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Complexity of Games & Puzzles [Demaine, Hearn & many others] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect.

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Presentation on theme: "Complexity of Games & Puzzles [Demaine, Hearn & many others] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Complexity of Games & Puzzles [Demaine, Hearn & many others] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect info NP PSPACE EXPTIME P Undecidable NEXPTIME PSPACE Rengo Kriegspiel? bridge?

2 Constraint Logic [Hearn & Demaine 2009] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect info PSPACE EXPTIME P Undecidable NEXPTIME PSPACE NP PSPACE

3 Constraint Graphs Machine = graph, red & blue edges

4 Constraint Graphs Machine state = orientation constraint graph

5 Constraint Logic = 1 = 2 Rule: at least 2 units incoming at a vertex 11 2 Move: reverse an edge, preserving Rule

6 AND vertex Rule: at least 2 units incoming at a vertex 11 11 2 TT TF FFTT not your usual AND gate! inputs output

7 SPLIT vertex Rule: at least 2 units incoming at a vertex 11 1 2 FF FT TTF outputs input

8 OR vertex Rule: at least 2 units incoming at a vertex 22 22 2 TT TF FFTT not your usual OR gate! inputs output T

9 Decision Problem can you reverse this edge?

10 Constraint Logic [Hearn & Demaine 2009] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect info PSPACE EXPTIME P Undecidable NEXPTIME PSPACE NP PSPACE

11 Decision Problem can you reverse this edge? Theorem: PSPACE-complete

12 Sliding-Block Puzzles

13 Sliding-Block Puzzles [Hearn & Demaine 2002] Corollary: PSPACE-complete

14 Sliding-Block Puzzles [Hearn & Demaine 2002] Corollary: PSPACE-complete

15 Wiring Vertices Together AND OR 1 2 AND wants red OR wants blue

16 Red-Blue Conversion assume an even number of conversions

17 Red-Blue Conversion assume an even number of conversions

18 Boolean Formulas

19 Quantified Boolean Formulas (QBF) xxyywwzz

20 Existential Quantifier

21 Universal Quantifier

22 Latch A B lockedun

23 Universal Quantifier

24 Crossover Gadget

25 OR from Protector OR

26 Rush Hour [Hearn & Demaine 2002] PSPACE-completeness known [Flake & Baum 2002]

27 Triangular Rush Hour [Hearn & Demaine 2009]

28 Open: 1×1 Rush Hour [Tromp & Cilibrasi 2008]  P or PSPACE-complete or …?

29 Plank Puzzles [Hearn 2004]

30 Sokoban [Hearn & Demaine 2002] PSPACE-completeness known [Culberson 1998]

31 Push-2F [Demaine, Hearn, Hoffmann 2002]

32 Constraint Logic [Hearn & Demaine 2009] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect info PSPACE EXPTIME P Undecidable NEXPTIME PSPACE NP PSPACE

33 Constraint Logic [Hearn & Demaine 2009] bounded unbounded 0 players (simulation) 1 player (puzzle) 2 players (game) team, imperfect info PSPACE EXPTIME P Undecidable NEXPTIME PSPACE NP PSPACE

34 Amazons [Hearn 2005] fanout

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