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How Was Your Vacation? It was…. Why? I… I went to… I visited my… I stayed at home.

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Presentation on theme: "How Was Your Vacation? It was…. Why? I… I went to… I visited my… I stayed at home."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Was Your Vacation? It was…

2 Why? I… I went to… I visited my… I stayed at home.

3 How Was Your weekend? It was…

4 Why? I… I went to… I visited my… I stayed at home.

5 How Was Your Day? It was…

6 Why? I… I went to… I visited my… I stayed at home.

7 Let’s play the “Pass the ball” game… 1. Listen to the music. 2. Pass the 2 balls around until the music stops. 3. Stand up if you have the ball. 4. The person standing says: “How was your vacation?” Group repeats. 5. The other person standing says: “It was…” (fantastic/great/boring/terrible/okay) Group repeats. 6. Swap groups.

8 Let’s practice talking about our vacation with a dialogue…


10 Jo Kwon: Hi Hyori, How are you? Hyori: Hey Jo Kwon, I’m great! How was your vacation? Jo Kwon: It was fantastic! Hyori: Why? Jo Kown: I went to Cape Town. It was beautiful. Hyori: That sounds great. Jo Kwon: How was your summer vacation? Hyori: It was boring. Jo Kwon: Oh no! Why? Hyori: I stayed at home!

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