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WEB JOHN WYNDHAM Group 6 Introduction- about the author John Wyndham was born in a village in Warwickshire, in the middle of England.

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3 Introduction- about the author John Wyndham was born in a village in Warwickshire, in the middle of England. After leaving school he tried jobs, including farming and advertising, before he turned to writing. He had little success until he began to write imaginative science stories like his hero, H. G. Wells. He sent these to American magazines and sold his first story to Wonder Stories in 1931.

4 Introduction- about the characters Arnold the author himself. Losing his family all in a accident makes him feel empty both heart and mind. And he decided to join the project Camilla a biologist, who is interested in the project. Walter Tirrie better known for his writing as a journalist, and he often suggested bold solutions to social problems. Lord Foxfield He is an individualist who wished to be remembered for leading important social change. Naeta son of Nokiki, explains the history of the island and the origin of the curse and their sisters.

5 Chapters 1-3 Arnold Delgrange met Walter in his sister’s dinner party. Walter and Lord leaded the original idea for the Project. When Arnold first heard the Project, he was excited. Then he became a part of the original group. After Lord had bought the island called Tanakuatua. The newspapers have begun writing about the Project, and people who were attracted by the Project. Before they got Tanakuatua, they stayed on Uijanji. And they have heard that there was a curse on the place.

6 Chapters 4-6 After working for six days, the group wanted to take a rest. Some decided to climb the mountain. But Arnold, Camilla and other three people went round the coast by boat. When they landed, a terrible thing happened! Hundreds of spiders fell on David from the trees. He was dead. In addition, those who went to the mountain also died of the spiders. Arnold and Camilla volunteered to observe the spiders and tried to understand them more. They not only met a lot of spiders but also became the prisoners of the islanders.

7 Chapters 7-9 Islanders didn’t kill Arnold and Camilla. At night, they went to get warn by the fire that the two islanders had built. The man with the spider on his chest decided to tell the story. All people died, only Arnold and Camilla had been rescued. The army interviewed them, but it was difficult to explain what really had happened. Everyone thought they were slightly mad. In the end, Lord Foxfiled was given his money back for the island itself. There were, they were told, no longer any signs of life on Tanakuatua.

8 After reading by 寶妮 It's obvious that the author wants to tell us about what human beings have done has caused damage to the environment. From telling story, he also tries to let us know how terrible it could be if human don’t use the modern technology well.

9 After reading by 克宜 At first when I got the novel, I thought it’s maybe a story about the Internet, because of it named “Web”. But I was wrong; it was an interesting story I have ever read. The project of building a new society in Tanatuatua was really a good idea to let people live in a free life. But because they didn’t know the island so much, so they didn’t know the danger in Tanakuatua. The chapter, which impressed me most, was that Naeta, son of Nokiki, told Arnold and Comilla the whole history about the Tanakuatua and Nakiki’s town..

10 After reading by 佳穎 I think the novel is terrible but exciting. The realistically depictions make me feel just like see a movie. Talented people of all races could think and work without worrying about financial, political or other problems. How beautiful an Eden! What inspires me most is that the islanders’ believes to defend their island, their home. So much indigenous people are forced to leave their land in the world in order to satisfied people’s desire who have the power and wealth. We are not God, we must keep the respectful mind to everything we unknown.

11 After reading by 岳珊 After reading the novel, I feel the spiders are so terrible that I could not sleep well in the night. In the story, the main cause of their deaths resulted from the islanders’ help, and the islanders’ hate resulted in the white men’s invading. To put it differently, it is people that making all mistakes. Eventually, I find an interesting idea about the story: the spiders cooperate with each other, spread all places, and killed almost all animals in order to live. Their behaves are much similar to human beings, and it is another thing I learned from the story.

12 The End

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