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Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless Simple Ethnography Immersing yourself “in the field” at the feet of people with local, contextual expertise. Looking.

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Presentation on theme: "Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless Simple Ethnography Immersing yourself “in the field” at the feet of people with local, contextual expertise. Looking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless Simple Ethnography Immersing yourself “in the field” at the feet of people with local, contextual expertise. Looking Look; don’t think or talk! Trying Show me? Do I have it right? Asking Why? 5X, How? 5X. Shadowing Draw the Experience Still-Photo Survey A Day In The Life Adapted from the Innovation Learning Network

2 Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless Aesthetics To Guide You Insight comes from inconspicuous often overlooked details * Beauty can be coaxed out of messiness Focus on the intrinsic qualities; ignore material or technological hierarchy Look for what is irregular, intimate, unpretentious Look for comfort with ambiguity Don’t ignore what is imperfect, crude or impermanent * Paradoxically, you may be able to enhance your “aesthetic noticing” by cutting off one or more of your senses (e.g., earplugs, closing your eyes). [] Chris, KP medications [] Walt, MRSA rounding [] Sherry, isolation rooms [] Jasper, art w/ gowns [] Misha, attending to spiritual needs

3 Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless Models for Collaborative Design Generate & Sift Ideas 1-2-4-All Generate & Sift Ideas 1-2-4-All Build Out Key Ideas in Chunks Prototyping Build Out Key Ideas in Chunks Prototyping Combine & Trial Prototypes Enactment Combine & Trial Prototypes Enactment Scale Up Success Game Planning Scale Up Success Game Planning Evaluate Rigorously Feedback Evaluate Rigorously Feedback Collect In-The-Field Observations Collect In-The-Field Observations Start Here Write up narratives

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