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The Lord of Life Vision We live in a troubled world.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lord of Life Vision We live in a troubled world."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lord of Life Vision We live in a troubled world.

2 The Lord of Life Vision We cannot get rid of the problems of this world, but we can help you experience the power of God in the midst of them.

3 The Lord of Life Vision We are a fellowship of imperfect people who have found forgiveness and power for life in Jesus Christ.

4 The Lord of Life Vision Our vision is people experiencing the fullness of life that God wants for us.

5 The Lord of Life Vision We would like to share with you the Good News of God’s Love that can change lives!

6 The Lord of Life Vision Freedom from guilt Freedom from shame Freedom from fear Forgiveness for past mistakes and failures

7 The Lord of Life Vision Experience God’s love and forgiveness Receive power from the Holy Spirit to change Gain hope for the future, for tomorrow and for eternity

8 The Lord of Life Vision Visit us and find out what it is like! A warm welcome! Dynamic worship! Messages that strengthen your family! Power for daily life!

9 The Lord of Life Vision Lord of Life Where Jesus is the Lord of our life Contemporary service and music at 8:30 Traditional service and hymns at 10:45

10 The Lord of Life Vision Located on Mt. Zion Road just off Exit 228 on I-75 or Exit 1 on 675 Lord of Life Where Jesus is the Lord of our life We look forward to having you visit us.

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