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WHAT IS A COGNATE? A word in two languages that is similar in meaning and most of the time similar in spelling too.
How do cognates help you learn another language?
Cognates help you to build your vocabulary. Improve your reading skills. Improve your listening and reading comprehension. Help you to understand a conversation.
CATEGORIES There are different categories of cognates.
I divided them into sixteen categories. Sometimes you need to make slightly changes in spelling to translate your words into Spanish. You will see how many words you already know in Spanish. You are going be amazed!
CATEGORY I The first and easiest category is made up of words that end in OR. These words are most of the time identical in English and Spanish. INGLES ESPAÑOL The doctor The actor The interior El doctor El actor El interior
CATEGORY II There is also a category of words that end in AL, these words are also most of the time identical. INGLES ESPAÑOL Animal Animal Musical músical Rural rural Special especial Legal legal
CATEGORY III In this category the words end in BLE. These are also identical in Spanish and English. INGLES ESPAÑOL Cable Cable Possible posible Flexible flexible Visible visible Horrible horrible Terrible terrible Note that these words are stress on the next to the last syllabe.
CATEGORY IV These category is made up of words that end in
IC in English. To change them in to Spanish you add “O” INGLES ESPAÑOL Public Público Atlantic Atlántico Artistic Artístico Democratic democrático For excellent pronunciation stress the syllable with the written accent mark.
CATEGORY V These category is made up of words that end in
TOR in English. To change them in to Spanish you change “TOR” for “DOR” INGLES ESPAÑOL Acelerator Acelerador Generator Generador Educator Educador Dictator Dictador
CATEGORY VI President presidente Excellent excelente
Another large category is made up of words that end in “ENT” or “ANT” If you simply add and “E” to these word, they instantly become Spanish words. INGLES ENT ESPAÑOL President presidente Excellent excelente Intelligent inteligente Different diferente These words are accented on the next to the last syllable. Example: inteli-GEN-te
ANT INGLES ESPAÑOL Important Importante Elephant elefante
Consonant consonante Restaurant restaurante Significant significante Abundant abundante
CATEGORY VII Some words that end in “IST” in English are very easy to convert into Spanish, you just need to add an “A” to them. INGLES ESPAÑOL Pianist Pianista Capitalist capitalista Artist artista Optimist optimista Novelist novelista Oculist oculista
CATEGORY VIII It is very easy to convert adjectives that end in “OUS” in English into Spanish. You just need to change the ending to “OSO” INGLES ESPAÑOL Furious furioso Famous famoso Religious religioso Ambitious ambicioso Curious curioso
CATEGORY IX Words that end in “TION” are translate into Spanish with the ending “CION.” T changes to C INGLES ESPAÑOL Civilization civilización Constitution constitución Generation generación Invitation invitación Institution institución Construction construcción
CATEGORY X You can convert many English words that end in “TY” into Spanish by changing the “TY” to “DAD”. INGLES ESPAÑOL Curiosity curiosidad Electricity electricidad City ciudad Personality personalidad Variety variedad Community comunidad Humanity humanidad
CATEGORY XI You can convert many English words that end in “RY” into Spanish by changing the “RY” to “RIO”. INGLES ESPAÑOL Adversary adversario Anniversary Aniversario Dictionary Diccionario Salary salario Laboratory laboratorio Literary literario Voluntary Voluntario
CATEGORY XII You can convert many English words that end in “EM,’’ AM, OM into Spanish by adding the letter A. INGLES ESPAÑOL Program programa telegram telegrama diagram Diagrama system sistema Problem problema
CATEGORY XIII You can convert many English words that end in “CE” into Spanish by changing CE to CIA. INGLES ESPAÑOL Independence Indepenencia Indifference Indiferencia Exprerience Experiencia France Francia
CATEGORY XIV You can convert many English words that end in “CE” into Spanish by changing CY to CIA. INGLES ESPAÑOL Democracy Democracia Emergency Emergencia Urgency Urgencia
CATEGORY XV Some words that end in “IN” or “INE” in English end in “INA” in Spanish. INGLES ESPAÑOL Medicine Medicina Discipline Disciplina Gasoline Gasolina Doctrine Doctrina Routine Routina
CATEGORY XVI Activo Atractivo Efectivo
Some words that end in “IVE” in English end in “IVO” in Spanish. INGLES ESPAÑOL Active attractive effective Activo Atractivo Efectivo
CATEGORY XVII Some words that end in “CAL” in English end in “CO” in Spanish. INGLES ESPAÑOL Identical idéntico Economical Económico Technical Técnico Practical Práctico
You are going to design a WORD WALL on the wall outside the classroom. Find at least 10 words according to the category the teacher is going to assign you. Make a nice, neat and colorful poster of your word. (10 PER GROUP) USING WHITE POSTER BOARD. One group will be in charge also of making a nice title for the wall. IT CAN BE GUESS INGLES OR ESPANOL? FIND THE WORD.
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