threads that are called Hyphae which they will have so many tangled up it makes up a Mycelium Cell walls found in fungi are made up of chitin

5 Life Cycle Imperfect fungi are mainly called imperfect because scientist have not found a sexual stage so they have non so far They have believed that their sexual phase was lost during a course in evolution And for their nutrition they decompose

6 Human uses Penicillium is a type of fungi that’s has helped us produce a antibiotic called penicillin Alex Fleming a Scottish scientist around 1923 had discovered penicillin Penicillin were the first drug that would help serious disease A negative affect is it can cause yeast infections

7 Human Effects Trichophyton rubrum is a fungi that causes athletes feet Athletes feet is a skin infection that include scaling, flaking and itch There is Candida ablicans which causes yeast infections Yeast infections is an infection on the genitalia or mouth

8 Infections Athletes foot mouth yeast infections

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