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Trojan War Imperfect Tense. Action in the past which is incomplete, habitual, or continuing.

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Presentation on theme: "Trojan War Imperfect Tense. Action in the past which is incomplete, habitual, or continuing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trojan War Imperfect Tense

2 Action in the past which is incomplete, habitual, or continuing

3  Happens over a ___________________  Active means the subject ________________  Translation _____________________________  _____ I was_________ we were  _____ you were _________ you pl were  ______ h/she, it was _______ they were

4  Happens over a time period in the past ◦ Habitual or continuous in the past instead of a one- time, finished action ◦ I was driving to the mountains.  Was driving refers to the process of being in the car for three hours.  Active means the subject does the verb  Translations: was/were, used to, began to, kept on

5  Bam I wasbamus we were  Bas you were batis you pl were  Bat h/she, it was bant they were

6  Bam Bas Bat (Unus Remix) -- Imperfect Tense Latin Verb Ending  LJCL: Lady BaBa and the Imperfect Tense  The Imperfect Indicative Review Song  Latin Imperfect Tense Endings 

7  For most verbs, start with the infinitive (re) ◦ Remove the “re” ◦ Add the endings ◦ Necabam, necabas, necabat, necabamus, necabatis, necabant

8  Translate.  1. pugnabamus  2. navigabas  3. petebat  4. obsidebant  5. bellum gerebatis  6. pugnabatis  7. necabant  8. pugnabas

9  Make the Latin word to translate the phrase.  1. I was fighting  2. they began to kil  3. they kept on killing  4. you were attacking  5. I used to sail  6. he was sailing  7. you pl. kept on attacking  8. we were killing

10  Translate.  1. Graeci pugnabant extra muros.  2. Achilles erat Graecus.  3. Achilles Troianos necabat.  4. Aeneas non poterat necare Helenam.  5. Graeci multos annos bellum gerebant.

11  Happens __________________________  Passive means the subject __________________  Translation ______________________________________________ ___________________  _____ I was being -ed_______we were being --ed  _____ you were being -ed _______ you pl were being -ed  _____ h/she, it was ________ they were being –ed being ---ed 

12  Happens over a time period in the past  Passive means the subject does not do the verb  Translation: was/were being –ed, used to be –ed, began to be –ed, kept on being -- ed

13  Bar I was being -ed bamur we were being - -ed  Baris you were being -ed bamini you pl were being -ed  Batur h/she, it was bantur they being –ed were being --ed 

14  Translate.  1. pugnabamur  2. obsedebaris  3. petebatur  4. obsidebantur  5. videbar

15  1. mitte_________ they were being sent  2. duce__________ we were being led  3. pete__________ you were being sought  4. rege__________ he was being ruled  5. naviga _________ the boat was being sailed

16 Sum, possum become eram, poteram

17  ________________________ ◦ I was  ________________________ ◦ You were  __________________________ ◦ He, she, it was  ________________________ ◦ We were ________________________ you pl. were ___________________________ they were

18  ___eram_____________________ ◦ I was  ___eras_____________________ ◦ You were  ___erat_______________________ ◦ He, she, it was  ___eramus_____________________ ◦ We were _____eratis___________________ you pl. were _____erant______________________ they were

19  ________________________ ◦ I was able  _________________________ ◦ You were able  _________________________ ◦ He, she, it was able  _________________________ ◦ We were able ____________________________ you pl. were able ____________________________ they were able

20  _____poteram___________________ ◦ I was able  ______poteras___________________ ◦ You were able  ______poterat___________________ ◦ He, she, it was able  ______poteramus___________________ ◦ We were able ________poteratis____________________ you pl. were able ________poterant____________________ they were able

21  Carefully translate each sentence below.  1. Milites mittebantur ad Troiam.  2. Graeci reges milites ducebant.  3. Muri Troiae erant magni.  4. Urbs Troiae est in Asiā.  5. Naves poterant facere iter ad Troiam.  6. Troia a Graecis obsidebatur.  7. Milites Graecorum et Troianorum pugnabant.

22  Erat crudelis nox Troianis. Contra Graecos in bello diu pugnabant sed Graeci Troianos poterant non vincere in proelio sed dolo.  Nunc Graeci intra muros Troiae oppugnabant. Ligneo equo Graeci Troianos vinciebant.  Troia ardebat! ◦ Crudelis/cruel; contra/against; diu/for a long time; dolo/by a trick; intra/within; ligneo/wooden; ardebat/burn

23  1. When does the story take place? ◦ A. ◦ B.  2. What has been happening for a long time? ◦ A ◦ B.  3. What was changing? ◦ A. ◦ B.

24  4. How were the Greeks winning? ◦ A. ◦ B.  5. Where are the Greeks? ◦ A. ◦ B.  6. What is the condition of Troy? ◦ A. ◦ B.

25  Necesse erat Aeneae discedere ex urbe. Volebat pugnare Graecos; etiam volebat necare Helenam sed Hectoris umbra et Venus sua mater Troiano duci dicebant veritatem de Troiā. Nemo Troiam servare poterat.  Quoque dicebant verba oraculi :  “Aeneas aedificabit novam urbem cum populis qui e Troiā discedent,” dei dicunt. ◦ Discedere/leave;volebat/was wanting; umbra/ghost; sua/his; veritatem/truth; nemo/no one; verba oraculi/ a prophesy; aedificabit/will build/ novam/new; populis/people; discedent/will leave

26  7. What is necessary? ◦ A. ◦ B.  8. What does he want to do? ◦ A. ◦ B  9. Who tells him the truth? ◦ A. ◦ B.

27 10. What is the truth? a. B. 11.What else do they tell him? a. b.

28  Autem pater Anchises nolebat exire. Aeneas non poterat exire sine patre.  Anchises suo filio dicebat, “ Necesse est tibi discedere ex urbe cum tuā feminā et filio. Discede me in Troiā. Ego volo manēre in meo domo. Exspectabo signa deorum.” ◦ Autem/however; nolebat/not want; sine/without; suo/his; discedere/leave; discede me/ leave me; ◦ Volo/ want; exspectabo/I will wait; signum/sign

29  11. Why can Aeneas not leave? ◦ A. ◦ B.  12. What does Anchises tell him to do? ◦ A. ◦ b  13. What does Anchises want to do? ◦ A. ◦ B.  14. Why is he waiting? ◦ A ◦ B.

30  Aeneas respondet, “ Necesse est nobis omnibus exire ex urbe. Portabo te, ducam meum filium, tu portabis lares et penates (household gods). Creusa poterit ambulare nobiscum. Possumus non manēre in urbe Troiae.” ◦ Omnibus/all; portabo/I will carry; te/you; ducam/I will lead; tu portabis/ you will carry; lares at penate/household gods; poterit/ will be able; nobiscum/with us

31  15. What is necessary for all? ◦ A. ◦ B.  16. What will he do for Anchises? ◦ A. ◦ B.  17. What will he do for Ascanius? ◦ A. ◦ B.

32  18. What will Anchises do? ◦ A. ◦ B.  19. What does he believe Creusa will do? ◦ A. ◦ B.  20. What does he finally say? ◦ A. ◦ B.

33  Step one: List all the imperfect tense verbs in the passage. You can underline them first. If a verb appears more than once, you do not have to repeat it.  Step Two: translate each verb with the correct pronoun subject  E.g. Pugnabant they were fighting.  Step Three: Convert the active verbs to passive by changing the ending but keeping the same subject. Translate the passive.  “erat” and “poterat” cannot be passive. ◦ E.g. Pugnabant they were fighting pugnabantur they were being fought

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